Help me become a real CRAZY FUNDIE ATHEIST parent!

by bohm 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyberjesus

    i like fondue and I am atheist.

  • Mad Dawg
    Mad Dawg

    Bohm said:

    The second is scaring kids with pictures of abortions in order to serve an agenda. I think the last part is wrong because i think children should be shielded from such images.

    I agree 100%. You asked what you could do that would be the equivalent of what religious nuts do, and I offered some suggestions. As I said, it is not about me.

  • bohm

    Mad Dawg: But at the end of the day, I could also speculate that some "fundie christians" might crucify their children to show them what christ went through, but thats hardly very on-topic either since to the best of my knowledge no christians actually do that, and it would only reflect my rather sick imagination and prejustice!!! .

  • Nickolas

    Allow your children to be children.

    Let them believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and God. Leave out milk and cookies on Christmas eve, hide chocolate eggs around the house once a year, exchange their freshly shed baby teeth for quarters under their pillows and let them pray for Jesus to keep their souls safe when they go to bed. Then, when they are old enough to process the information, around 7 or 8, let them know it was all make believe.

  • tec

    I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, Nick. Taking away all of that at 7 or 8 would be devastating to a child.


  • tec

    Besides, kids usually figure out what's make believe for themselves. The only thing they keep (most of them) is the belief in Christ and God, because that isn't something their parents told them AS make believe.


  • Nickolas

    I was the third of four kids and my elder sibs let the cat out of the bag when I was around that age. I was assured that I'd still get presents, chocolate eggs and money under my pillow, so I was completely ok with it. Unfortunately, my dad didn't tell me about there not being a God until I was in my 20's and already studying the Bible with the Witnesses. He admitted to himself, and to me, many years later that he had screwed up, but was deferring to my Roman Catholic mother and marital bliss. Would I have preferred to have been told as a child that God was as real as those other three characters? No, not really, Tammy. Because then I just might have become a fundy atheist who, like fundy Christians, believe what they believe only because their parents have told them to believe it. It was far, far better for me to have learned the truth on my own.

  • Mad Dawg
    Mad Dawg

    Bohm said:

    Mad Dawg: But at the end of the day, I could also speculate that some "fundie christians" might crucify their children to show them what christ went through, but thats hardly very on-topic either since to the best of my knowledge no christians actually do that, and it would only reflect my rather sick imagination and prejustice!!!

    What is your problem? I agreed with you 100%, without reservation, in my last post. If somehting doesn't apply why not say so and move on? Why are you still harping on it?

  • caliber
    Let them believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and God...

    As one father said "It's far easier for me to introduce Barney to my kids than to mention God. I would like to believe, but I have profound doubts. Since I have no real belief in Barney, there's no source of conflict. But when it comes to talking about God, I feel like a hypocrite."

    Why could this father not excuse God like Barney but felt like a hypocrite? .. because I believe there is profound difference built deep into our psyche when comparing Santa, Easter Bunny and God. It's like the furnace has went out but there is still a pilot light on , it is difficult to bring ourself to blowing it out like some birthday candle !

    Sorry I'm off topic but I'm just following the leaders ...I'm thinking the topic has run it's course anyway

  • tec

    Caliber - because God means something real and the rest don't. Every adult knows that the Easter Bunny, Santa, etc are made up, because we made them up. But no adult knows that about God. Because no one just made Him up to make themselves feel better. People can argue His existence all they like, but He was (ancient times) and is truly believed in.


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