They keep pushing and pushing for the rank and file to do more and more. Dec 15 WT

by life is to short 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    They are causing mental problems by pushing and pushing the ones in to do more and more and more.

    The Dec 15th WT on page 7 says

    "You have a document that needs a certain person's attention by the end of the day. What do you do? You mare it URGENT! You are on your way to an important appointment but you are late. What do you do? You tell the driver, "Please hurry; it's URGENT! Yes, when you have a task that must get done and time is running out, you feel tense and excited. Your adrenaline begins to flow, and you work as fast and as ahrd as you can. that is urgency! 2 for Christians today, nothing is more urgent than the preaching the good new of the kingdom and making disciples of people of all nations. Quoting Jesus, the disciple Mark wrote that this work must be done "first" that is, before the end comes. That, of course, is the way it should be. Jesus said: "The harvest is great, but the workers are few." A harvest cannot wait; it must be brought in before the season is over. 3 Because the preaching work is of such importance to us, it deserves our giving it much of our time, energy, and attention as possible. Commendably, many are doing just that. Some have simplified their personal affairs so as to take up the full-time ministry as pioneers or missionaries or to serve at one of the Bethel homes around the world. Their life is very busy. They have made many sacrifices, and they have many challenges to meet. Yet they are richly blessed by Jehovah. We are happy for them. Other, while unable to join the ranks of full-time proclaimer, devote as much time as possible to this live saving work, which includes helping our children to get saved. 4 As we have seen, as sense of urgency is usually connected with a time limit, a deadline, an end. We are living in the time of the end, there is plenty of evidence-both Scriptural and historical-to prove that."

    The WT then goes on about how we need to "maintain a sense of urgency."

    No wonder there is so much depression and mental illness. You cannot keep doing this for years and years and years without break downs from people, I my self gave and gave and gave it was never enough. Just like Leavingwt's post on the Utube you just cannot do this to people and call it love.


  • elderelite

    hmmmmm..... plenty of "historical" evidance.... hmmmmm I wonder if thats an opening that could be exploited....

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Sorry for the misspelling of some of the words I was typing to fast.


  • sir82

    Yep, they keep beating the horse until it foams at the mouth and collapses.

    Then they wonder "Why?"

  • jookbeard

    it's all about cash, no other reason.

  • bohm

    sir82: or more likely, after its dead, they stand around its body feeling slightly uncomfortable with the idea it might have gotten away, "is it really allowed to do this?"

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    I read the Dec 15 WT paragraph. This cult will never give it up. More pressure on the R&F to do more, do more because the end is coming. This religion is run so much like a business it's scary. The sense that no matter how good you did was never enough can really drain a person over the years. I would work 40+ hrs a week, do all the family stuff, many meeting parts, at least 1 public talk a month (sometimes 2), many times would do meeting parts & public talks at the last minute, then would avg. double the pub avg, several studies and aux pioneer a couple times a year. Would give lots of money also, but nothing was never good enough for this cult. I could see how many ones who have continued in the cult all these years having mental problems.

    Think About It

  • exwhyzee

    If getting the word out is so urgent....why is so much time spent going door to door when one television broadcast/commercial would reach millions around the globe ? The word would be spread world wide in a matter of minutes. Even a simple announcement via television, explaining the message JW's are spreading would be a headstart toward the householders understanding of what those poeple at their front dour are saying. The preaching work in Bible times was considered "Urgent" but spreading it door to door was the only way they could do it. Why is it still being done this way?

    Perhaps if the preaching work got completed (spread around the world) too quickly and the end still didn't come...they would have nothing left to do and no way of explainig (again) why Armegeddon didn't arrive. In the past they apparently thought the preaching work was complete enough because it was thought that Armegeddon would come before 1975.

    If the time is so urgent, why do the Elders and others in the Congregation I attended, regularly take Cruises or several vacations per year rather than spend their time off work in the ministry. Will they be "blood guilty" for this? Shouldn't the Elders be required to demonstrate the urgency to the flock by spending any free time they have, including vacation time, in the ministry?

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    They are causing mental problems by pushing and pushing the ones in to do more and more and more.

    I disagree, though certainly I am not a fan of the WTBTS. This relates back nicely to the sad article from Armenia where the son killed his parents and the quote from the psychologist about people who have a dependency on others.

    I think the causal link is reversed. I don't think being a JW causes mental illness; I think those with mental issues seek out and are susceptible to authoritarian religions such as JWs. That's a hard pill to swallow because it requires introspection, especially if one was not born into JWs. That requires that people look inside to see what deficiency they have that allowed them to be manipulated in such a manner...when they had/have the keys to their freedom at all times.

  • OnTheWayOut
    A harvest cannot wait; it must be brought in before the season is over.

    Well, this particular season is only going on like what... 120 years already? Plus, people are better off ignorant of the 'good news' and being judged on their own merits without that knowledge. What a crock this religion is.

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