Generation Teaching - Everyone is speechless?

by Red Piller 443 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasblind

    " In 1975 the org decided to then take some action - purely as damage control."

    and again in 2010 with the generation change.

    In the proclaimers book on page 62 in the grey box they state that A.H. Macmillan gave a talk at a convention in SEPT 27-30, 1914

    saying " that would be his last public address, cause they we all goin' home." two days later on friday OCT 2 ,1914 this book claims he went back for some good natured teasing back at Bethel

    you see, not even the folks at Bethel back then believed in the mess they put out.

    good natured teasing my foot, I bet they laughed his ass out of his skin.

    The only thing that sets the JW religion apart from the others is their long list of false prophecies

  • lisaBObeesa
    In conclusion, the recent information in the Watchtower about "this generation" didn't change our understanding of what occurred in 1914. We were guessing, but we didn't lie to anyone.

    Thank you for admitting that he Governing Body of the Jehovah's Witness were guessing about the generation of 1914 not passing away before the end of the world.

    Although you and others missed it, we spelled out our viewpoint on the matter and we mad no promises whatsoever as to a specific year.

    I don't get your point. I didn't say they promised a certian year.

    I've been saying that the Watchtower said that GOD PROMISED the end of the world during a certian generation.

    I also said "The Watchtower took a position that 1975 very well could be when God executes the wicked."

    But what you have failed to do,@lisaBObesa, is prove evidence that we have ever made a prediction as to when the world would come to an end. All of this bluster on your part doesn't make your case. Where's your evidence that we've done more than just speculate on when the end of this system of things might occur? Where is it, @lisaBObesa?

    Oh, for the love of mike. Are you serious?

    Fine. Here are a few quotes from WT publications stating as FACT (not 'speculating') that the end would come before the generation of 1914 passed away:


    The Watchtower May 1, 1967 page 262 in the bound volume:

    In examining these scriptural facts, something else also captures our attention. According to Bible chronology, we are already over fifty-two years into the wicked system of things' "Time of the end." That time began in the autumn of 1914 C.E., at the termination of the "Appointed times of the nations," and it is already far advaced. Jesus said that "this generation" that saw the beginning of this time period in 1914 would also see its end. the generation that was old enough to view those events with understanding in 1914 is no longer young. It no longer has many years to run. Already many of its members have died. But Jesus showed that there would still be members of "this generation" alive at the time of the passing away of this wicked system of things in both heaven and earth. (Luke 21:32, 33)
    How much longer will it be, then, before God takes action to destroy the wicked and usher in the blessings of his Kingdom rule? Interestingly, the autumn of the year 1975 marks the end of 6000 years of human experience. This is ascertainable from reliable chronology preserved in the Bible itself. What will that year mean for humankind? Will it be the time when God executes the wicked and starts off the thousand-year reign of his Son Jeus Christ? It very well could, but we will have to wait to see. Yet of this we can be certain: the generation that Jesus said would witness those events is nearing its close. The time is close at hand. On God's "timetable" we are in the closing days of a wicked system of things that will soon be gone forever. A glorious new order is immediately before us. This is therefore, good reason for Chriestians everywhere to rejoice. Yes, they rejoice because fulfillment of their prayers for the kingdom of God is now at hand.




    The purpose of Awake! is stated clearly on page 4 of each issue: "This magazine builds confidence in the Creator’s promise of a peaceful and secure new world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes away." Certainly such a magazine deserves as wide a distribution as possible in our house-to-house ministry! ********* *********** "The TRUTH that leads to ETERNAL LIFE" page 94 and 95 "Jesus said: 'This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.' (Matthew 24:34) Which generation did he mean? "Jesus had just referred to person who would 'see all these things.' 'These things' are the events that have taken place since 1914 and those yet to occur down to the edn of this wicked system. (Matthew 24:33) Persons born even as much as fifty years ago could not see "all these things. " They came on the scene after the foretold events were already under way. But there are people still living who were alive in 1914 and saw what was happenin then and who were old enough that they sill remembered those events. This generation is getting up in years now. A great nmber of the have already passed away in death. Yet Jesus very pointedly said: "This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur." Some of them will still be alive to see the end of the this wicked system. This means that only a short time is left before the end comes! (Psalm 90:10 [89:10 Dy]) So now is the time to take urgent action if you do not want to be swept away with this wicked system." ************* "Jesus was obviously speaking about those who were old enough to witness with understanding what took place when the ‘last days’ began.… Even if we presume that youngsters 15 years of age would be perceptive enough to realize the import of what happened in 1914, it would still make the youngest of ‘this generation’ nearly 70 years old today.… Jesus said that the end of this wicked world would come before that generation passed away in death."



    Watchtower 5/1/1985 pg 4

    "Before the 1914 generation completely dies out, God's judgement must be executed."

    October 8, 1968, pages 13-14 ********** Awake 4/8/1988 p, 14 "Most of the generation of 1914 has passed away. However, there are still millions on earth who were born in that year or prior to it...Jesus' words will come true, 'this generation will not pass away until all these things have happend" ****

    "Yes, there was a generation of people that was living in 1914, and that saw the major historical changes...We can be happy, therefore, for Jesus' assurance that there will be survivors of 'the generation of 1914' -- that this generation will not have completely passed away -- when the 'great tribulation' rings down the curtain on this wicked world system." -- The Watchtower October 15, 1980, page 31

    "Jehovah's prophetic word through Jesus Christ is: 'This generation [of 1914] will by no means pass away until all things occur.' (Luke 21:32) And Jehovah, who is the source of inspired and unfailing prophecy, will bring about the fulfillment... --Watchtower 9/1/95

    "Jehovah's prophetic word through Jesus Christ is: 'This generation [of 1914] will by no means pass away until all things occur.' (Luke 21:32) And Jehovah, who is the source of inspired an unfailing prophecy, will bring about the fulfillment."
    --The Watchtower, May 15, 1984, pgs. 6-7
    "Which generation is this, and how long is it?... "Thus, when it comes to the application in our time, the 'generation' logically would not apply to babies born during World War I. It applies to Christ's followers and others who were able to observe that war and the other things that have occurred in fulfillment of Jesus' composite 'sign.' Some of such persons 'will by no means pass away until' all of what Christ prophesied occurs, including the end of the present wicked system." --The Watchtower Oct. 1, 1978, p. 31

    "Just as Jesus' prophecies regarding Jerusalem were fulfilled within the life span of the generation of the year 33 C.E., so his prophecies regarding 'the time of the end' will be fulfilled within the life span of the generation of 1914. ... "...Yes, you may live to see this promised New Order, along with survivors of the generation of 1914 -- the generation that will not pass away." -- The Watchtower May 15, 1984, pages 6-7 (The bracketed expression "[of 1914]" is in the original.)



    back to the post...

    "If Jesus used 'generation' in that sense and we apply it to 1914, then the babies of that generation are now 70 years old or older. And others alive in 1914 are in their 80’s or 90’s, a few even having reached a hundred. There are still many millions of that generation alive. Some of them 'will by no means pass away until all things occur,'—Luke 21:32."
    djeggnog said: The word "if" as used here signifies the expression of a hypothetical. This is not a promise. It is merely a conclusion based on our speculating on what the word "generation" would mean if it were to "include all those living at a given time generation, contemporaries." You didn't get this point before. Why not get it now and take a right viewpoint?

    The fact that this one quote says "IF" does not erase the fact that there are countless WT quotes that state as FACT that JESUS PROMISED THAT THE GENERATION OF 1914 WOULD NOT PASS AWAY before the end came.

    Lisa said: Exactly. That is what the Watchtower has repeatedly promised Jehovah's Witnesses. They said that they KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN before the generation alive in 1914 passed away. But they didn't KNOW. They were just guessing. THEY LIED to you.
    djeggnog said: I see I have to be careful about my word choices when I talk to you here, because when I used the word "promised" here, you took my use of the word as an unconditional promise; I didn't mean as in I had "promised" to give you a ride to work this morning if you managed to get to my house before I left without conditions, for I had also told you that you had to be at my house no later than 7:35 am. My promise was a conditional one, so if you got left, it would have been because you weren't there by 7:35 am.

    ***I hope everyone please reads the above exchange.***

    Djeggnog, they said they were certain that those living in 1914 would not all pass away before the end came. They said that JESUS promised that the generation of 1914 would not pass away.

    "Jesus said that "this generation" that saw the beginning of this time period in 1914 would also see its end." -WT 5/1/67

    ^^^You youself say they were only guessing about this.^^^ But they didn't say 'maybe the end would come before the generation of 1914 passed away.' They said JESUS said that the end would come before the generation of 1914 passed away. They said JESUS SAID. There was no 'conditions.' There was no 'speculating' about this. They said it was a FACT.

    That is a lie. A LIE. They didn't know it for sure, and yet they said they knew it for sure. They called it "The Truth." It was not "the truth.'

    It was only a guess.

    They are liars.

    Leave this false religion.

  • thetrueone

    Folks do pay attention to this uneducated idiot ( djeggnog ) he's just going reiterate everything he read in the WTS. literature

    As its known the WTS has been operated by disingenuous crooks who never been educated in ancient chronological dating let only

    in bible theology. Old man DJeggnog has been stiflely brainwashed by ignorance, disguised as being wholesome truth for many years

    are not going to clear that out in a day or so. There never was any need for high acundemic traning in theology by the WTS. they just had to

    bring simple speculative theories on subjects, quote a few Scriptures to support those theories and then self identify themselves as presenting

    truthful interpretation. The whole boondoggle of mankind is living in its last days can easily be proven false many times over,

    no matter what date you pick by the poorly educated WTS leaders but nevertheless charlatans like the WTS/JWS continue on their progressive

    endeavor because it brings money but mostly power. There other phony charlatans doing the very same thing, such as the Mormons,

    Jack Van Impe. Harold Camping and more. Same situation poor education but high expectation on to their endeavors in creating wealth and power.

    I thought I would post this bit of information about Nebuchadnezzar's father since djeggnog brought his name up.


    ©**)Nabopolassar: first king of the Late Babylonian Empire, ruled 626-605.


    Main deeds:
    • After the death of the Assyrian king Aššurbanipal in 631, the situation was confused, and the Babylonians revolted against their two Assyrian governors, Sin-šum-lišir and Sin-šar-iškun. The rebels defeated an Assyrian army, and the Babylonian general Nabopolassar was recognized as king on 23 November 626.
    • 625: Battle of Raqmat; after a victory, Nabopolassar retreats
    • 624: Inconclusive fighting near the Banitu Canal
    • 623: Fighting in Der
    • 616: Nabopolassar defeats the Assyrians near Gablini
    • 615: Winter: Babylonian victory at Arraphu; fighting at Takrita'in
    • 614: Sack of Aššur; rendez-vous between Nabopolassar and the Median leader Cyaxares. According to Berossus, Nebuchadnezzar marries the Median princess Amytis.
    • 612: Sack of Nineveh; continued war
    • 610: Capture of Harran
    • 608: Campaign against Urartu
    • 607: Campaign against Kimuhu (Commagene); Nebuchadnezzar campaigns in Biranati
    • 605: Nebuchadnezzar, the crown prince, defeats the Egyptian king Necho at Karchemiš
    • August 605: Death of Nabopolassar; Nebuchadnezzar becomes king
    Succeeded by: his son Nebuchadnezzar II
  • Listener

    Unity they may have and it is forced because there is no other choice, either believe what they are currently saying or get out.

    What they don't have is deep concern and cherishment of individuals = their flock. Not only do they not allow them to think for themselves but when they are wrong in their teachings they take a bold stand with pride and arrogance, having no empathy fof the damage they have done.

    If it is their works that set them apart then they wouldn't be demanding blind submission.

  • thetrueone

    Folks do pay attention to this uneducated idiot ( djeggnog )

    Sorry should proof read my comments a little better

    What I meant to say was, DON'T pay attention to this uneducated idiot ( djeggnog )

  • thetrueone

    Nebuchadnezzar II

    Nebuchadnezzar (Nabû-kuduri-usur): king of Babylonia, ruled 605-562.


    • Father: Nabopolassar
    • Wife: Amytis (?)
    • Sons: Nabû-šuma-ukîn (=Amel-Marduk), Eanna-arra-usur, Marduk-šuma-usur, Marduk-nâdin-ahi, Mušêzib-Marduk, Marduk-nâdin-šumi
    • Daughter: Kasšaya (married to Neriglissar)
    Main deeds:
    • 23 November 626: Nabopolassar becomes king of Babylonia; he has fought a war against the Assyrian overlords, which is continued
    • 614: Sack of Aššur; rendez-vous between Nabopolassar and the Median leader Cyaxares. According to Berossus, Nebuchadnezzar marries the Median princess Amytis.
    • 612: Sack of Nineveh; continued war
    • 605: Nebuchadnezzar, the crown prince, defeats the Egyptian king Necho at Karchemiš
    • August 605: Death of Nabopolassar; Nebuchadnezzar becomes king
    • Campaigns the west
    • c.599: Repair of the Ebabbar temple, dedicated to, in Sippar (mentioned in the Nabonidus Cylinder, ii.47ff)
    • 597: First capture of Jerusalem; king Jehoiachin is replaced by king Zedekiah
    • 596: Campaign against Elam
    • 595: Renewed campaigning in the west
    • 587 or 586: Second capture of Jerusalem; deportation of the Judaean elite
    • 582: annexation of Moab and Ammon (Flavius Josephus, Jewish Antiquities, 10.181)
    • 575: Capture of Tyre, after a siege that had lasted thirteen years
    • 562: Death

    Many of the events written in the bible such prophecies into the future were written after the event took place but nevertheless

    the ancient seers told these stories as to give an outward impression as to their spiritual connection to the most high god.

    It's both ironic and surprising that still today we have people trying to instill that very same suggestion. names mentioned

  • cheerios

    @outlaw: dont bother, he has you on /ignore ... come to think of it .. i fall into the 'Other Trolls' class per DJChristmas' post ...

    oh well, doesn't bother me ... i am a rather happy person and he's a socially retarded witness with anger management issues named after Christmas .. i'm surprised he doesn't explode or something.

    dont worry DJchristmas, i happen to like christmas

    ~cheerios, proud member of the "Likes Christmas" class and honorary member of the "Other Trolls" class

  • djeggnog

    @garyneal wrote:

    Where's Scholar?


    Personally, I think he got a clue and [realized], despite his defense of 607, that he can't defend the WTS for their generation stupidity and he's regained his senses and is working his way through the early stages of fading from the organization. Of course, his ego won't let him come here and take his lumps, so he'll join back up under another name.

    I do not know @Scholar, but I do know the truth, and I can and am able to defend the year 607 BC as being the year when the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed, the same year when Nebuchadnezzar's appointee, Gedaliah, was assassinated, two months after Jerusalem's destruction, after which the 70-year desolation of Judah began to undergo fulfillment. Jehovah, by means of Jesus Christ, has committed to me and to all Jehovah's Witnesses the word of the reconciliation, so [..] my ego is ok with folks 'appraising me as being a subordinate of Christ and steward of the sacred secrets of God.' (2 Corinthians 5:19, 20; 1 Corinthians 4:1)


    DJ, you ask for "real" evidence of a prediction of the end of the world?

    I did, yes, real prediction of a real prediction.

    You quoted from a WT article entitled "1914, the generation that will not pass way."

    I did.

    You don't need to even go into the article to get the WT's clear prediction of the end of the world, you just need to know their doctrine.

    If that's how you learn, my judging a book by its cover or by drawing conclusions based on the pictures, ok. But my preference is reading.

    We all know the Witnesses believe the end of the world is coming and that we are in the End Times.

    True. This is what all Jehovah's Witnesses believe. Even if you should no longer be one of Jehovah's Witnesses, do you think that by your not believing that the end of the world is imminent that the word will not end?

    So when the Witnesses compose a persuasive essay called "1914 - the generation that will not pass way" they are giving their conclusion of the essay in the title.

    Oh, is that what we're doing? Ok.

    They are essentially saying that the generation of 1914 will not pass away before the end of the world, hence predicting the timespan of when the end of the world will happen: somewhere between 1914 and when the generation of that 1914 passes away.

    That's not what we're saying at all. What we're saying is that the end is so very close that there are just too many things in the Bible that would make it foolhardy for any one of us to treat them with disdain. The phrase, "the 1914 generation" was coined to represent those that were alive in 1914, and in 1984, it was said that the babies of that 1914 generation were 70 years or older. Do the math; this was a true statement. We prefaced these statements by saying "if Jesus used 'generation' in that sense and we apply it to 1914," then thus and so. We were not making any predictions; we were just speculating as to when the end of this system of things might occur.

    Which is why the WT is knee deep in semantics about the word "generation" because their original prediction fell flat on [its] face.

    If this is what you choose to believe, there is nothing that I can say that can dissuade you from holding such an opinion.

    There would be no need to alter the definition of Jesus "this generation" statement if their original prediction was still true. If it their prediction is not true and needs to be dramatically altered, then it is false. A false prediction of the end of the world it indeed is. It's that simple.


    I'd love for you to stand before God with these logical tomes of semantics and pretzel logic, he would laugh at you I would guess.

    No, Jehovah would laugh in derision over your lack of humility.

    @djeggnog wrote:

    If Jerusalem was destroyed in 587 BC, prove it without contradicting the Bible!

    @Joey Jo-Jo wrote:

    The thing is it doesn't contradict the bible, because it did occur 70 years of servitude not destruction, all the references in Jeremiah and Daniel point to 587BCE and 607BCE is impossible to [reconcile].

    @djeggnog wrote:

    The "good word" that Jehovah gave to Jeremiah was that He would turn his attention to His people after "the fulfilling of seventy years at Babylon," and I believe the land of Judah lay desolate just as Jehovah had foretold by the prophet Jeremiah "until the land had paid off its sabbaths ... to fulfill seventy years," whose prophecy Daniel recounts. (Jeremiah 29:10; 2 Chronicles 36:20, 21; Daniel 9:2) You are free to believe that this 70-year period began in 605 BC as do those who hold to the year 587 BC as the year when Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem, knowing that historians all point to 539 BC as being the year when Babylon fell to the Persians, when Cyrus freed the Jewish exiles from captivity and let them return to Judah to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem.

    Now I realize, @Joey Jo-Jo, that you were repeating something you either heard or read somewhere without realizing what it was you were saying -- kinda like those folks that were caught up in the ruckus at Jesus' trial and shouted "Impale him!" without giving any thought whatsoever as to whether the man upon whom they were urging Pilate to condemn was deserving of death [(John 19:6)] -- because it isn't possible to find 70 years between 587 BC and 539 BC since you would be 22 years shy of fulfilling 70 years, but let me continue since, to be fair, you did mention the servitude of the Jewish exiles in Babylon.

    @Joey Jo-Jo wrote:

    DJ: I didn't elaborate because I didnt have much time, but putting words in my mouth is just childish, most of my reasoning comes from the book Insight Of The Scriptures and Gentile Times Reconsidered. Scripture proves that 587BCE was the date, without any secular dating (with the exception of 537BCE which is in harmony with also the WT teaching of 537BCE).

    It occurs to me that neither you nor @wasblind here in hindsight ought to have been given a copy of the Insight book nor the Reasoning book, because neither of you knew how these books were designed to be used. The Reasoning book, for example, is an aid, but not a Bible study aid. It was designed to be used to refresh our own recollection of Bible doctrines when such discussions should come up in our field ministry. Even if you weren't cognizant in discussing these doctrines, the book could be used to explain things that might be hard to explain by those publishers unfamiliar with the topic.

    On the other hand, the Insight book is like an encyclopedia that contains facts that can serve to help us to understand some of the things that the Bible mentions that are not necessarily doctrinal in content, but of historical interest or that we don't quite understand from our own study of the Bible. The Insight book specifically states that "[t]he objective of this publication is to help you to acquire insight on the Scriptures."

    I wont elaborate now but I will say that the Gentile rule began about 20 years before Jerusalem was destroyed because the bible spoke of 70 years of servitude (to the king) and not 70 years of exile. I will comment on what you posted in a later time.

    Feel free to elaborate later, but keep in mind that while the Bible does speak of 70 years of servitude to King Nebuchadnezzar, Jewish servitude didn't begin until Nebuchadnezzar's seventh regnal year in 618 BC. (Jeremiah 25:11) More importantly though, it was during Nebuchadnezzar's 18th regnal year in 607 BC when when Jerusalem was destroyed and Zedekiah, who had fled Jerusalem, was overtaken at Jericho, blinded and then led captive to Babylon.

    While Jeremiah 25:11 does speak of "these nations" being forced to serve King Nebuchadnezzar for "seventy years," but it was not until 607 BC that Judah began to lie desolate just as Jehovah had foretold would occur by His prophet Jeremiah, some 11 years after the servitude of "these nations" in the Syria-Palestine region had already begun in 618 BC. It was only then -- in 607 BC -- that "the fulfilling of seventy years at Babylon" by the Jews began, during which "the land [would pay] off its sabbaths ... to fulfill seventy years." (Jeremiah 29:10; 2 Chronicles 36:21)

    Scripture does not prove that 587BCE was the date when Jeremiah's prophecy regarding the 70 years of the Jewish exile in Babylon (2 Chronicles 36:21), nor is 587 BCE the date when the 70 years of servitude by the nations (Jeremiah 25:11) began either. Put another way, the reason you will be unable to reconcile 587 BC with 607 BC is because (1) these two dates cannot be reconciled with one another and (2) you are confusing Jeremiah's prophecy at Jeremiah 25:11 with Jeremiah's prophecy at 2 Chronicles 36:21. There are just three(3) other points I want to make here, and the first is this: @Alleymom is just like you, clueless. That's point #1.

    Whether you add an additional 20 years, which would take us back to 607 BC, you would still be completely overlooking the fact that 607 BC was not Nebuchadnezzar's accession year, but was his 18th regnal year, or don't you get that yet? If 607 was Nebuchadnezzar's 18th year, this means that he had already been king of Babylon since his victory over Pharoah Necho at Carchemish in 625 BC, or for an additional 18 years, or don't you get this? This being the case, you would essentially be saying that Babylon only ruled for 70 years, when the fact is that Babylon had been a world empire for 86 years until 539 BC, when Babylon fell to the Persians. That's point #2.

    Last point: You stated that "Scripture proves that 587BCE was the date, without any secular dating." My impulse is to ask you where in Scripture -- book, chapter and verse -- would one find this date, 587 BCE? But I'm not asking you this question. I know you can figure that out all by yourself, but I'm telling you so that there is no misunderstand: This was an unintelligent thing for you to say. Learn from me: I know what I'm talking about here.

    What I will say though is that there is this rock that was discovered in Baghdad, Iraq, back in 1879. This stone is called the "Nabonidus Chronicle." Maybe you've heard of it. In the event you have never heard of it, this particular stone document is of historic significance in that it memorializes the date when Babylon was captured by King Cyrus of Persia. Nebuchadnezzar was Nabonidus' father-in-law’s, and Nabonidus was Belshazzar's father, Nebuchadnezzar’s grandson, and Belshazzar is the one to whom Daniel refers at Daniel 5:22.

    According to "Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles," pp. 109, 110, the Nabonidus Chronicle that is written in Babylonian cuneiform script states concerning the night of Babylon's fall that "[i]n the month of Tashritu, ... [t]he 16th day, Gobryas (Ugbaru), the governor of Gutium and the army of Cyrus entered Babylon without battle." Consequently, we know the exact date when Belshazzar was killed by the Medo-Persian forces (Daniel 5:30) that came against Babylon that night: October 5, 539 BC.

    It is by means of this date and other secular dates, along with Scripture, that we are able to easily and accurately calculate and verify the dates when various events recorded in the Bible occurred, dates such as the date when the flood occurred (2370 BC), the dates when Abraham was born (2018 BC) and died (1843 BC), the dates when Solomon's temple was built (1027 BC) and destroyed (607 BC), the date when Zerubbabel's temple was built (516 BC) and the date when Herod's temple renovation work was commenced (around 18 BC), and then destroyed (70 AD).

    If one has an accurate knowledge of the Bible, an aptitude for math and some knowledge of when certain secular events occurred in history, one can deduce many of the dates to which the Bible refers, such as the date when "the [seven] appointed times of the nations" that Daniel mentions at Daniel 4:25 and to which Jesus refers at Luke 21:24 would undergo fulfillment, which date is 1914, some 2,520 years after Solomon's temple was destroyed in 607 BC. This is easy when one stops resisting what the holy spirit says.

    @djeggnog wrote:

    But what you have failed to do,@lisaBObesa, is [to provide] evidence that we have ever made a prediction as to when the world would come to an end. All of this bluster on your part doesn't make your case. Where's your evidence that we've done more than just speculate on when the end of this system of things might occur? Where is it, @lisaBObesa?

    @wasblind wrote:

    Under the Heading of Dates, on page 97 in the Reasoning Book it States....

    Please take a moment to read what it was I wrote to @Joey Jo-Jo in my latest response to his message, since what I said in that response applies equally to you. You really do not know enough to be having this discussion with me. You may be smart as far as the world is concerned, but when it comes to spiritual things, you're an illiterate. To be honest, I do believe you have a reading comprehension problem, too, which may well be because you never finished high school. I'm not sure that you really understand what things I have been saying to you in this thread.


    "The Time Is At Hand," 1911 edition, ... Pastor Russell's Sermons, 1917, The Finished Mystery, 1917 edition, ... Millions Now Living Will Never Die, 1920....

    You're off topic. BTW, you've posted at least two messages since you wrote the following:

    Others can do what they want, but from now on I intend to ignore his posts and spend my JWN time conversing with posters who want to have meaningful conversations.

    Why don't you stop posturing and do what it is you said you were going to do?


    I would like to remind DJeggnogg that they specifically built Beth Sarim for the prophets of old to live in. If that ain't a testament of a false prophecy I don't know what is.

    What Rutherford may have had in mind for Beth Sarim was zany, but was not a prophecy. Get a dictionary and find someone to help you understand what the words used to define the word mean, ok? You clearly do not know what a prophecy is. One way of viewing a prophecy is that it is a forecast about some future event. A meteorologist (a weather person) forecasts or predicts the weather, whether it will be cold or not, wet or sunny, or just cloudy.

    Scheduled events, on the other hand, do not constitute prophecies, for, in the US, presidential elections occur every four years on the first Tuesday in the month of November. Unscheduled events aren't prophecies either, for I might plan to use my income tax refund check to weatherize all of the windows in my home or to buy Los Angeles Dodgers baseball season tickets for two on whatever day after the check arrives.

    Now someone might be zany enough to furnish a room in their home with a crib, a bassinet, a baby tub and a dresser, and even clothes for a newborn baby, even though he or she is not yet married nor has made any effort to seek a spouse or adopt a newborn. However, no one that should be zany enough to do any of these things is guilty of making a prophecy. This is not what the word means. You have here been using a word thinking you understood its meaning when you have no real idea what it means. Hopefully, you will understand this message and stop using the word "prophecy" until you have finally come to learn what the word actually means.

    @djeggnog wrote:

    Let me put it this way: Anyone that listens to you will die. There is no one that refuses to listen to us that will be saved. Period. By our paying constant attention to ourselves and to what we teach, and living our lives in accord with these things, Jehovah's Witnesses have faith that we will save not just ourselves but those who listen to us. (1 Timothy 4:16)

    @3dogs1husband wrote:

    So needless to say when I read your reply ... I say to you: YOU ONLY HOPE TO SAVE YOURSELF!

    @djeggnog wrote:

    You are free to believe whatever it is you wish about my intentions, but if you refuse to listen to us, you are probably going to perish.


    I've said it before and I'll say it again...I'm done with EggNogg.

    He just told me I'll probably [perish] anyways.....that would be tragic if Jesus hadnt already died for my sins.

    That's not what I said at all to you! I said that if you refuse to listen to us -- that is, to Jehovah's Witnesses -- you are probably going to perish. Am I supposed to understand your response to mean that you have no intention of listening to us?

    It is true that Jesus died for your sins, your sins, my sins, the sins of the whole world. (1 John 2:2; Hebrews 2:17) However, unless one exercises faith in Jesus' ransom sacrifice, you cannot receive the benefits of his sacrifice. I might assume that you knew this already, but I'd rather tell you this in the event you don't know this. Here's the scriptural text:

    "For the undeserved kindness of God which brings salvation to all sorts of men has been manifested, instructing us to repudiate ungodliness and worldly desires and to live with soundness of mind and righteousness and godly devotion amid this present system of things, while we wait for the happy hope and glorious manifestation of the great God and of the Savior of us, Christ Jesus, who gave himself for us that he might deliver us from every sort of lawlessness and cleanse for himself a people peculiarly his own, zealous for fine works." (Titus 2:11-14)

    It is by means of God's grace, by means of His undeserved kindness, that the salvation of Jesus Christ has been made known to us, but if you don't repudiate ungodliness and worldly desires, if you are not living with soundness of mind with righteousness in view and with godly devotion, if you are not spiritually clean and zealous for fine works, you will not be saved. God has no plans to save the entire world of mankind. He sent His son to minister as well as "to give his soul a ransom in exchange for many." (Matthew 20:28) These are the ones for whom Christ died, for not everyone will accept the things he taught in his ministry.

    So, then, if you are not about finishing the work that God has, through Jesus, given those for whom he died to do, then you cannot be exercising faith in Jesus, and to you his ransom would not apply, and you will not be saved. (Matthew 28:19, 20; John 6:29; 17:4) For a certainty, "faith without [godly] works is dead," and for anyone to even think that they could say what things you have said to me here to any of Jehovah's Witnesses without getting called on those things smacks of ignorance. (James 2:26)

    It would be delusional on your part to believe that you are going to be saved while teaching others to this effect, when absolutely no one can be saved by pursuing their own selfish works of righteousness. That you do not know that one disowns God by such works is incredible. (Titus 1:16; 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9) Personally, @3dogs1husband, I think it to be rather tragic for someone to be delusional.


    I was so young at the time and do not recall all this hype of 1975 and certainly not the articles or meetings in 1968 that put a great significance to the year 1975 and the indications that Armageddon would occur anytime up until 1975.

    Then why do you feel competent to comment on something about which you admit you know very little?

    Ex-JWs and [observers] will swear that by 1975 Armageddon was supposed to have happened. JWs still in the faith after that date will swear that the org never said such a thing.

    This is a lie. You are repeating something you've heard that isn't true at all.

    Without a doubt there was much confusion and that would have started occurring from 1968 right up until 1975 and yet there was not proper clarification during this time to clearly point out what the situation was and so the problem and expectations slowly started to fester....

    What are you are talking about. No one was in any doubt pre-1975 as to the fact that Jesus had stated at Matthew 24:36 that "concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father." Jehovah's Witnesses had not dedicated their lives to serve Jehovah until 1975 or any particular year. There was no problem back then, but greed on the part of those that thought they could get something for nothing, wanting to believe that if the Armageddon was coming in 1975 that they would not have to pay off the debts that they were incurring pre-1975, and many at the time were lost due to greed.

    This would have delighted the org at the time as it promoted an idea of great urgency and that suited them very well. They didn't consider the future, past 1975, when they had to reign in their stray [sheep] who they personally had let wander off with wrong understandings.

    Jehovah's organization didn't promote any great urgency beyond what we are promoting today, and the majority of Jehovah's Witnesses were not driven by greed, and when we came to learn about those who had proved themselves to be greedy persons, many were rebuked and some even disfellowshipped from our ranks. (1 Corinthians 5:11-13)

    In 1975 the org decided to then take some action - purely as damage control. They could have done this much sooner but in their Discretion chose not to, they were happy with the idea that it would help weed out those who had lost their confidence in the org.

    There was no such action taken as "damage control" at all. For someone that claimed at the very beginning of your post to have been "so young at the time" so that you "do not recall all this hype of 1975," you seem to want to make it appear that you know more than can possibly know.

    Instead they held a short emergency convention globally on this very issue and again they chose not to publish a proper clarification, acknowledging that the misunderstanding stemmed from there very publications. They did not want to point to themselves as being the cause of the confusion.

    This is a lie. There has never been "a short emergency convention" held globally on any issue in our organization. What does this even mean?

    As it was the year 1975 they could not have been calling them apostates for pushing forward the idea that Armageddon was going to occur by 1975 so I can only assume that it was due to murmurings and the false illusion that many JWs had been given.

    You're mistaken. Apostates have been around since the first century AD, and after a first and second admonition, it they persist in their apostasy, they are removed.

    They now didn't want JWs in the religion who would recall events and statements that were obviously now proven false as this would result in a mass exodus and would continue to do so into the future. As there was a serious problem [occurring] high up in the organisation they turned the tables on those ones and decided they must go, they were causing a fuss.

    You cannot possibly be referring to those apostates that would gather outside of our conventions holding signs of protest, could you? Of course not.


  • Listener

    W 98 3/15 para 5

    In modern times such eagerness, commendable in itself, has led to attempts at setting dates for the desired liberation from the suffering and troubles that are the lot of persons throughout the earth. With the appearance of the book LifeEverlasting—inFreedomoftheSonsofGod, and its comments as to how appropriate it would be for the millennial reign of Christ to parallel the seventh millennium of man’s existence, considerable expectation was aroused regarding the year 1975. There were statements made then, and thereafter, stressing that this was only a possibility. Unfortunately, however, along with such cautionary information, there were other statements published that implied that such realization of hopes by that year was more of a probability than a mere possibility. It is to be regretted that these latter statements apparently overshadowed the cautionary ones and contributed to a buildup of the expectation already initiated.

    So there is an written apology (of sorts) and that came in 1980, again for damage control and to encourage JWs to remain steadfast. It is very well written, positive and very much what you would expect from a group of people who are trying to follow and understand Gods word. It points to the need to read the bible and to rely in Jehovah. Unfortunately, they continue to do the same thing and nothing much changed. They demand complete support and devotion of their organization and punish those that my have some differing opinions. They also maintain that it is only through them (that will lead them on the correct path to serving God) that they have a hope of eternal life.

  • Listener

    I am not mistaken eggnog, there was a convention that was held in the USA, Australia and other places. It was called and organised at such short notice that many JWs were not able to make arrangements to attend. It may have been held in 1976 but I'm pretty sure it was in 1975. There were several congregations invited to attend the one talk at the same time and held at public venues. It ran for just over an hour. The topic was specifically to clarify the misunderstandings of the 6,000 years since the creation of Adam being identified as occuring in 1975.

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