Has there, or are there any normal pro-WT members on this forum? As in mentally stable, anybody?

by miseryloveselders 51 Replies latest jw friends


    The average rank and file Jehovah’s witnesses are sincere people, who have in many cases been attracted to the movement by a genuine desire to understand the Bible and serve God as best they can. They are often very kind people who have become unwittingly involved.

    Their distant and sometimes hostile attitude towards those outside the movement is a result of what the Society term “mental regulating,” in the form of books, magazines, lectures, question and answer discussions and private counselling - coupled with a fear of expulsion if they associate with anyone who their Society see as a threat to their cause.

    Most members would show a great deal more empathy if they were not actively encouraged to view all outsiders as sinners who are about to be killed by the God they love. After many years in the movement and being trained to view all outsiders with suspicion, believing that they are a threat to their salvation, it is inevitable that some Witnesses have lost a great deal of their feeling towards people who are not part of their organization.

  • pirata

    A "normal pro-WT member on this forum" is an oxymoron. A normal pro-WT individual will likely not be looking at an apostate site, unless maybe they've rationalized that the Faithful's slave counsel is not applicable to them, or see that the 'truth' may not be all that it appears to be.

  • brotherdan

    Interestingly, just this afternoon I was listening to a JC meeting regarding "apostasy". According to these elders apostasy was not only SPREADING "false" teachings that JWs don't believe, but it was BELIEVING or HOLDING ON TO teachings that JWs don't believe. You don't even have to express these thoughts to others. If you HAVE them, you can be df'd.

    Here's a link to the JC meeting: http://jumbofiles.com/m3v9jxb2b0lr/doro_9.mp3.html

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Good afternoon, Misery:

    I am awed by your post - so spot on and insightful. I will read it again as it has quite resonated with my inner self, which, for some reason, is slightly hypersensitive at the moment. We've mental and emotional instability in my family; leaving the KH 4 years ago has led immeasurably to my healing from obsessions I felt would never depart. I can now detach myself from personal manias and phobias with an objectiveness heretofore utterly impossible.

    It's good, at last, to be normal.

    No - just joking - I'm still a freak but acknowledge it and am somewhat happy.

    Thank you for what you wrote. It has amazed me.

    CoCo Kook

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Anyone that is an elder active in a congregation of JWs could be regarded as "pro-JW". As an elder, you are a leader in the congregation. To continue to be an elder, yet not believing in the doctrines of JWs, is hypocritical.

  • baltar447

    I would consider myself pro-JW. To me that means I support the people that I love and respect in this organisation. I still agree with many doctrines but I like am deeply disturbed by things. I don't think I am alone, I think there are many that feel as I do but would be afraid to say anything to anyone else. Here's what bothers me about the way the organisation is:

    The authoritarian nature of the GB in the last few years and the unending articles that demand obedience without question in every issue betrays a complete lack of humility IMO.

    The lack of love shown in the congregations. Even if you're going through hard times, you shouldn't expect a call from an elder unless it's for FS reports. There are many that do care but you know where the priority is.

    The legalistic, nay, downright pharisaical unbending adherence to the letter of "the law" and lack of mercy.

    I don't completely disagree with the disfellowshipping arrangement but I believe it's taken too far to the point that we are expected to dehumanize those that are former members, including family.

    Two of the several definitions of occult are: Available only to the initiate; secret; Hidden from view; concealed. Based on my understanding of early Christians in the bible, there was nothing hidden from regular members. All the letters were shared with the whole congregation, there was not centralized authority only the Holy Spirit was in them and directed them what to do by means of Christ Jesus. If anything this whole flock book debacle shows that they desire to keep things hidden. It's like things are on a need to know basis like it's the military or something.

    Oh well, I'm sure I can think of more, but I'm trying not to be critical

  • VampireDCLXV

    Pretty well all flaming JW apologists are insane IMO. They are so angry, condescending and rude that I can't help but always think ill of them.

    There's others here I'm not so sure of...

    "What happened to TITUS?" He got booted from this board 3 times! Count 'em, 3 times! He constantly pissed off Lady Lee and others over his firm unbelief of reports of WTS molestation/abuse policy and made ppl out to be liars far more often than anyone would care for. NOT good.

    As for yknot, I really worry about her. This double agent complex she has really twists her thinking and her perspective sometimes, IMHO.

    There's others here who I think are nutters as well...

    arimatthewdavies: I'm not sure what side he stands on. I think his position, overall, is rather confusing. He sure seems to be drinking deeply of the koolaid sometimes...

    cameod: Perhaps she's not pro-JW but she posts some really wacky threads and comments. I've frequently commented on my doubtfulness of her mental fitness. She does have a sense of humour though. That's more than what can be said of any given JW apologist here...

    But who am I to throw stones?...


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I find this whole discussion wrong - morally wrong. When I was a JW I wasn't insane. Being in a cult doesn't make a person mentally unstable. Taking a risk and looking at a board like this and believing that what you were taught and what you post here isn't mentally unstable. It might be deluded as in they have been lied to and don't know it but that isn't mentally unstable. Living in denial isn't mentally unstable.

    I detest the attacks on them. I think it is cruel and insulting. Instead of attacking them I think you should be trying to help them see through the lies.

    Instead a bunch of you decide to tag-team obliterate them with demands for answers you already know the answer to.

    If you think you are helping them or any other JW reader I think you are wrong.

    Just my opinion for what it is worth

  • brotherdan

    When I was a JW I wasn't insane.

    See I didn't get that impression from the title. We all have dealt with some off the wall JWs on the board (Alice, MadJW) and I think the poster was asking if there were any that, though they have a different opinion, are willing to have an intelligent conversation.

    I do understand, however, that there seems to be a mob mentality to team up against someone different here. And I think that drives new comers away some times.


    ummmm...I was going to ask a question:

    Is it possible to use the terms "normal pro-WT members" and "mentally stable" in the same sentence...? ... but I see its been covered.


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