Has there, or are there any normal pro-WT members on this forum? As in mentally stable, anybody?

by miseryloveselders 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • TD

    Not all JW's accept the unspoken assumptions in the "Do you believe this is God's organization" question,

    Of course, the question is intended to establish a direct chain of command between heaven and Earth, (i.e. An Earthly organization as a direct counterpart in every way to a Heavenly organization)

    I know JW's that will answer, "Yes" but they personally believe that things are as whacked and screwed up as they were in the nation of Israel during the rule of a bad king.

  • TastingFreedom

    respectful_observer, I assume you are part of the councious class, right? You have doubts but feel like you're stuck, right?

  • leavingwt

    TD: I wish I had met some of these people, years ago. All of my friends/family/associates believed it 100%.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    TD, as usual, makes an excellent point.

    I was an active JW not very long ago but for at least a decade before getting out I was certain that the GB didn't have direction by Holy Spirit. They were too obviously and demonstrably wrong about too many things. Comparing them to Israel was something I did on a regular basis with the rationalization that even when Israel was at their worst, they were STILL God's people, His Organization on earth.

    At the time it didn't dawn on me that when Israel was at their worst, the "good guys" in the Bible were the ones who had the courage to speak out against the Borganization of the time. Guys like Jeremiah and Jesus Christ.

    I have Robert King (ewatchman) to thank for helping to wake me up. His book is just Watchtowery enough to make sense to a doubting/questioning JW who isn't ready to turn apostate but knows something's wrong in Brooklyn.

    Of course, his doctrine is every bit the lunacy that all apocalyptic religious doctrine is, but it was an important first step for me, and I can see how it might be a relatively nice and easy first step out for other questioning JWs, too.

  • BluesBrother

    There have been one ot two over the years that seemed O K and tried to refute our statements with repect. The trouble is that one only remembers the names of the "extreme" ones

  • slimboyfat

    Some people have said I am pro Watchtower. I don't know that anyone has called me normal though.


    I always get a Laugh..When JW`s compare themselves to Israelites..

    God chose Israel as his People......

    The WBT$ chose themselves as Gods People..God never had a say..

    God wouldn`t have a Job without the WBT$..


    The WBT$ fired Jesus as Mediator..

    "Jesus..Your Fired!"..


    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • sabastious

    Outlaw: HAHAHAH!


  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    @ TheLoveDoctor - I share many of your feelings. Especially those in regard to loving people. I have known many of these people for at least a third of my life. I can honestly say that I feel well liked by many, if not all, and that makes it difficult to just walk away. I don't care about any doctrine. But currently I am trying to be more serious at study and research since I have EXTREMELY LOW confidence in the WTS.

    As far as pro-WT members here, it really is hard to define or find a normal one. In the spirit of the WTS, it is EVIDENT (LOL!!) that when you have to attack someone, i.e. spiritual smackdown, to defend your beliefs, that there is a cuckoo clock operating in the cranium. No need to continue discussing anything with such a closed mind.

    My 2 cents.


  • Fadeout

    To be fair a lot of non-JWs are crazy as well. Just check one of the threads about the paranormal.

    I kid, I kid. We're all crazy, just to varying degrees. I'm just grateful that I get my half hour of computer time after each electroshock treatment.

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