Toilet quandries: The seat: Up/Down and Toilet paper direction

by Terry 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Chalam

    Sorted :)

  • designs

    Theological question- If you pee standing up in Hell who relights the Fire

    Thomas Aquinas wants to know

  • hamsterbait

    You will NEVER find a man who makes a HUGE fuss about the toilet seat being DOWN when he needs a pee.

    I say leave it down with a big puddle on it.


  • Terry

    Terry, I hope some good books come into the store this weekend. Your intellect needs some real food- this is bread and water for your brain.

    Terry is the new Farkel!

  • Soldier77

    The whole toilet seat debate is retarded. I mean really, if I walk in the bathroom and the seat is down, I put it up, no complaints, not even a hesitation or concern about it. Why do women insist on making that argument one to be fought each and every freakin time?? Hey, I have to put it UP when your done! FFS!

    On and the TP should be rolling off the top.

    But really, in either case, I don't get my blood pressure elevated if the seat is down, or up, or TP is rolling off the top or bottom. What really pisses me off and I will cuss, swear shout from the bathroom is if the last person didn't replace the TP and there is none in the bathroom at all. That will get my BP elevated.


  • Gregor

    Now that we are a family of two instead of seven, we have the luxury of separate bedrooms (TV or no TV decisions, lights out control, no snoring complaints) and bathrooms (seat up, TP over,'s just they way I want it). I also make my bed, launder my own lingerie and keep my toilet tidy and clean.

    OK, Terry, now that you have stimulated our intellect lets get back to the meaning of life and such

  • hamsterbait

    It is all down to hormonal balances.

    Why does it take two Pre Menstrual women to change a light bulb?


    What do you call a psychic with PMT "a bitch that knows everything."

    It all boils down to boy and girl.

    Cant live with them, cant live without them.


  • 1Robinella

    To me and my hubby, we think it's a sanitary thing. We prefer the toilet seat down. We can't stand walking into a bathroom and the lid is open. To us, it just looks gross. Most of my family does this except for my sister and her three kids, they always leave the lid open, yuck. Funny because a while ago some friends of ours were talking to us about that and they also agreed it looks better with the lid down. lol.

    I remember when I first started dating my hubby and I walked into our bedroom and he was using the restroom and he was sitting down. I thought he was going #2 but he was going #1. I asked why and he said "sometimes it's nice to sit down." lol. I have never seen a guy do that but it's pretty common apparently.

    I prefer the toilet paper to come forward overlap. I think it rolls out eaiser and smoother. Although my hubby doesn't care which direction the tp goes but he does it my way because he knows thats what I prefer. lol. You'd be amazed how many people have the tp backward underlap. I work at a hospital and sometimes it's impossible to grab the tp when it's backward underlap. Yikes. lol

  • wannabefree

    I have three sisters. My mother trained me from the beginning to put the seat down.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I'm with 1Robinella on this one for the same reason: It's just really gross to see a toilet without the lid down.

    In my family, all members put the lid down after going.

    It's a rule for looks and hygene. Sorry, can't spell.

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