Not surprisingly, the rumor mill has started...

by SweetBabyCheezits 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • CuriousButterfly

    They need a life. Looks like it is so boring they want to stir the pot and you are the lightening rod. I hope things ease off for you. :)

  • donuthole

    Typical. Like all "apostates" I have started my own religion. I am also rumored to be crazy and have been making prank phone calls on JW's. One the of the reasons I sent a letter to my congregation prior to being disfellowshipped was to let them know exactly what I was being disfellowshipped was to avoid being called an adulterer or a fornicator. It retrospect, given their opinion of "apostates", adulterer might have been the better label.

  • CandleLight

    I think they count on rumors. Especially since the announcment changes. It is so basic that they need the rumors to go around so that they can discredit the individual involved, especially when the person if DF for apostacy.

    We started our own religion, had marital problems, went crazy, cut off association with my parents (thats a funny one, since it's completely the opposite) and tried to attack the KH and the elders, (we were actually barred from entering.) There are so many rumors out there I wonder which one people pick to believe.

  • dawntodaylight

    I feel u on the need for them to make u look bad. I have rcvd many letters,cd and wt literature. They have called me a fake, alcohlic, working too hard individual. Everyone assumes that because I have not been at any meetings that we are not doing well that we have problems. I can't worry about what people say and think about me. Talk all you want! I have never been happier in my life!

  • thetrueone

    Not surprisingly is correct, it is typical for ingrained JWS to make or create character damaging comments upon

    hearing of one their fellow members leave the congregation particularly the ones that have been openly disfellowshipped.

    In doing so there is a expressed confirmation that this person has been drawn to Satan's system of things and

    therefore has to be EVIL. I personally heard witnesses come up with the most ridiculous character assassinations

    on their former members. Following the psychology of religious cults inside and out there is defining pattern

    to be ackowleged .

  • poppers

    They need a life.

    When I first read this I thought you wrote, "They need a lie." Then when I thought about it I think that would make sense too - they need a lie in order for them to avoid their own examination of "the truth". It's easier for them to listen to, accept, and pass along baseless rumors and lies than to face the possibility that you have a legitimate reason for leaving "the truth".

  • bottleofwater

    You think YOU have something to worry about?? hehehe (read my previous posts if you want to see what I mean)

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    We care what our friends think about us - we're human. What we have to let go of is the false assumption that ANY of those people are our friends anymore. People who start rumors like this don't know us and they clearly don't WANT to know us. They want to protect their ignorance and remain safe inside their bubbles and will use any means necessary to preserve their cult faith. (When I say "they" I don't mean all JWs, just those who start rumors like this.)

    You guys reminded me, some of those other accusations were made by my own parents and inlaws before we were DF'd: we are materialistic, one of us must've committed adultery, we're starting a religion... and now the gay rumor. I'm tempted to do Halloween as Satan so we can go ahead and get the "devil-worshiper" rumor under our belt.

    BTW, if any gay friends are reading this, I want to make it clear that I am NOT at all ashamed to call you my friends and I'm not comparing gays to devil-worshipers. I'm just going down the list of rumors that make JWs gasp with near self-righteous orgasm. I re-read my original post and feared that some of what I wrote could be taken the wrong way.

    With the old JW thinking, years ago, unfortunately we would've classified homosexuals just one step above pedophiles. I hate to see myself write about my old prejudices but I'm being honest. I'm truly sorry for that. Rest assured we've cleaned our house of perceptions - we came to recognize the gross ignorance we once held and we chose to replace it through education and empathy. Many JWs cannot even begin, nor will they try, to understand that.

    Also, if any of you... male or female, gay or straight, black or white, Christian or Muslim, conservative or liberal, Jew or Greek, tall or short, Ford or Chevy, PC or MAC, Coke or Pepsi (even Dr. Pepper), Canon or Nikon.... wants to be friends on FB or in real life, I'm all for it. If nothing else, we have at least one great thing in common: our escape from a cult.

  • daringhart13

    Oh yeah...its JW 101..........I used to give a talk where I asked the audience if they knew the difference between adultery and slander.....I would pause....and then say ....." a comma"

    It took them a minute, but they got the point.

    I've never been in a corprate environment that is worse than JW's..........they slander, lie, embellish, invent, no other collection of people I"ve ever seen.

    And they are so creative.

    Oh......and I'm 'apostate' and banging women every hour on the hour......

  • sabastious

    Have you been wrestling in your underwear with other men lately?


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