Do You Truly Believe A Certain Politician Or Political Party WILL Bring About Real Change?

by minimus 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    I actually started a thread about politics this morning then decided not to. I was saying that as a fader, I wasn't so sure what to do about voting. I don't personally think the answer lies in simply "throwing the bums out" and going back-and-forth from Democrats-to-Republicans-to-Democrats-to....

    While I don't think the answer is simply in a "third" party either, voting outside of the two major parties for any other party or independent candidate sends a message that more is expected from these guys.

    I am mostly a flaming liberal (flaming in that I can voice my liberalism without cowering) but I have many conservative beliefs. I also feel that most Americans don't pay attention enough to really think they even can vote outside of the two parties or else they feel their vote is wasted. 2% for the Green Party or the independent candidate can double to 4% eventually, and keep growing until they listen. If even a small percentage of people went out and voted after learning the real issues, the bums would be out and the new regime would try harder to listen or know they will be out later.

    But I go back to being a fader, not wanting to give the JW's ammunition to say I DF'ed myself. So I stay out of politics to keep communication lines open, and I feel that I am just as bad as the rest of them that don't bother.

    Electing Obama showed the Americans that they can get the "impossible" candidate in there. But he really isn't any different than H.Clinton would have been. Now that they know they can put whoever they really want in office, I hope the people wake up a bit and start doing it on a regular basis. But nah, it will go back to the same.

  • undercover
    Do You Truly Believe A Certain Politician Or Political Party WILL Bring About Real Change?

    They bring changes all the time. Some good...some bad. There are good times...there are bad times. Even in this "bad" time, economically speaking, we're not really that bad off compared to those who went before us.

    Now, if, in your oh so WTesque vernacular you mean, "can politicians bring everlasting peace to the world", then the asnwer is no. Even if peace is the desired outcome of any policitian or party, one can never rule out having to rely on the use of its military to defend the nation or protect its interests. And that same politician, who may want everyone of his constituents to be healthy and prosperous cannot guarantee that all will attain these goals. As long as people are imperfect its governments and its leaders will be imperfect.

  • SixofNine

    ah, I see, "positive" change.

    So this is where people, in an attempt to seem cool and somehow above politics, will readily admit that individuals and political parties are often responsible for the bad things that "change" the world, but are somehow not to be given credit for the perhaps less dramatic but still substantial and often more important good "change" that happens in the world.

  • ProdigalSon

    Minimus, if you look into how the lobbyists are really running America, you would see that oil money makes most of the decisions. For instance, every time a bill is put forth to get the hell off of fossil fuels and make cleaner energy, it gets voted against by most of Reps because they are all PROSTITUTES on the TAKE. They sell out on their constituency that elected them for the MONEY. They get, on average, $115,000 in campaign contributions annually for voting against such bills while the ones voting FOR them get an average of $16,000.

    If money is power, and it is, then to REALLY put it in perspective who holds the power in this world, get a load of this.... The top seven oil companies in the world make 85 percent of the world's money!!! Exxon-Mobil ALONE takes in TWICE as much annually as THE ENTIRE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY. That's right, BIG PHARMA is only HALF of Exxon-Mobil!! In the meantime, burning oil is like ripping the earth's blood out of it and throwing the entire planet out of balance. Taking all this stuff out of the earth is actually MAKING IT LIGHTER and is damaging gravity, tides, rotation, electromagnetic grid lines, etc.... and they DON'T GIVE A SHIT, except for lining their pockets.

    I get these figures from a book I'm reading called "The Tyranny of Oil", a current best-seller by Antonia Juhasz.

    The GOOD news is, they're building up incalculable BAD KARMA for themselves. Spending a few thousand years as a RIFTIA TUBEWORM on a deep-sea hydrothermic vent is most likely in their very near future.


  • blondie

    Many of the German people thought Hitler and the Nazi Party would bring about change, just not the kind I'd prefer.

  • minimus

    PS, I agree!

    6, I know you're an Obama lover so I'm glad you understand my position better! LOL!!!

  • JeffT

    There are days when I consider giving up on organized politics in the same way I've given up on organized religion, and for much the same reason. The problem is that, ultimately my religion only effects me, as I'm perfectly willing to stand up for my beliefs by myself. However politics effects the here and now and you need to be organized to get anything done.

    The current system is a Hobbs choice of which group of authoritarian bullies you want kicking sand in your face this time.

  • HintOfLime
    Taking all this stuff out of the earth is actually MAKING IT LIGHTER and is damaging gravity, tides, rotation, electromagnetic grid lines, etc....

    Sorry, but there are so many things scientifically wrong about that bit... Burning oil doesn't destroy matter (it converts it from liquid to gas of equal mass)... The tides are caused by the moon's gravity which isn't changed by burning oil on earth... Earth's rotation?? Grid lines??... What??


    - Lime

  • wiser

    NO! I don't put my trust an government.

  • ProdigalSon

    HOL, Nick Rockefeller bragged to Hollywood producer Aaron Russo about how they rewrote the encyclopedia and took over the school curriculum in order to teach everyone BULLSHIT. He said that one day Americans will wake up and find out they've been lied to about EVERYTHING. Maybe it's time to forget the bullshit science and look into how gravity and magnetics REALLY work....give this a listen if you want, or just wait for the truth to come out.....there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed.


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