To the Household of Dog

by AK - Jeff 117 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Night all.

    For those inclined to be offended. Forget it. No offense intended. Just good ole' TIC.


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Love the satire.

  • AGuest
    This poster ignores me and has for years.

    Omigosh, dear AK-Jeff (peace to you!)... I had absolutely NO idea that you felt this way... and/or that I was ignoring you (or you thought I was!). TRULY! Not in the least! Please accept my sincere apologies. I truly cannot remember ever purposefully ignoring ANYONE... in my entire life... with the exception of three (all who post[ed] here)who I told I would have to ignore. I am truly chagrined... and embarassed.

    Please, if you have directed something to me that required a response, even cursory or just out of regard/politeness... redirect me to it and I will most certainly respond, if it's not too late. I promise, however, that I will certainly endeavor to respond to you when I DO see a comment from you directed to me... unless you state a comment is not required... or I just miss it (which I often do - I cannot keep up with the Board, unfortunately, as there are just too many threads on too many subjects. So, I tend to return to the ones where the discussion I was engaged in is still "active").

    If you REALLY want a response, simply PM me!

    Again, my SINCERE apologies. I truly did NOT intend to hurt your feelings.

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,

    SA, who didn't take offense because, after all, it's not really me who you're chiding. I'm just a servant... with a not-so-thin-skin... and a sense of humor...

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Thank you for that AGuest.

    I cannot recall my specific comments - but in general, I ask what I always ask those who choose to 'believe' rather than accept reality.

    If you accept that you have some special relationship with God, one that you obviously believe elevates your chance to communicate with God, eventually to reside with God, then prove it absolutely, respecting academic standards;

    • No use of anecdotal 'evidence' - which is not evidence at all.
    • No conjecture.
    • No statements based on 'feelings', or special private conversations with God to which others are not privy.
    • No references to ancient 'writings' of dubious origin, claiming without proof to be the 'word of God'.

    Anecdotes, conjecture, personal contact or feelings, are the venue of primarily two classes of people when providing evidence for their statements - (1) believers in God, and (2) the mentally disturbed. The Bible can be cut to shreds in a fair discussion [which one rarely sees from those who resort to emotional tactics, like you used with OTWO in your thread, claiming that you have now are not 'permitted' to address his legit criticisms of your statements].

    There is no real 'evidence' for the existence of your God - whatever name you use for it - than there is for anyone Else's' God. It is all pretend. FOR if this God was real - why does he hide himself so well, making finding him like a cruel shell-game? And if he is the shell-game God, then why would he deserve any respect at all - let alone WORSHIP?

    A benevolent God would be busy as hell fixing this messed up world, feeding the hungry, curing the illnesses that kill millions. He isn't doing that, BECAUSE his isn't! The PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING. And there is no proof.

    If I ever find God hiding in my closet, telling me privately, matters that should be announced to the world, and refusing to show up and tell them to the world at large, I will call him just what he would be, A COWARD AND A FRAUD!

    Answer if you like - but I doubt there is much to say if you stick to the above conditions. Unfortunately, invisible friends are invisible for a reason - because they only exist in our minds.

    Nonetheless, answer or not, I appreciate your reply here. I do hope you will take the matter back to your God and consider speaking to OTWO. Ask him/her/it/we/you/they nicely and maybe he will recant. He did with the Ninevites you know.

    Peace to you


  • OnTheWayOut

    Jeff, you don't have to ask her to ask [Him] to reconsider speaking to me.

    It would really honor me to put ignoring me ahead of helping children in traumatic situations around the world or ahead of preventing unnecessary killings.

    Remember all the "miracle cures" that take place in the Lord's name? Whenever someone doesn't get their sight back or a cure for their cancer, they were told that it is a lack of faith on their part. Yet the examples in the Bible don't show that any faith at all is really required for the operation of holy spirit. The Jesus that people believe in felt pity for people in their suffering. There was no "faith test" if they just showed up.

    Oh, I grant it's just a mythology. I don't expect miracles or even a personal invitation to serve the Lord. But people who do believe should not need to know a name that was never given to them, and calling upon the wrong name that was given should not hinder Holy Spirit.

    I was just concerned that what started out as something clearly totally made up (similar to your thread here) might have become something of a delusional reality to some who said that the Lord had a name like AUHSEHAJ HAJAHCISIM or whatever. But it is clear to me that others cannot help but see the same thing I see. So, I cannot reach out across the internet to someone I don't know and it appears that only a couple of people believe the BS, so I leave them to their own devices to seek help. I will stick with people I do know and can care about and help.

  • watersprout
    it appears that only a couple of people believe the BS,

    Are you including me in the ''couple of people who believe the BS??''

    I don't believe in any BS, i only believe what my Lord tells me...I think all those that ''hear'' would say the same...If you think that Shelby spout's BS then why read her posts or threads??? Why not just crawl back into your hole and leave Shelby alone!

  • OnTheWayOut

    Why not follow your own advice and skip reading what I have to say?

    Clearly, there are some who genuinely believe the Holy Spirit has spoken to them. But if you actually started calling out to ''Jaheshua Mischajah'' because you learned the name from Shelby, I pity you. Just look at the most recent posts about that and ask yourself if your Lord really would guide that person to say such nonsense, even to the point of singling out the likes of me.

    I think I already covered the insignificance and obscurity of people here. I will wait for the rocks to cry out if that's the way He reveals himself.

  • watersprout

    I DID NOT learn my Lords name from Shelby...

    You bore me OTWO so as from now i will pass over your posts.

  • AGuest
    If you accept that you have some special relationship with God, one that you obviously believe elevates your chance to communicate with God, eventually to reside with God, then prove it absolutely, respecting academic standards

    I do not accept or believe that I have some "special" relationship with God, dear AK-Jeff (peace to you). I have the exact same relationship that anyone else can have... and many others do. That they are not vocal HERE doesn't mean they're not out there. Those HERE tend to have a common background: the WTBTS, some extent or another. Also there is no "special relationship" with God... or Christ... that "elevates" my CHANCE of communicating with God - it is my FAITH... in Christ... so that I communication with HIM... and THROUGH him... that allows me to communicate with God. I offer as "proof" the truths I have shared with you and others here over these many years. As I have openly professed many, many times... I DON'T KNOW THESE THINGS - they are NOT mine, but only what I receive from the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... and share with others.

    I do hope you will take the matter back to your God and consider speaking to OTWO. Ask him/her/it/we/you/they nicely and maybe he will recant.

    I did... and I still do, dear one. I sincerely asked for mercy because no longer being able to respond to OTWO was only a minor detail. I have asked that I NOT be directed to share ALL that I was given... because it greatly grieved my heart. I have never received anything like it before, regarding any other person. However, apparently it is neither me nor the Most Holy One of Israel who wishes it this way, but OTWO himself. My understanding is that while HE may want people to believe he was/is merciful, the truth is that he was/is not... that since he didn't SHOW mercy... he will not be SHOWN mercy. Also, the word of my Lord to me is that even if he did show mercy to SOME, his failure to show mercy to ALL will stand against him. For several reasons, including, primarily that: (1) his sin has no covering; (2) he refuses to acknowledge the One who COULD cover such sins, from whom he COULD receive mercy, which One he DOES know to exist but continues to speak rashly against... in his heart and with his tongue... due to his own self-righteous anger; and (3) and mostly importantly... HE has not asked for mercy. From anyone, including those HE sinned against, but particularly from the One who can grant it. Thus, with the same judgments that HE has judged others... and judges yet, including even the Most Holy One of Israel Himself, JAH of Armies... he will BE judged. Because although he wants you to think his sins are hidden, they are not: he stands "naked" before God... in front of Whom his sins are unhidden and entirely revealed.

    He did with the Ninevites you know.

    Indeed, the Most Holy One of Israel did recant with Nineveh, and it is a wonder that you chose that particular account as an example, for OTWO would do well to take from it:

    And the men of Nin´e·veh began to put faith in God, and they proceeded to proclaim a fast and to put on sackcloth, from the greatest one of them even to the least one of them.When the word reached the king of Nin´e·veh, then he rose up from his throne and put off his official garment from himself and covered himself with sackcloth and sat down in the ashes.Furthermore, he had the cry made, and he had it said in Nin´e·veh, by the decree of the king and his great ones, saying:

    “No man and no domestic animal, no herd and no flock, should taste anything at all. None should take food. Even water they should not drink. And let them cover themselves with sackcloth, man and domestic animal; and let them call out to God with strength and come back, each one from his bad way and from the violence that was in their hands. Who is there knowing whether the [true] God may turn back and actually feel regret and turn back from his burning anger, so that we may not perish?”

    And the [true] God got to see their works, that they had turned back from their bad way; and so the [true] God felt regret over the calamity that he had spoken of causing to them; and he did not cause [it]."

    Perhaps OTWO should consider feeling regret, turning back from HIS "bad way"... even fasting. All of these may or may not help, but they certainly can't hurt. I would venture to say that they would indeed help for, as Jonah wrote:

    "That is why I went ahead and ran away to Tar´shish; for I knew that you are a God gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness, and feeling regret over the calamity."

    As for you and me, I am truly sorry that we don't see eye to eye on this matter, dear AK-Jeff. But understand, if you can/will, that my faith is not dependent upon whether others believe me or not. Because mine is not an assignment to make disciples. That is for others to do. My assignment is to those (who almost always address) already claim to BE disciples. That some who are not take it upon themselves to read... and respond... is, really, entirely upon them.

    I bid you peace!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    I DID NOT learn my Lords name from Shelby...

    Then from where? Some ancient and medieval book with obscure origins and mythological connection to Judaism or Christianity? Or revelation from God himself? Or where?

    OTWO makes a solid point - one that has been handily ignored by Shelby and by most believers, probably including you - let me restate my version:

    How did you come into possession of the NAME? Does your possession of this name violate any intelligent criteria by which 'FACTS' are actually established [see my post above]?

    Let me draw you an analogy [one from which you will likely run or dismiss as non-credible]. If I told you that I was contacted by the Tooth-Fairy last week - and in said contact she told her REAL NAME, how to properly address her so that my grandchildren would be REWARDED, what would you think? I'll tell you what you would think: You would think that it is time for AK Jeff to be professionally evaluated and possibly locked away! For you KNOW as a fact [because there has never been any substantial real evidence to support a Tooth-Fairy] that she does not REALLY exist.

    If I further told you that I prayed to the Tooth-Fairy last night for relief from my aching back - there would be precisely the same possibility that I would wake with no pain in my back as there would be if I had [1] never prayed at all, [2] if I prayed to Zeus, [3] if I prayed to Jesus, or [4] I prayed to my dog Lady. There is also the identical probability that I would wake with the same back pain - and I would then just dismiss it as "Well, sometimes the answer from Tooth-Fairy/Zeus/Jesus/LadyDog/Jaheshua Mischajah is NO, or WAIT."

    There is precisely as much realistic probability that the Tooth-Fairy exists as there is that 'your LORD' [Jaheshua Mischajah] exists. Facts rely on HARD EVIDENCE. That probability remains at 0% unless there is EVIDENCE. No conjecture establishes fact. No anecdotal experience establishes fact. No one's 'evidence' in the form of a letter, or epistle, or document from the past establishes fact. Facts can be confirmed - or else by definition they are not facts.

    Skeptics have reason to be skeptical - mankind's history is replete with hoaxes concocted for various reasons, by various people, or just by nature. Skeptics do not accept explanations that fail the test of science or logical conclusion.

    All religions, all believers, dismiss this reality casually. They believe prayer is answered in one of three ways: Yes - No - Later. There is precisely 100% chance they can then determine that their God of choice is answering them. Hell of a scam, eh?

    But there is a caveat: People accept/promote/believe these hoaxes because it acts like a drug - it soothes them into slumber that makes them forget the reality about them. "All will be well when I get there [heaven, paradise, utopia, nirvana]." The end result is tragic - minds/lives/years/wealth/intelligence all wasted on 'believing' instead of living the only life you will be 'issued'.


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