To the Household of Dog

by AK - Jeff 117 Replies latest jw friends

  • cameo-d

    Ziddina: "When you come onto others' threads and make extremely long-winded posts, you create a great deal of text that the rest of us have to read - or skip over, as I do - before we get to the next - and often more relevant - post..."

    I agree. I hope Simon will design an "ignore" button so we can have a way to erase those annoyances off our screen. Those kind of posts by AGuest derail the subject matter in order to selfishly focus on self aggrandizement.

  • AGuest
    I, too, become "annoyed" with your posts... And it's not because I "want to"....

    Sure, it is, dear Zid (peace to you!)... because if you didn't WANT to get annoyed, you wouldn't. Remember, it's only "christians" who have no such control.

    When you come onto others' threads and make extremely long-winded posts,

    Well, when I am accused of something of which I have no knowledge, I usually like to respond... and apologize. Which I did. Which led to the originator of the thread asking me a question or two. To which I responded. Which leds others to comment and/or ask questions... to which I responded.

    you create a great deal of text that the rest of us have to read

    HAVE to read? How is that? You don't even HAVE to open the thread, let alone read ANY of the comments, let alone mine. Certainly not mine. But you did...

    - or skip over, as I do

    And, yet, you didn't skip over. You CHOSE to read... and... wait for it... to RESPOND. Now whose fault is that?

    - before we get to the next - and often more relevant - post...

    On many occasions, you only read my posts because the next... and often equally relevant is related to my post. If not, then WHY... pray tell... do you BOTHER? Skip away, dear one!! I mean, I skip a LOT of posts... which, I'm afraid, is what prompted THIS thread (at least, that was the originator's reasoning)...

    Peace, though. Seriously.

    A slave of Christ,


  • cameo-d

    On the one hand I can understand that AGuest is a very needy creature and starved for attention. But it is very rude when she takes over people's threads to focus on herself.

  • coffee_black

    Well, Ziddinia and Cameo,

    If you don't want to hear from AGuest, just don't read her posts. Simple. You don't need an ignore button for that. Just scroll past... Sheesh!

    I for one enjoy her posts, and would miss her terribly if she wasn't here.

    And Cameo... I don't think she's needy at all.


  • AGuest
    Did you know, Shelby, that anger and rage can be an addiction? It's true. There are people that HAVE to feed their anger, and so they LOOK for things that will incite it. Then, they explode...

    Hoo-weee, I most certainly DO know, dear JO (the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one!). I learned it with my ex... even put it to the test. For some reason, he always had to "sabotage" things when our little family had a moment of... well, let's say, exuberance. For some time I kept thinking, "What the heck did I/the kids do NOW?" And then I left the WTBTS (omigawd, and all of the "Woe, is me" schleprock-y doom and gloom there! )... and decided to "test" him.

    So, one day he went into his "mood," and I just cranked up my joy! OMIGOSH... I promise you he literally VIBRATED with angst and anger - LOLOLOLOLOLOL! Seriously, you know how they say someone "Hit the roof"?! Well, he didn't, of course, but I would swear (if I swore) that there was a Boeing 747 in our house - you could literally FEEL the "engines" - LOLOLOLOL!

    Well, I'm a pretty upbeat, life is good, don't sweat the small stuff... kind of person, so very soon after that I decided, "Okay, enough of you." That, along with some other bull-pucky drew me to the conclusion that, "Uh-uh, you need to step." One of the last things I told him was, "You should have KNOWN when I left that WTBTS that your days were numbered and it was only a matter of time." Had to get that "dark cloud" outta my house!

    {{{{ Shudder}}}}} Ugh! Just THINKING about all that "heavy"... blame-everybody-but-myself-for-my-choices-and-so-my-screwed-up-life-so-I'll-just-kick-the-dog... kind of presence... gives me the WILLIES! And his life wasn't even screwed up! We actually had a good life - he owned his own company and made GOOD money - but he was just too STOOPID to realize it 'cause... well, he couldn't BLAME anyone for his life being GOOD - LOLOLOLOLOL!

    They then release the stress and feel better for awhile till they start looking for their fix again. I'm not making this up.

    Oh, no, dear one - I absolutely believe you. I DID research it, during and after, and learned that it's almost like sex for some... even better, actually, for others (you know, those who have "trouble" in that area. Gotta take that 'stuff' out on SOMEONE, right? Funny... it's usually single guys, recently separated/divorced guys, uber-dominant... or completely dominated guys. I've never seen any of the "life really IS good" guys I know go through this. They don't even go there. In fact, they're always trying to talk these idjits "down." And for those who think I'm "picking" on guys... please... I'm not. Lots of "testosterone" issues going on in this world. Women just tend to express the same "frustration" through things like screaming and tears. Or total silence. Or strapping the kids in the car which she then drives into the lake - after she gets out, of course).

    You can find lots of information by researching "anger addiction" or "Intermittent Explosive Disorder".

    I'll take a look, dear one, but I'll tell you now it'll be quite brief. Because I've been there and done that with that whole syndrome and don't intent to "live" another second of it ever again, even if it's only through the pages of a book. Too much for me. My life is so calm, cool, quiet, and tranquil. Coming here is really the only "noise" in it (well, and the recent "mutiny" at work. Sigh. But I can handle that - it's business...).

    PEACE, dear JO... and THANK you for letting me vent... and giving me a HUGE laugh - I needed it!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    Coffee... DARLING!! I love you, too, dear one! The GREATEST of love and peace to you, dear one (and you, too, Miz Josie Girl! MUAH! )!

    Bottoms up! (Mine's decaf, though...)

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • notverylikely

    Sure, it is, dear Zid (peace to you!)... because if you didn't WANT to get annoyed, you wouldn't. Remember, it's only "christians" who have no such control.

    That's right. Getting poked in the arm only annoys you if you want it to. Someone farting in your face only annoys you if you want it to. Getting kicked in the tenders only hurts if you want it to. Shit on the sidewalk only stinks if you want it to.

    Well, when I am accused of something of which I have no knowledge, I usually like to respond... and apologize.

    Yet strangely when you accuse others of things that aren't true and they correct you, you don't. Interesting.

    And, yet, you didn't skip over. You CHOSE to read... and... wait for it... to RESPOND. Now whose fault is that?

    True that. We can 100% agree on that. For the love of the FSM, I think you're batshit crazy in some ways, but I do love ya (in an online sort of way).

    Peace, though. Seriously.

    Always, dear Shelby. Always.

  • cameo-d


    Well, Ziddinia and Cameo,

    If you don't want to hear from AGuest, just don't read her posts.


    Of course that is an option, dear coffee, peace to you in the most peaceable way!

    But fact is, AGuest has become a troll and a board stalker and disrupts subject matter with all her tripe and nonsense. If she actually had something to contribute to a thread that would be different. But her INTENT seems to be to provoke. There is an underlying hostility in her rude behavior.

    And comments like yours only encourage the bad behavior and idiocy!


    Hey Zid..

    Trust me..

    Shelbys posts are getting much more readable,from when she first started..

    As her friend..

    I am very happy about how her writing style has proggressed..


    Shelby is far from needy..She is one of the more giving people here..


    She is on a Mission from Jesus..

    Some people like that..Some people don`t..

    Then there are the ones like me..

    Who don`t mind Shelby shareing her thoughts,although we don`t share her beliefs..

    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • AGuest
    Getting poked in the arm only annoys you if you want it to.

    Yeah, but if get poked while "playing ball"... with the big dogs... it's usually bad form to start crying, isn't it, dear NVL (peace to you!)?

    Someone farting in your face only annoys you if you want it to.

    Yes! I've heard there are some that prefer it! True, they're usually found in dark little rooms wearing raincoats and watching ladies (or men) undress behind curtained windows, but...

    Getting kicked in the tenders only hurts if you want it to.

    Nahhh... my understanding is that that hurts even if you don't want it to.

    Shit on the sidewalk only stinks if you want it to.

    I wouldn't know. I tend to cross the street when I see it in the distance. So, I guess, if I CHOOSE to walk right by it, well... yeah, I'm gonna smell something... ummmm... "smelly"...

    Yet strangely when you accuse others of things that aren't true and they correct you, you don't. Interesting.

    Not true. If it isn't true, I absolutely apologize...

    I think you're batshit crazy in some ways...

    And I think you're bored with nothing "better" to do than "harass" someone who can go head to toe with you on the issues we've discussed... which you're not used to... and so are intrigued... which is why you keep at it...

    but I do love ya (in an online sort of way).

    Omigawd... someone was right... you DO have the "hots" for me!!! Well, sir, I'll have you know I am a [very] happily married woman... and I don't DO online "dating" (although, I confess, I did meet my husband that way many years ago - ! We didn't really date, though - we just a common WTBTS background which kinda brought us together...). Now, go take a cold shower!! JK!!

    Always, dear Shelby. Always.

    Indeed, dear NVL. Nothing personal from MY end - !

    Peace to you!

    YOUR servant (still, and hoping that continues to time indefinite, but you're not making it easy...), and a slave of Christ,


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