Pissing On JWs That Are Geuninely Searching Here

by minimus 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • wobble

    When I came here first I was still attending meetings, though I had stopped FS months before.

    I found some of the views expressed shocking, they gave me a jolt ! and some of the things directed at silly comments of mine stung at first,(nobody likes to feel stupid) but I did not find any posters who were offensive.

    I think that some who come on here have too much of the JW mind-set and feel that anything said against the WT is an attack on them.

    If they remain long enough to mature, they soon realise that the only bitterness on here is reserved for the lost years spent in the Cult and the comments are not spiteful but truthful.

    The only personal attacks that I have seen have been prompted by Trolls not debating, just doing hit and run. Some attacks could have been couched in better language, but were justified.

    All are welcome, just do not expect us to welcome WT lies.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I have been here almost a year. I was "active" for the first half of it. I have noticed a trend toward intolerance lately which this thread attempts to address.

    To those who would attack ANYONE on this board, for ANY reason I recommend the following: GROW UP!

    Debate beliefs, attack positions to your heart's content but DO NOT attack PEOPLE. Do not belittle their questions. And do not assume that just because they still believe things that you just know are bullshit that they're stupid and worthy of scorn.

    How about some common decency and respect? How about helping people?

  • arimatthewdavies

    this is the united states of america jehovahs wittnessess should be given no less respect than the muslims[whos butts are getting kissed alot these days]
    we all should get along with other parts of the body of christ it dosent do any good at all for the mouth to cuss out the foot that steped on a nail! the fastest way to loose your usefull ness to the lord jesus is to single out any particular religeion and jeer and poke. the name of your website gets out and you now have 6 million angry people preaching about your website they use terms like apostate and hostiles. to discribe your site and the internet forms an opinion[site dedicated to haseing jehovah wittnesses] then all you are is a hate club,

  • bigmac

    i'm recently new to this board & have stated elsewhere i am 30 years "out" & very happy about that.

    i have no "beef" with any devout jw's visiting-- they are most welcome i'm sure

    also i have no intention of attacking a persons belief--live & let live etc.

    but if a jw visiting this site wants to find out what its like out in the real world---

    i'm more than happy to share my experience, if asked.

  • sabastious
    All are welcome, just do not expect us to welcome WT lies.

    This just needs to be quoted for emphasis. Good line.


  • Lozhasleft

    Some of us are not actually in the USA ...its a worldwide site....

    Loz x

  • cantleave

    I don't have a problem with anyone on this board, but I resent people who tell me the only reason they keep an untenable position is because they are providing an invaluable service to the rest of us.

    I came to this board serving as an elder, I realised very quickly that if I stayed an elder I would have to support an corrupt organisation and possibly be part of a judicial system that would force to make decisions that could castigate someone, who felt the same as me but was less able to play the game.

    I could have stayed on the body and leak letters to this board. I would have enjoyed dual status on this board and my congregation. But I don't need the status. i just want a life free of the organisation.

  • miseryloveselders

    I have to ask about the way you worded the above quote... do you still consider yourself a JW, even to yourself or to non-JWs? It's been my observation that even those that have to pretend to some degree because of family or whatever, they still manage to stop referring to themselves as a JW.

    I think someone who has mentally freed themselves but has to put on appearances is not really a JW anymore. Sure, their number counts on the WT books, but if you're mentally free, no longer under their influence and are working to undermine the WT control on friends/family still in, you're a double agent. You're not really a JW...you're an ex-JW working on the inside.

    Good question........being honest, I don't know anymore. UC are you playing old man mind games on me? LOL, I don't want to sound like I'm being evasive, but it really does depend on what day you ask me. IF you would have asked me this past weekend, I would have said no. Today though, I still consider myself a JW for the most part, I just don't acknowledge the Governing Body or a Faithful & Discreet Slave any longer. I've mentioned before, there's much I agree with coming out of WT Land. Just so happens to be the handful of issues I do have with them are biggies.

    Sticking with the thread topic, I think to some degree some posters might get a little sensitive on here. Its a message board at the end of the day. I always liked what I heard an inmate say once, "if ain't worth killing over, it aint worth fighting or arguing over." I feel the same way. No reason to get overly sensitive by what people post here. At the same time, some posters call themselves dispensing tough love and while not as eloquent as TD or Leolia, their heart is in the right place. So if it comes off crude, we're all big boys and girls, we deal with it. The thought behind it is what counts.

  • simon17

    cantleave that is a very odd post... You resent those who are undercover elders. Then you give two potential reasons why, and they are contradictory. 1st, that they are hypocritical. 2nd, because you wouldn't have enjoyed it but you dont NEED to have the status. Perhaps they do it because they think they can genuinely help people they have known a long time in their congregation that way. Perhaps they are afraid of what will happen when they leave, since everyone's family situation is radically different. Its a very difficult life, and I dont think its fair to pass judgement or appropriate to resent their actions.

  • cantleave

    No I don't resent them. I'm sorry if I gave that impression.

    What I was trying to say is I think some, not all, are unwilling to relinquish the Status they have in the congregation and justify it by saying they are moles to the exJW community. You can bet your bottom dollar they are still looked up to in the congregation, it is hard to let that status go.

    I am sure that some feel they can help people in the congregation by remaining elders, but the JW system is designed to ensure that the WTS business and disciplinary model is followed. You can not genuinely help someone in the organisation by being an elder. For example, if you are sitting on a JC dealing with an apostate, the decision is predetermined before the hearing. You can't change the verdict, because the committee are following the very tight guidelines found in the "flock" book.

    What can they be afraid of by stepping down and showing they no longer support a corrupt system. You won't lose friends or family by no longer serving as an elder.

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