Pissing On JWs That Are Geuninely Searching Here

by minimus 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • PSacramento

    I can see some newbies that are just reading what is being said and getting turned off by some of the posts and threads.

    I know of 2 at least.

    Too "rude", too much "anger" and one even said that their views of those that have left ( bitter, angry and spiteful) were confirmed.

    One mentioned that some posters talk down to JW's as if they have brain problems and are stupid.

    I mentioned that while some people can get overly emotional and may not always have the tools to express themselves in a positive way to others that their intentions are good and their hearts in the right place.

    I think that soemtimes people forget that if a JW is here thatis already a very big step and that if they have concerns and issue with their religion, it doesn't mean that they have issues with their faith or are on their way to being atheists so that its open season on God, Jesus and all their muchachos.

  • miseryloveselders

    I feel so much hostility on this board as of late.........are we active JWs no longer wanted?


    Some of the newbies are elders at this time or servants or Pioneers.

    We shouldn't make them feel unwanted unnecessarily.....Minimus

    Thats all good and well Minimus..Like I said,most of us don`t care..

    If they want to tell us we`re assholes for complaining about the Corrupt WBT$..

    They deserve what they get..The Truth..

    The ones who expect people to immediatly leave the WBT$ are just as bad..

    People will leave when they are ready.....Or not..

    Either way it makes no difference to me..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • sabastious
    I feel so much hostility on this board as of late.........are we active JWs no longer wanted?

    Active JWs are always welcome.

    Honestly I think some of the more hostile JWs on this board have created some bad blood. I know theMadJW has pissed me off a few times lol.


  • undercover
    ...are we active JWs no longer wanted?

    It's not my board, but as far as I'm concerned everyone is welcome provided they play pretty with all the other kids. When apologist trolls stir shit up, they're no longer welcome. Notice I said trolls, not just apologists. Apologists who want to truly debate are welcome as anyone else. It seems that because of the WTS stigma against the Internet the vast majority of apologists that do dare stop by are trolls.

    I have to ask about the way you worded the above quote... do you still consider yourself a JW, even to yourself or to non-JWs? It's been my observation that even those that have to pretend to some degree because of family or whatever, they still manage to stop referring to themselves as a JW.

    I think someone who has mentally freed themselves but has to put on appearances is not really a JW anymore. Sure, their number counts on the WT books, but if you're mentally free, no longer under their influence and are working to undermine the WT control on friends/family still in, you're a double agent. You're not really a JW...you're an ex-JW working on the inside.

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    Active Witnesses looking for a very well moderated board, with quite a number of active witnesses can also look at:


  • cyberjesus
    Active Witnesses looking for a very well moderated board

    Look at it like this : JWN is like living inside bethel. JWR is like going to the convention.

  • sabastious
    Different strokes for different folks. Everybody is different. Have fun. Enjoy your life. blah blah blah.

    It almost sounds like you don't agree with that sentiment.


  • Lozhasleft

    Unless anyone wants to offend any of us on here I think they should be welcome...it isnt easy to leave the Org and the loved ones in it...faders need support...witnesses in doubt need support ....compassion and understanding is free...the apologists are in denial....I hope we can continue putting the Org to shame by being better than they are in terms of kindness and unconditional friendship and acceptance...it helped me so much ...

    Loz x

  • simon17

    I think if someone comes out and says they're looking for help and are still in, people here are EXTREMELY nice and helpful. THere are many examples.

    I think the witness bashing goes too far (like people make it seem like every teaching, every act, every motive and every person that is part of JWs are evil creatures hell bent on controlling your mind and ruining your life). That simply is not the case. And it can be a big turn off for people like myself who are surrounded by witnesses who are fundamentally good people believing something that I just dont think is right. I dont believe that every CO and DO and even governing body member is twidling their thumbs on how to screw the R&F. Most are honestly trying to do whats best I believe. Some aren't. And they all, I believe, don't have the truth. I think its much better to attack the facts and not the motives and the people (in most cases).

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