(sighs) i kinda have a problem...>.<

by BlackTwisted 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • BlackTwisted

    @GL: True, but i meant like a chat site, like those cute avatars ^_^ like imvu, zwinky,habbo,etc. definitely not dating sites like eharmony, i could look up a 50 year old dude if i wanted too :P lol.

    I wil lbe carful, i always search them up on google just to make sure they aer who they say they are..not to mention google's my best friend :P and if you mean her seeing me um..doing something with myself, then i will keep the door shut, lol jks but i wil think 3 times...or more than that...^_^

    P.S thanks for the avatar help ^_^

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    I don't believe a word of it.

    Don't know if you are black, but you sure are twisted.


  • wannabefree

    My sixth sense, something just doesn't seem right about this thread.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    wanna, sometimes its better to keep your sixth sense private. Think about the implications for if your sixth sense is wrong.

  • wannabefree

    It was just an opinion, I could very well be wrong, no harm intended.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Please dont allow yourself to fall in love with someone you have NOT met in person!!! FFS you are just setting yourself up for a prize winning crash here. I've been there and done that myself and it is all wrong and back to front way of dating.

    MEET someone, feel some spark between you, (yes, that means physical attraction!! which is bloody hard to have if you have never SEEN them FFS!!) ..get to know them in person in a variety of situations. Then if all is still going well you are now well on you're way down the dating game road. There is no substitute for face to face contact.

    Falling for someone that you do not even know what he looks like is just plain dumb. But, if you want a short cut to disappointment then by all means proceed.

    Sheeesh... Get me outta here

    BTW can you guess my age? Thats right I'm 16 as well arent I? Fancy meeting up!? Hint I look like a mix of young Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry era and Mathew Perry aka Chandler from Friends (OK that part is true btw).


  • AGuest
    MEET someone, feel some spark between you,

    Hmmmm... I'm not sure I'd say that to a 15-year-old, dear WMF (peace to you!). No offense intended, but I think I would say, "Meet someone... and build up a slow burn." Because when you're that age, a spark can trigger a full out combustion, if you know what I mean, and we certainly don't want THAT for her, do we? A slow burn, on the other hand, has the capacity to KEEP burning... for many years to come.

    Dear BlackTwisted (and I'm thinking braids or dreads, here?)... look, chile (as I would say to MY daughter)... you want something that's gonna smolder, that even a torrent of water might not be able to put out. You don't want some "flash burn"... then, zip! paper's all gone. TAKE YOUR TIME. There is NO hurry, truly. What you're experiencing, that "teenage love/angst/attraction" thing comes... and often goes. And often quickly. Make FRIENDS with the guy, first. Really get to know him. Even better... REALLY GET TO KNOW YOU. Because, trust, me... you really don't know you, yet. You really don't know what you like... and don't like... what you'll put up with... and won't put up with. Because you haven't finished... well, developing is the word that comes to mind... mentally, emotionally, psychologically, and perhaps even spiritually. And what you THINK you want/know/like/dislike NOW... may NOT be what you come to KNOW you want/know/like/dislike in, say, 6-7 years... when you're 21-22. Or 9-10 years when you're 24-25. Or in... well, you get the picture.

    Truly, chile, there is no rush. You can't take it back... so you really wanna take it... slow. Think about school, maybe a career... what you want to DO with you life... WHERE you want to do it! Your "Mr. Right" is out there... but if you jump into something this young and early, you may just have to pass him by when he finally shows up. And I will tell you this: if you have to ask others IF a guy is "Mr. Right".... then he isn't.

    Again, peace to you (and my apologies, dear WMF, for disagreeing with you)!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • GLTirebiter

    No, that's not what I meant. I meant that if the guy is really what you say he is, there's no reason to hide him from your parents. As others have said, you have a long life ahead of you. Don't be in a rush, savor your youth while it lasts.

  • Ding

    I'm not a fan of online dating. How do you know this guy is what he claims to be? How do you know, for example, that he isn't 55, married with 5 kids, pretending to be 16 and single?

    I'm not saying he's a fraud. I'm just saying how do you know he's legit?

  • mrsjones5

    I've seen too many "To Catch A Predator" shows on MSNBC to ever let my teenage daughter date anyone she's met online. There are a lot of freaks mispresenting themselves as something they're not just to get an underage girl (or boy for that matter).

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