Phoned the PO

by watersprout 44 Replies latest members private

  • undercover

    I never picked up the xmas habit...for which I'm glad. I don't have to kill a tree or rearrange my house or burn electricity needlessly. I don't have ot buy gifts for everybody and their brother.

    But I still like xmastime. I like the decorations around the city, the lights, etc. There seems to be a sense of good cheer, the xmas spirit if you will, that can be infectious. I like the xmas songs, both traditional, classical and some of the new ones.

    And I especially love the parties where the xmas spirit is poured out of bottles...

  • cantleave

    Watersprout there is an exJW xmas party at Peacehaven near Brighton- are you going / interested in going?

  • watersprout
    Haha! What an earful for the PO. Good for you, WS.

    I think his ears were more than burning! lol

    Stephen thank you for those scriptures... I have made a mental note and will be using them when he phones me.

    The fact that you did not (yet) put up the Xmas lights means they might simply wait a couple of months to announce that you are "no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses

    I have a feeling they will do that...At least i have ''confessed'' and i am free! Yay! The sooner they announce it the better...

    I subscribe to the "cut clean" method of leaving rather than the fade. To each his own.

    I tried the fade but they still have their evil claws in me, i'm all for the ''cut clean'' method...Although it is a different matter when you have close family in...

    I regret ever picking up the Christmas habit

    Thats a shame that you regret it... Xmas should be about family, but unfortunately it ends up being about cost and a lot of the time families end up falling out... Bit like me and my sister beansprout last year... Mind you beansprouts husband ''Uriah Heep'' hates me and my parents with a passion so tries to cause problems wherever he can... Ruined last xmas for us, and it was our first in soo long... It was a ''secret'' xmas! Lol...

    Christmas is very fun time of year.

    I love it, every bit of it! I love it aswel cause i get to make my own traditions which is always fun...


  • watersprout
    And I especially love the parties where the xmas spirit is poured out of bottles...

    Haha thats the best bit! I do love the lights, the music, the xmas air! lol... We don't spend a lot of money, it's more about being united as a family and eating yummy turkey!

    Watersprout there is an exJW xmas party at Peacehaven near Brighton- are you going / interested in going?

    Sounds good! When is it cause we are going away for xmas this year to spend it with family....


  • leavingwt

    Good for you, watersrpout! Welcome to the Rest of Your Life!

    Ain't Liberty grand?

  • cantleave

    Its on November 27th - being arranged on (not spamming honest). If you are interested I will PM you my phone number and we can add you to the event.

  • watersprout
    Ain't Liberty grand?

    It certainly is!

    Cantleave I will have a chat to Carrot, but yeah sounds like fun!


  • cantleave

    It will be I'm dressing as Satan!!!

  • cantleave

    I mean Santa!

  • watersprout

    LOL cantleave!

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