Phoned the PO

by watersprout 44 Replies latest members private

  • Lozhasleft

    Well done Watersprout...good for you. Good to hear about the 'haunted look' going...interesting that.

    Loz x

  • cyberjesus

    Well that christmas tree better be a good one :-)

  • Ding

    Send the PO a photo of Rutherford at Bethel celebrating Christmas and say, "If Christmas was okay with Big Joe, it's okay with me too!"

  • watersprout

    Ding that is an excellent idea! Although i have a feeling he will turn round and say ''there has been new light since then''....


  • whereami

    watersrpout ain't no joke!!!!!

  • TastingFreedom

    Congratulations!!! YOU ARE IN CONTROL MY FRIEND. You have hurt their egos.. Cheers!

    Best wishes!! You will be just fine!

  • thenoblelodge

    I reckon you will have stirred up a hornets nest....they'll be buzzin like crazy, going from 'house to house' gossiping and saying 'I knew it... there was always something about them carrot and sprouts.

    How is Carrot and baby sprout by the way?

    one each and for baby sprout


  • tiki

    like mama ran over the reindeer, Farkel?? hahahhah

  • TheClarinetist

    Between Carrots and Sprouts you must have a very healthy baby.

    Congrats on telling off the PO. I wish I was able to do that.

  • watersprout
    Good to hear about the 'haunted look' going...interesting that.

    I know it's really bizzare! Lets hope i will start to heal and look like a ''normal'' human being again!

    Well that christmas tree better be a good one :-)

    It will be AWESOME!

    watersrpout ain't no joke!!!!!

    I certaintly ain't!!!

    You have hurt their egos.. Cheers!

    HELL YEAH!!! Cheers to you *clink*

    I reckon you will have stirred up a hornets nest....they'll be buzzin like crazy, going from 'house to house' gossiping and saying 'I knew it... there was always something about them carrot and sprouts.

    Oh they have always had something to say about us Sprouts! They will feed on this for months! TBH i'm glad as a family i can keep them entertained!

    Between Carrots and Sprouts you must have a very healthy baby

    I wish we did, with all the stress thats been in the house recently Babysprout is suffering from her very first migraine!

    Congrats on telling off the PO. I wish I was able to do that.

    Trust me you will...I never thought i would have the strength to, but Wednesday night i did! Still haven't heard anything....Quite disappointed!

    Peace and light

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