The Bible Gods Word or Mans

by azor 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rebel8

    1- The Bible is not a scientific book but when it touches on science it is accurate.

    omg no. Absurd Torah Science

    2 -...The Bible for the first time introduces a singular monotheistic god...


  • EndofMysteries

    I'm with you Tenacious. Too many coincidences. You can add DNA to that list. DNA works just like computer programming. EVERY living thing comes from the same DNA, and depending how it's coded is what you end up with. Prior to this modern age, just over a 100 years ago computers and computer programming would be impossible to understand. Now after all the DNA breakthroughs from the 1950's onward, and computer programming, and how alike they are, DNA to my understanding is like a highly dynamic biological programming language and program.

    I'll put it this way, right now due to the how much computer memory can be stored in small hard drives, processor speed, robotics, etc, there is nothing holding us back from developing robots and if a genius develops a computer program that can think and learn and mimick the human brain, it could potentially become self aware.

    Even if I did not believe in God or God as traditionally described, I would have to admit I see strong evidence for some sort of intelligent design as regards life on Earth.

  • Finkelstein

    The life on earth is truly awe inspiring but that doesn't necessarily mean that what it is here due to a unrecognized

    intelligent creator , it could just have happened by natural law.

    How is it capable to envision a god by which is only formulated by ancient mythological story telling ?

  • azor

    EndofMysteries you are not living up to your name. You believe in a mystery. Which is more complicated the quote unquote created or the creator who made the complicated DNA and so on that you describe. I know for example that you and I are more complicated than a chair.

    I contest that Theists are holding onto belief in a creator as a means of comfort. I would like to believe, however the evidence does not hold up to scrutiny. I also see evidence that belief in a creator of what you just mentioned stunts our growth and effort to continue to learn and grow.

  • SonoftheTrinity
    Just reading the Bible, accepting it as God's word without the light of historical context is what breeds unbalanced fundamentalisms. The Bible was recompiled during the Babylonian captivity and also under the Persians. The Babylonians were idol worshipping Semites and the Persians also worshipped one omnibenevolent God. Those ideas made their mark not only on tradition but also on scripture. The parables of Jesus were Jewish parables that were originally Buddhist parables. My understanding of God's word in historical context has guided me to seeing the truth in other religions without feeling the need to convert to any of them or convert others over to my way of thinking, but still knowing that Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of all human faith. Christ said he didn't come to condemn the world but to redeem it. Jehovah's Witnesses come to condemn the world for not bowing down to their empty suits.
  • fukitol

    If you believe in the Bible then you believe in an immoral God that committed or sanctioned genocide, amongst other horrible crimes (in the ancient past and will again at Armageddon in the future).

    If you believe God has the right to commit or sanction genocide, then basically morality does not exist.

    The only rational and enlightened decision then, as hard as it may be for you, is to accept that the Bible cannot possibly be true.

  • Crazyguy
    I believe the world may have been created by a superior being, but with all that I now know about the Bible and it's origins as well as ancient history and ancient religions there's no way this being is connected in anyway to the Bible unless he's evil and mind fucking us all.
  • Tenacious

    @ azor, Finkelstein, and truthseeker100 - You all make valid points. I understand this discussion can be tiring and debated for hours on end. There are certainly points that even make me question the validity of an intelligent creator. For example, ancient designs and writings and also the fossil record.

    What you point out 'azor' is definitely one of those conundrums. That this intelligent being never had a beginning. Finkelstein points to the meteorite that seemingly points to being the dinosaur killer. And then there's truthseeker100's comment on deadly viruses wiping out millions. These questions hold valid arguments I agree.

    Let me also add 'fukitol's' comment on God's moral standards. The pillaging and murdering of innocent women, men, children, and babies, ranks up there with some of the most horrific crimes being perpetrated even today. This is one of those arguments that I also have a tough time reconciling with a beautiful loving Creator.

    Sometimes we see a cup half full and others see it half empty. Therein lies the fundamental reason separating our opinions.

  • azor

    Thank you for your comments tenacious. I want to believe as I think many here want to. I just have great difficulty accepting things based upon conjecture. I almost lost my now 7 year old son because of my 3rd generation jw belief system. I will be dammed if I do anything of that sort again.

    I know without a shadow of doubt that belief in a higher being has imo very negative consequences. Principally it leads to stunting growth and further understanding. When we get used to the idea of "that's just beyond our understanding, or it was meant to be" we stop pushing for evidence or a real answer.

    I think that if everyone were to logically follow their thoughts all the way through they would see the error in theism. Belief in a god is dangerous.

    I have found a couple of channels very interesting on YouTube. Darkmatter2525, darkantics, and thethinkingatheist to be very thought provoking. The first is rather vulgar but thought provoking none the less.

  • Fernando

    As a non-sectarian person who has received the free gift of faith, I have come to believe that the Bible is neither inerrant, nor the word of God.

    The word or message of God is the liberating, transformative and living gospel message hidden in plain sight throughout the Judeo-Christian-Muslim ancient or foundational texts, which are canonised in part in the Bible.

    As such the Watchtower provides ample evidence that they are contemptuous enemies of the word of God, and are driven by the same spirit as their ancestors the Pharisees.

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