Lady Lee- who are you, and what's YOUR story?

by theMadJW 422 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    asd I was typing that I remembered one more incident that happened with a flasher but that too was before I left the JWs.

    It isn't uncommon for kids who have been abused to have multiple abusers. In my work with survivors there were many of my clients who were abused by more than 1 person - some more than me!

    What is important is that I learned and I made sure my daughters learned how to protect themselves from anyone who would take advantage of them. I knew who was watching my kids when we had to have babysitters. My kids never even met my father or step-father.

  • Luo bou to
    Luo bou to

    I would like to point out that not all sexual abusers are male some are female and it's more common than we would like to believe. My son told me this. He works as a psychologist in a prison where many of the inmates were sexually abused by their own mothers. Mind you the mothers did not consider it abuse just giving their son an education.

  • fresia

    MadJW said.

    WAS- as i

    I've stated before, I am a JW because of the TRUTH, NOT because of the WTBS.

    The TRUTH comes from the True God, the coprolite from men. I have NEVER believe that small group of men in NY are the "FDS"-but that ALL true Christians are.


    then you must agree that those that disagree with the FDS and write to them with their own scriptural points, even claiming to be of the anointed, are rejected to contribute. In fact a letter will be sent to their local congregation with suspicion of apostasy.

    And you claim the society is not wicked. What does God say. These men claiming to be the only FDS and everyone has to listen and obey what they say is wicked it is no different to the Pharisees that Jesus rebuked and rejected.

    They hold b/s in bondage and many are in fear of losing their families if they dare speak out. So they wait on Jehovah, but some come on the net and they voice those concerns and are accused of being apostate and abused by other Jehovah's witnesses.

    There is a clear distinction between the idol worshiping b/s and those that are not, like the Israel of old idolater was rampant. May not be Baal but it is still idolater which Jehovah condemns as wicked.

    As you said they are not the FDS they are self appointed and that is wicked.

    2Thess 2:2-11

    GB= rulers. 1Cor 4:8

    We should not pass this by lightly, while JW condemn other faiths they sit comfortably thinking they are so much better because of doctrine and unity. lol

    But its what Jehovah says that matters.

    Sadly many JW that have been stumbled and mistreated are scattered about, some even not believing God has a household anymore.

    Ezekiel 35:5, 16-

    God loves and he cares for his sheep. The fine Shepherd Jesus Christ will in his day of returning settle accounts. and then he will appoint whom he judges as worthy to care for all his belongings. Matt 24: 43-50

  • wasblind


    your coming of as judgemental

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    AK-Jeff - is there anyway to confirm that letter's validity?

    I cannot personally verify it. It has, however, been posted on Silent Lambs website for several years. I believe, given the nature of the beast, that the Watchtower would have long ago sued for it's removal if not real. Also, the coded letters in the header can be used to determine the author as I understand it, so it might be tracable by them. Surely in 5 or 6 years of being on SL the Watchtower spies have seen it. I think this testifies to it's probable authenticy. I don't believe Bill would post it if he was suspicious, either.


  • Mary
    KW13 said: AK-Jeff i am not doubting you personally, but can i ask, how sure are we this letter is authentic? Seems to me, if it is real, something should have been done about it, although it'd probably be met with denial.

    Yep, that's the whole point hon: something should have been done about it, but as per usual, the WTS was (and remains) far more concerned about protecting their pitiful reputation, than in dealing with serious problems. Note that the letter expresses far more concern with the possibility that this brother smoked a joint than what they did with the idea that he could have "committed several murders". Murder you say? Paaaaah. Don't worry about something so trivial brothers. We can't have you wasting valuable time questioning a serial killer about the murders he committed; we need to focus on the really important issue of whether or not he smoked a joint, which would bring reproach on Jehovah's Organization.

    I have no problem believing that the letter is genuine because if follows the pattern that the Organization takes on many such things. They strain the knat and swallow the camel on many such issues. Too bad they didn't pursue murderers and pedophiles with the same gusto and enthusiam that they do pursuing those who smoke the occassional joint, buy a lottery ticket, celebrate Christmas or attend a birthday party.

    Of course they protect pedophiles. It's not that they want children to be molested, but obviously when this problem was brought to the ears of the GB, they decided to treat the problem the way society in general treated it back in the 1950s: 'let's ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist.' Their decision was probably based partly on the fact that they did not have any children of their own and simply could not appreciate the horror of what this did to a child. It probably concerned them a bit, but obviously they were far more concerned with their reputation than what they were in protecting children from some of the scumbags roaming the KH's looking for victims. If they reported the pedophiles to the police, it could become public, and if it hit the media, they'd become a laughingstock and would be viewed as being no better than their arch-nemesis, the Catholic Church. And there's no way they wanted that to happen. So they put the lid on it, discouraged victims from coming forward, discouraged elders from reporting it to the 'worldly authorities' and instead, pretended that no crime was really being committed.

    Plus, the GB was and remains so far out of touch with reality it isn't even funny. Their world consists of keeping control of 7 million people, squashing any hint of "independent thinking", travelling around the world giving useless discources on how 'close the end is', and revelling in the adulation that so many of the R&F display towards them. They have no real desire to expose themselves to worldwide ridicule by admitting that their policies in fact, suck dead rocks and basically created what Bill Bowen described as a "pedophile paradise". They acted with inpunity because the 'two-eye witness rule' was rarely (if ever) used against the molester, because that's the very nature of what they do: they make sure there are no witnesses to the molestation. It's only because of people like Barbara Anderson and Bill Bowen that the horrific truth finally came out as to what they were doing.

    So MadJW, don't be a dickhead. Lady Lee's horrifying experience of what she went through was, unfortunately, not an isolated incident. This religion is run by a bunch of chauvanistic old men who have always viewed women and children as second class citizens. It mattered little to them that children were being raped by fellow believers because if it did, they would have dealt with the problem head on decades ago instead of sweeping it all under the carpet.

  • misguided

    Jehovah's holy spirit can't even keep the pervs out of bethel:

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Mad has not posted on this thread in the last 22 hours - since page 15. Those where his last posts here.

    Either he is busy - or decided to leave


    Even when MadJW said he was Extemely Busy..

    With his Business,his Web Site and Multiple Threads on JWN..

    He posted 106 posts on JWN in 2 days..

    MadJW isn`t Busy..Nor did he Decide to Leave..

    Lady Lee Killed Him!! ..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • theMadJW

    Such Tragic Ignorance.

    Because of foul experience and bad examples, you try to demonize my Brotherhood.


    LL is to be admired for coming out of such horror a better person- but to use the evil that befell her to condemn the WTBS for policy is childish; how can ANYONE set ploicy from a distance that will cover all circumstances in many states and countries?

    My brothers and sisters have had even GREATER evil brought upon them, from being thrown to the lions, to the German concentration camps and the African countries, the Muslim lands, etc, and dying, grow even stronger in their faith!

    Many have suffered similar horror as LL has-and THEY don't, in self- 'righteous judgent' , stand up and condemn the WTBS for policy.

    Wether the policy is as good as it SHOULD be or not is something THEY have to deal with, AND will have to answer for when standing before Christ.

    Yet, this is what makes Satan leap with joy- for, once again, the Truth about the Only True God, His Son and the Kingdom is all pushed into the background.

    You are your own minds.

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