Crap my District Overseer says

by easyreader1970 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Everyone in the NS will be vegetable-eating vampires. Immortal, and ghastly pale from working inside all day printing "new light" for all the living dead.

  • undercover
    Everyone in the NS will be vegetable-eating vampires.

    So they'll only eat blood oranges? Oh, wait... that's a fruit

  • Cook My Socks UK
    Cook My Socks UK

    Looks like one ball survived armageddon.

    Thank god Myth - good find

  • undercover

    Thanks to that illustration I think it's safe to assume that eventually a sports league would form:

    The NWFL...

    The New World Football League

    And no, not American football. It has to be football football (soccer). The illustration showed a round ball. Just be careful if you play...if you get a red card, you lose everlasting life.

  • sir82
    Sports are controlled by the demons and there will be no sports in the "new system". If you spend your time now watching and rooting for a team that will ultimately be destroyed by God, you're wasting your time.

    We had a congregation picnic recently.

    A bunch of people wanted to play softball.

    The "theocratic types" took over and as a result:

    -- No one was allowed to strike out.

    -- Everyone under the age of 15 who managed to faintly brush the ball with a bat got awarded by being allowed to run to 1st base & stay

    -- No score was taken

    -- An inning continued until everyone on the team got a chance to bat, then the inning ended

    My God what a colossal bore!

    What a enormously dull time we'll have in the "new system" if that's the style of "sport" we can look forward to.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    Sorry, no fruit allowed. That led to the first sin, remember? Watching one of those hot, paradise girls eat a banana would drive me to covet... things... very, very naughty things, which would warrant death for me... and death for a few thousand additional innocent people... just like in the OT.

    Jeez, JW paradise is sounding more like hell all the time!

  • flipper

    EASYREADER- Great thread. I can see I eventually would have left the JW's anyway ! I love sports- so I guess they would deem me demonic !LOL! I think the GB is trying to keep JW people from being close to each other and enjoying ANY fun & recreation at all because if they get TOO close to each other they may start talking and thinking about ideas of leaving this high control cult. So typical divide & conquer type thinking by preventing JW members from having any fun or recreation. More control for the WT society- less control for the individual witness

  • Bonnie_Clyde
    I remember the article (it will be denied now) where the TELEVISION was called "the eye of Satan in your home."
    They also criticised the sheeples for wanting VCRs then propmtly released Videos.

    Yes, I remember when we weren't even supposed to have a TV, then they criticized color TV, then VCRs, and now HD TV. It seems like everything something new comes out, it's wrong, but later it's OK because there will be something new to criticize. They just can't seem to mind their own business.

  • metatron

    If many really are rolling their eyes with this, I'd say Watchtower authority is deteriorating. The more extreme the counsel, the more these clowns wreck their own credibility.

    I rejoice in hearing about how extreme and irrelevant the whole thing is getting. This is a wonderful trend. They are destroying themselves, assembly by assembly.


  • jwfacts

    the district convention was very anti-science

    It is a pick and choose religion. When science invents something they need like printing presses or depression medicine they have no problem taking advantage of the benefits, but if it says something that does not align with their belief system then Science is has evil motives from the Devil.

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