OK 25 years out!!!

by Lady Lee 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • skeeter1

    And, here's your coffee mug e-gift!


    Well-behaved women rarely make history Mug Well-behaved women rarely make history M... $15

  • Invetigator74

    Happy 25th Lady Lee I left in 1977 (wow where did the time go!) I, like Vampire, was young when I left but was haunted many years later. I was back and forth to the meetings from the ealy 90s up to about 5 years ago. Now I don't regret at all leaving the Borg, though most my family are still in it. Hopefully they 'll wake up one day.

  • Invetigator74

    Make that 7 - 8 years ago, but who is counting?? LOL

  • Woody22

    1980 for me wow thats 30 years ago. time does fly.

    congratulations on 25to lady Lee

  • Quandry

    Congratulations Lady Lee. Yes, life is what you make it.

    I made mine "in" for over thirty years. Now that I am out, I am trying to make up for lost time. I have to hurry because I am almost 59 years old. I am determined....DETERMINED to get a college degree. Even though by the time I graduate, because I also have to work full time, I'll never be able to use it. I have the satisfaction of finally using my brain, instead of trying to make sense of the constantly changing doctrines of the WTS.

    I no longer have to try to make sense of why they changed PO to COBE....why is presiding different from chairman? What the hell was "loose" conduct anyway? Why is brazen any better? And of course, that real sweetheart, the "generation overlap" idiocy.

    My biggest wish now is to be a "thorn in the side" of the WTS...woo hoo!

  • jamiebowers

    Congrats Lady Lee!


    Congrats! I find your post very motivating. I've been considering going to college. However, there are other things I want to do too. Now that I can do whatever I want, I'm finding myself wanting to do a lot of different things. I just don't know where to start.
    Sorry, I can't turn the quote box off. I know you're busy working ful time, taking acting classes and doing some acting, (congrats again, btw!), but at least sqeeze in a college class or two. Then you'll get an idea whether you need/want a college degree, certification from a technical school or continuing education creits for your current job.
  • asilentone

    Kenneson (poster here) has been out since 1966. He does not post here much.

  • jaguarbass

    Congratulations, 25 years is a long time.

    Your post made me reflect and realize I have been out 27 years.

    When do we get a refund?

    When do we get our money back?

    Any ways we are real survivors, we escaped in the old days before the internet and mega book stores with whole departments

    on religion and cults.

    Back in 83, I was lucky to find one shelf on religion in any bookstores in the malls back in those days.

    I was lucky and unlucky, I lived through the days of 1975 and I know I and the publishers I knew didnt make that up.

    That was better and worse than the internet and the information age.

  • Heaven

    Lady Lee, that's wonderful! I agree with all you've posted as well. WE are the architects of our lives. So be creative! If you let someone else create your life for you, you will never be happy.

    Here is a little image I love and thought would be good to post:

    Never Ever Give Up

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Thanks everyone

    It's great to see so many new people leaving the org and beginning thei rnew lives. When many of us who left eons ago there were no support networks like we have now with the internet and Meetups. We were alone which makes it understandable why so many tried to go back.

    Now people who leave can find so much information and help. It makes it so much easier to make that decision to never go back.

    My hope is that I can offer a bit of help in the exiting process.

    Heaven I have never seen that image in color before Thanks

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