if you only knew (1st Post here)

by lil.lady.03 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • gutted

    Welcome lil.lady! This forum is great, and I'm sure it will help you as it has helped me greatly.

    In regards to your family's situation it is sometimes suprising to know that many witness families have a lot of issues, don't believe just the exterior you see at the hall.

    This forum was the first place where I told anyone about my issues with being a witness. I've consumed a lot of information. I would recommend www.jwfacts.com, and several books (Crisis of Conscience, Combatting Cult Mind Control, Captives of a Concept) which have helped me tremendously.

    Give yourself lots of time, don't jump into anything too hastily and realize that by beginning this journey you will come out better in the end.

    That has been the case for me, I've never felt happier or more free.

  • brotherdan

    I think this is a good post to review to see some of the things that they REALLY were saying in the old days. It's interesting that they left THESE quotes out of the new dvd...


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Welcome. You will make many supportive friends here and you will be in our thoughts and prayers. We won't be praying for you to "return to Jehovah" or any of that crap, only that you find happiness, joy, and contentment.

    Suggestion: read "Combatting Cult Mind Control" by Steven Hassan as soon as you possibly can.

    Then marry or move in with your boyfriend and move on with your life. Either your JW family will accept it or they won't. Your non-JW family isn't going to judge you harshly, so you're good there. And honestly, whatever God exists, he doesn't care about such things as what religious ritual club you have membership in or if you're making love with someone who loves you.

  • brotherdan

    Sweeny, I couldn't have said it better, my friend.

  • truthseekeriam

    Welcome lil.lady,

    I'm sorry for what you are going through right now, I know the feeling well

    Please don't give the elders any power, just remember they are normal people and the only power they have is what you give them (it took me a while to get that) If they want to talk to you again tell them your not emotionally able to go through that again.

    Isn't it all a scam?? The way they act all loving and concerned until they get you in that room and start the questions. I had to sit through them questioning my 10 year old after she was molested by a fellow JW, it wasn't pretty! At that moment I knew I would never trust them again!

    I'm so glad you found this place at this time, you will get alot of good advice.

  • letsslatejws

    Fade & fade fast.

    I woke up to the fact that the WBTS was not the truth just under a year ago now. I soon came to compare my life to that of someone being in a drug induced coma. Whilst going to the meetings it was like I was constantly recieving an anaesthetic. This anaesthetic was because of mind control. The WT and book studies are used to mind control (brainwash!) everyone into believing what they are hearing is correct. Since no one is allowed to question what they hear then they are forced to accept what they hear is the 'truth' & not a lie as it comes from the (most honorable) Faithful & Discreet Slave....

    When I stopped going the meetings I was able to look back in like a fly on the wall and I soon started to wake up. It quickly became clear that the Slave Class hadnt actually been as discreet as they should have and that the so called Light that was getting brighter & brighter was just a ploy/scape goat to cover up that they were actually the False Prophet.

    Prophesy after prophesy has been changed (even though they are recieving super spiritual Holy Spirit direction straight from the horses mouth). This alone made me see them for what they are.

    I agree you need to read the book Crisis of Conscience written by Ray Franz, an Ex Governing Body member. This will free you from all your mental torment and help you to quickly break off all the chains that have been tied around you for years....

    Welcome to this site. Really hope that you continue to wake up & finally escape permanently....

    Im a 40 year old mom of 4 Junior/ teenage children. I was not born in to JWdom, but was one for 21 years. My husband 43 years (JW since he was 2yrs old). He too has escaped, so we all have freedom like never before ...

    Thinking of you. All our love xxx

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    you can sit and rest here

  • its_me!

    Welcome! I grew up thinking that I was wicked because I had so many doubts, and I did not enjoy meetings and field service. Once I stopped trying to ignore my doubts, and actually started to investigate them, I was blown away! Even though there are still hardships in my life, I feel so much freedom! I have never been happier, I hope that this is your experience too. It is overwhelming, some of the things that you will discover, but take a deep breath, and take it one day at a time. Glad you are here!

  • BabaYaga

    Hello and welcome, Lil' Lady.

    Keep reading. Keep posting. It gets better.


  • cognac


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