Oz Govt following UK & French lead on Tax/Charity status

by Mattieu 153 Replies latest watchtower scandals



    Reniaa/Debator could work on one of the shredders..

    It would be the first time she actually did any real work for the WBT$..

    Why is it..The Laziest People,have the Loudest Mouths?..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • isaacaustin


    Reniaa would probably do a very good job on one of those shredders and would actually be accomplishing something. She could then still defend the WT, but instead of trying to defend their atrocities and false prophecies she would be defending them as the leading producer of animal bedding.

  • bohm

    ...and if she has doubt how a shredder works, she can just pick the wrong fight with Mary :-).

  • debator

    Hi MMXI

    While I appreciate the effort you put into your scenario it's inadmisable. Since you set it from your own personal opinion. Which is that you THINK witnesses don't earn more than another average group of random people taken from society. You accused me of Generalisation? but what if I said "All American indians don't pay as much tax because they don't get high paid jobs, I know this because I new a couple of them a few years ago"(this is a completely prejudiced statement with no basis of truth in it and exactly like yours)

    If you want to submit that Mr a pays more tax than Mr C then you have to prove it. I could equally say I know a Witness that owns his own business and would wipe the floor with your sample Mr A in tax paying.

    We could try and take the tax statements of every single witness to try and prove my point but would we include Prince or the williams sisters?

    The congregation you mentioned how many were retired? and had already put in a full-life of tax-paying but under your example wouldn't qualify because they are retired?

    My position is, that if a previous tax dodger becomes a witness he would start paying tax under effect of learning bible morality. Hense being a witness does make him pay more tax.

    Scientology is very popular with the rich and famous a tax statement from them might be an eye-opener.

    This is also preportionate. Religion does tend attract people at the lower end of the wage scale. Does that mean a religion is penalised because rich men don't join them?

    Are people worthless if they are low paid cleaners believing in God rather than a affluent middle-class Atheist?

    This is why I hate capitalism because a persons worth is calculated by how much money they make.

    So your argument is that France can ask more in taxes because witnesses don't have enough affluent people join them in your opinion! basically tax the poor through their religion because they don't have a good enough job?

    Governments tax people according to their income not religious status.

    I could probably find lots of axamples of religions where it is made up of low paid workers simply by going to a country like India. Should their religion be taxed due to the poverty structure of the country itself?

    England has a disproportionate amount of rich compared to a huge section of poor and out-of-work atm simply because of the recent recession a lot of them ex-public sector workers. Capitalism only works in a pyrimid where a small group of Rich are at the top compared to a massive group of poorer at the bottom.

    I should have said Witnesses Pay taxes according to their fiscal circumstances as required by the Government. Taxing their religous preference on top of that would be unfair.

  • isaacaustin

    Reniaa, taxing their religious preference? Are you really that dumb? I doubt it.

    I am all for the org having its tax-exempt status revoked. The governments likely will use a fine-tooth comb in the near future over entities that are registered as tax-exempt and if not providing benefit to the community will revoke. You are right- people and entities are taxed according to their income. If a person or entity fits a governmentally sanctioned exemption, then they are exempt. If they do not meet the qualifications, they are taxed.

    You provided a whole bunch of staements that don't seem to make any valid point.

  • isaacaustin

    The effect of revoking the orgs tax exempt staus would obviously hit the Wt insofar as property taxes, sales tax, income tax- which would hurt.

    At the individual level, members donations would not be tax deductible. I am sure the Wt would step up its efforts in asking for more money from its members to foot its tax bill.



    The WBT$ doesn't do shit for the community..

    Except annoy everyone they come in contact with..Much like yourself..

    Do you think you deserve tax exempt status for annoying people?..


    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • debator

    Hi Besty

    It does for those that believe in them. It is a basic unalienable right of humans beings to learn about the religious options available to them. You can feed a poor person but should he get a chance to read and learn about the bible too?

    Religions first and foremost are supposed to provide for religous needs of their members and that is their purpose. Your right as People get less religious the governments will use this as an excuse to turn on religon.

    Not recognising religion are of expertise is just religious intolerance from a growing irreligious people.

    Your own list refering purely to wrongdoings you put at the witnesses doors is an example of your biased position. Which means you are in no position to look at Witnesses with any kind of objectivity. Your dislike puts them at the top of your hate list every time.

  • debator

    Hi Isaac and bohm

    All I get from you two is.

    "We don't like witnesses therefore france should tax them!"

    Where is the objectivity in that?

  • isaacaustin

    LOL as Reniaa has pointed out ANY verifiable facts that show the dishonesty and harm of the org and proof that they provide no community benefit are biased. If you want to know the truth about the org you have to simply ask the org. They are the only ones who will give an honest and unbiased account.

    Thanks for the enlightenment reniaa. I will return to the org at once!!!!!!!

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