Pastor to burn Koran

by beksbks 265 Replies latest social current

  • whereami

    If it will make everyone feel better, I'll burn both the Koran and the Bible on 9/11.

    Two of the most wicked books ever written. How's that for tolerance.

  • journey-on
    I think this is the most amusing part of the argument presented by the JWoodses of the world. Their argument is as follows:
    1) The US is better because we have freedom of religion, the separation of church and state, freedom of speech/press, democracy, etc.
    2) Muslim countries are worse than us, because they do not have those things.
    3) Therefore, the US should LOWER its standards and act like the Muslim world until the Muslim world learns how great we are (were) and starts acting how we USED to act.

    With all due respect, Justitia, I'm certain this is not how JWoods thinks. When you use phrases like "the JWoodses of the world" you are speaking much to vaguely. I think like JWood on lots of issues, so I'm not certain I would be included in your accusations.

    Never lower your standards for anything...period. That is what has gotten us into a lot of trouble in the past. You end up with mediocrity because if you seek to raise someone else's and lower your own, and then what do you have? A mediocre mess.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    I'm certain this is not how JWoods thinks

    Ie thinks otherwise, then he needs to state so. He has said some pretty wacky stuff on this DB, and he was unable to state difinitively that he was against forcing Muslims to register.

    I can only go by what he has posted.

    A small sample...

    So you are all for dropping a nuclear bomb on the middle east, killing women and children. They all deserve to die, just to make you feel better. God forbid you show some restraint. Its a f*%kin dick contest. Got it.

    We didn't start it.

    So what do you advocate the USA do with Muslims and the thousands of Mosques in this country.

    Sadly, because of the conditions of today's world and today's Islam - they should be monitored carefully. This is in fact the proven breeding ground of domestic Islamic terror. It goes against libertarian princlples, I know, but as long as advocation for attacks and radicalism continue - then defensive measures should continue. No, I do not advocate "rounding them all up, closing the mosques, and putting them into FEMA concentration camps", if that is what you are suggesting. But, it is obvious that if a busload of people has only one or two which carry an infectious disease - the whole bus has to be at least monitored if not quaranteened.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Never lower your standards for anything...period. That is what has gotten us into a lot of trouble in the past. You end up with mediocrity because if you seek to raise someone else's and lower your own, and then what do you have? A mediocre mess.


  • beksbks

    So during WWII, Americans were asked to sacrifice at home. Rationing, women in to the workforce, higher taxes, scrap metal drives, etc etc etc. GW entered a war on false pretenses and left the soldiers in Afghanistan cut short. What did he ask from us at home? Go shopping, spend money. At the same time, he cut taxes, mostly on the very very rich. During WWII, Americans were asked to honor "blackouts" in an attempt to protect potential targets. And now? Our soldiers in the Middle East can't even depend on the spoiled idiots in this country keeping thier stupid wits about them to refrain from in your face insults, to the very people they are trying hardest to convince to JOIN us!

  • B-Rock

    Jwoods never advocated Muslim registration.

    inJustitia likes to talk smack. She is more full of shit than a cesspool 5 years since its last honey truck visit.

  • tec

    Maybe you should go post something like that on their facebook page, Beks.

  • beksbks

    B-Rock, you don't have to keep posting. We get it. You're an idiot. You can stop posting the proof.

  • sooner7nc

    If it will make everyone feel better, I'll burn both the Koran and the Bible on 9/11.

    Two of the most wicked books ever written. How's that for tolerance

    Don't forget "Dianetics" and the Book of Mormon.

    Oh yeah and the Harry Potter books.

  • sooner7nc


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