Is weed good or bad

by frigginconfused 43 Replies latest jw experiences

  • poopsiecakes

    I like it...makes me verrrry relaxed and ever so slightly loopy. But if I mix it with alcohol - particularly scotch - I become catatonic...not so good

  • XPeterX

    Ask the elders

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    It's just a plant. Definitely has medicinal properties. Used to be a regular participant during my college years. It didn't slow me down any in my grades. Not so sure it wouldn't now with being older and all.

    I often wondered how the conversation would go if it was legal and alcohol was illegal. Then this thread would read, Is alcohol good or bad? It is a matter of societal norms and acceptance.

    I don't care to smoke anything, but I wish I lived in a state where it was legal as I would not mind trying it for medical issues. I watched a show on the many edibles provided and the different varieties of marijuana that treat different symptoms, insomnia, pain, nausea, anxiety, depression, seizures, etc.

    I know it works quite well for chemo related nausea and wasting syndromes. I saw a lot of patients benefit from Marinol in the hospital and that is just one of the ingredients from the plant, THC. Funny, it is quite legal if the pharmaceutical industry can make a profit off of it, huh?

    I have no problem with the recreational use of it either. Anyone who winds down with a glass of alcohol, but demonizes another doing the same thing with marijuana is just plain hypocritical, IMHO. Actually, marijuana is not physically addictive whereas alcohol most certainly can be. I do think one has a problem if they must constantly escape life with any substance, legal or not.

  • brotherdan

    Choosing Life, You hit the nail on the head. The pharmaseutical companies don't have a monopoly on it won't be legal until they do. But since Joe Blow next door knows how to grow and cultivate the stuff, they never will have a monopoly on it, so they will fight against it as long as they can. Hence the "scary" (allbeit HILARIOUS) commercials on TV about the effects of weed.

  • Quandry

    I recently saw a special on TV concerning law inforcement and weed.

    Seems some people (many times illegals) grow it on public lands, such as in National Parks or National Forests. They cut down much of the vegetation nearby, as they want more room for the plants. They then poison the water nearby to kill any animals that might want to eat the plants. They also set booby traps to kill anyone such as law enforcement agents or hikers who might get near the plants.

    They then make a great deal of money in this country selling illegal drugs to anyone-children included. Some of these children will advance to other drugs.

    Many innocent people are being killed by those who make their living this way in Mexico. The violence is of course spilling over into Texas, where I live.

    Why would anyone want to support their efforts? If they had no customers, their business would dry up.

  • brotherdan

    What the "illegals" do is FAR FAR FAR less than the horrible things the pharmaseutical companies do. They hide side effects of many of their "medications" (aka DRUGS) and they lead to the deaths of thousands (or more).

    So no...that's not a good enough reason, IMO.

  • chrisjoel

    bunch of fucking stoners. Get bent !

    Weed is the shit. just use the vaporizer "dominator" 19.99..... or the weed pipe vaporizer "vapor genie" 50-90 buks, or the best of the best " VOLCANO vaporizer" (539 bucks Yikes!) to vape vape vape....instead of smoke which has at least 400 diff carcinigens in the fukn smoke for fuk sakes ...

  • brotherdan

    I've never tried the vaporizor...

    I saw it on Super High Me, and it looked pretty amazing...

  • NiceDream

    I've never tried it! Always wanted to. The only person that offered was a Dub.

  • chrisjoel

    theres 2 videos on you tube that show how to make a home vaporizer..but they suck ...u just take a clear lightbulb , take it apart, cut off the top of a plastic water bottle and fit it with a pen and then , fit it over the opened and cleaned light bulb, put ur weed in the bulb, use a lighter to make vapor .


    i dont think its effective..... :)

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