Well, I Guess There IS One Good Thing About the WTBTS...

by AGuest 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • watersprout

    Voices ,

    You did a truly wonderful thing. That homeless man had a hot meal, which he probably hadn't had for a long time! Plus you stood up for his rights as a human being! If only there were more more people like you on this planet!

    Peace and light

  • Voices


    Please see my edited comment above yours. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

  • watersprout

    Hahahaha! No worries! Your post did look like you were the one who did that act of kindness!

    Still think your lovely for helping people though.

    Peace and light

  • cameo-d

    Voices: "p.s. I started doing this (feed the homeless thing) because I had a dream where I felt someone telling me 'feed the children' (food) ...or something."

    Do you talk to them and make sure they listen to five or ten minutes of your religious views before they get the sandwich?

    Still, I say its better to help someone to be able to help themselves.

  • palmtree67
    Still, I say its better to help someone to be able to help themselves.

    Obviously this is the ideal. But did you read my experience above?

    My friend says that with some homeless people, no matter how hard you try to get them into an actual living space w/a job, they just can't do it for very long.

    They always drift back to what is comfortable, what is familiar to them - the street.

    We can't always change people.

    Sometimes we just have to let them be, and give them a helping hand when they need it.

  • Voices

    Cameo-d you said: Do you talk to them and make sure they listen to five or ten minutes of your religious views before they get the sandwich?

    Nope...I've asked them their names before, Especially if it's someone that i've given food to more than once and I try to be polite...nice...descent...you know...treat them like the human beings they are... without any 'religious' belief system pattern or belief exchange. But usually it's 'here you go' ... they usually respond with something polite and ....i drive away. It's usually when i'm on my way to somewhere and I see someone in need...and i try to give. I should do more for others...and i'm trying but like i said...i'm not perfect. It's not about me....it's about them.

    By the way just so you're aware...there are people I know that do this...and question the belief in GOD. Question whether he exists or not. It's interesting that they, though being neutral to the idea of God, are still willing to do this act and yet there are those in the world that believe to be 'Christian' or ...whatever...and don't.

    i'm not religious....anyone that knows me knows i'm not religious. I don't believe in RELIGION...organization or anyhting like that.. I'm not perfect either...I do know God exists...and believe in Jah-Eshua...but i'm not perfect...i'm having issues with my struggle/spirituality. but i'm still TRYING. but that doesn't mean JUST cause i'm struggling or having problems in my spirituality, that i should stop feeding others (Incase some people are going to try to attack that).

    I'm wonder what you mean by: "Still, I say its better to help someone to be able to help themselves."

    do you mean that you're helping them by NOT helpign them? ...if that's what you're saying see below....if not..ignore:

    Yes sometimes you should help someone help themselves...but if right now you're only capable of helping them for the time being cause you can't afford an apartment for them to live in...get a job for them...and help them stand back on your feed..then you should do what you CAN do...(give them food for the time being) and if later on down in life..you CAN help them help themselves..by helping them with that...and teaching them HOW to 'fish' (maintain a job and so forth) instead of getting them the fish (food)...then you should.

    But not everytime, or every instance is a meeting of 'helping them help themselves'...there are people out there that NEED someone to pick them up...crippled or not... help people that NEED someone to grab their arm, put it over their shoulder...and get them somewhere until they're able to do it on their own. But saying 'i'm not going to help them so they can help themselves' when you don't know their situation is...an assumption..and a little bit out there. Some people have a belief pattern that they believe to be TRUE...that deep down inside they REALLY believe that they will NEVER get better...NEVER get on their feet...because no matter HOW hard they TRY...or whatever reason...they've been CONVINCED...they're worthless or whatever. But if you truely know everything about them and know that, that type of philisophy/idea would be MOST effective...go ahead...but if you don't...don't starve the other ones tha tare REALLY struggling because those that need that type of philisophy/idea arn't listening.

    ...I think i'm done with this thread...getting kinda tired of it..if you absolutely need to keep going...go ahead...i think i'm kinda done though.


  • AGuest
    I think i'm done with this thread...getting kinda tired of it..if you absolutely need to keep going...go ahead...i think i'm kinda done though.

    Okkaaayyyy?? Peace to you, dear Voices, truly, and thank you for trying to help dear cameo-d "see." Indeed, all of you who tried... thank you and peace to you! And I would only ask that you don't stop. Maybe you agree that it's time to move on from this thread... and the one that prompted it... but let's not give up on the cameo-d's in this world, okay? Because that would be just like giving up on/ignoring the hungry man, wouldn't it?

    I bid you all peace.

    YOUR servant and a slave of God,


  • myelaine

    dear tec...

    you said:

    "...so what if one say 'May satan bless you" ... so what? I chuckled at this... but its true."...

    ...can you say LASCIVIOUS......

    love michelle

  • cameo-d

    I have no objection to feeding the homeless and the hungry. My objection is the manner in which it was done. You are victimizing the hungry when you use them as pawns for some self-righteous, sanctimonous action to cause a clamor and bring attention to yourself in feigned benevolence.

  • SixofNine
    Sometimes we just have to let them be, and give them a helping hand when they need it.

    Yes. And that could have been easily done, in the case in question, by simply asking the guy what he'd like and then buying it for him.

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