What's Your Attitude Toward Jehovah's Witnesses?

by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • transhuman68

    It's a strange question, because if you are a born-in, you will always be a Jehovah's Witness. You will always know what they are thinking, and how they spend their time. That name "Jehovah" is like a password to a secret society. I do feel sorry for the young Dubs, as they waste so much of their time in completely pointless activities.

  • ziddina

    I'm going to step outside the stated categories...

    For me, especially after finding this site and learning SO MUCH MORE about the Watchtower Society than I knew when I exited - early 1980's - it has been like looking at a really bloody, mangled auto wreck on the highway...

    I don't want to keep staring at it, but there's a gruesome fascination - I find it difficult to look away and focus on my own path.

    (Mind you, I don't stare at actual auto accidents on the highway or roads - I'm usually too busy watching the idiot driving in front of me who IS STARING at the auto accident...)

    I am also hoping to see the Watchtower Organization crumble away to nothing. But then I remind myself that the "Shakers", a Christian movement that was quite successful in the mid 1850's, but that believed that sexual intercourse was "sinful"... By extension, giving birth to offspring was ALSO considered sinful, so adherents were not allowed to reproduce. http://xroads.virginia.edu/~hyper/hns/cities/shakers.html

    One would think that such a religion would have died out within 30 - 50 years, but in fact it has hung on for around 200 years!! There are, in fact, still a dozen or so of them left, still remaining faithful to the tenets of the Shakers, and waiting for the prophecy that, "when only FIVE Shakers are left alive, there will be a revival of the religion!", to be fulfilled...

    Sooooo, unfortunately I don't see the Watchtower imploding anytime soon... Diminished returns, definitely. But it's going to die a very, very slow death, unfortunately.

    As for the individual JWs? Well, maybe I should say that I saw through the WTBTS' idiocy as a child, and wouldn't have become one if I hadn't been bullied into it. So, I tend to look at the typical JW as being a deluded - perhaps self-deluded - fool...

    They won't come close enough to me, for me to talk to them!!! They skip my house, anymore...

    Thank Goddess for small favors...


  • minimus

    I like this thread.

  • brotherdan

    Ziddina made a really good point. There are many that think that the WT is fragile and that they can take it down. On youtube there is the "Vast Apostate Army" or VAA. They have set a date of protest. I really believe that this will do nothing but make current Witnesses think that they are fulfilling prophecy in that they are persecuting JWs and that everyone else will just shrug it off.

    How will the WT be taken down? I'm sorry...and it is depressing...but I see no end in sight. I personally think that Catholics have it all wrong. But they have existed for over 1 thousand years.

    Hmm...I may do a post on this.

    Anyhow, we all want the WT to go away. But the JWs are fighters. They think the same thing that terrorists think. God is on their side. And if this is true, who can stand against them?

    I guess I feel like it is something that time and cultural change will have to take care of. Otherwise only God Himself will take them down.

  • sooner7nc

    They simply disgust me. At times I vacillate between pity and anger, but in the end there's just pure unadulterated disgust.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    I feel the same way about them as I do gnats in my face and in my ears when Im working in the garden. The same way I feel about people who are prejudiced and feel superior over other human beings and look down their noses with disdain. I think the society is no better than the Klan, less perhaps the public hangings.

  • Ilovebirthdays

    Mostly I'm just glad not to be one anymore.

  • Hadit

    With the R&F I feel frustrated and sad. Once I found out the truth about things I felt personally responsible to liberate all 7 million of them. I have since come to realize that I cannot and am now focused on my family, especially my son. If I get my son out I will have accomplished my goal. If the adults in my family/friends choose to disown me, while it sad, it will be their choice. It is my choice to stay away from that type of toxic poison. If there is one thing that should be able to get through the mind control it is unconditional love. If people experience this love and still choose to shun and hate their own family and friends then there is nothing I can do about it. Albeit this was a hard and painful realization.

    With the WTS itself - I am disgusted at the outright deceit and hate that they perpetuate.

  • ValiantBoy

    I sometimes miss being a Witness. My life is good now and everything, but I miss so many people and sometimes I miss the structured life. But only sometimes. I actually like most witness people. The organization I view just as I view all other religions. I don't hate it, but I hate some of things it does. I actually defend JW's when people say false things about them, but I don't make excuses for them and their wrongdoings.

    The poster above who said you can never really get away from it is right. I've been out for 8 years and definitely don't want to go back, but I still think about it all the time. I even find myself looking up Kingdom Halls when I visit a new city. I probably just need therapy LOL

  • cskyjw.sun

    love hate relationship

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