My lovely JW sister just said this to her oldest son.

by FlyingHighNow 199 Replies latest members private

  • aquagirl

    Horrible religion.My "lovely JW sister"said that it was too bad that I hadnt died in my house explosion 6 years ago,cause the at least there would have been a CHANCE for a POSSIBLE resurrection. Those folks are mentaly ill.Sorry about your nephew,tell he isnt alone,ok?We are all here for him..

  • yknot

    Hugs to you and newphew.....

    Those angry type of JWs are getting more desperate....

    Killer her with kindness....

  • babygirl30

    The hate in her tone is so obvious it's sad...cause the very 'love' she claims to have as a JW is the very emotion she is failing miserably at showing!!! That note was incredibly mean and inhumane. Bible wasn't lying when it said the "love of the greater number would cool off"...

  • FlyingHighNow

    Thank all of you. I will read this to him when we speak on the phone again.

    He explained to his mother recently that he would not discuss religion or politics with her anymore. I wish he had the internet. I think he'd at least read the support forums. The heartbreaking thing for David and for me is that his step dad is about to turn 70 and my sister will not allow him to speak to any of us.

    My sister hadn't written my unbaptized daughter for six months, then attacked her on her facebook wall. Just layed into her where all their friends could see. It was mean spirited petty stuff. Carrie put my sis in her place and then blocked her. The last time I spoke to my sis, I told her that I missed the person she was back in 75, before she began her study with the JW's. I told her the same about her husband.

    I feel strongly that if they were younger, they would not stay in. She just can't let go of her hope that anyday God will solve each and everyone of her problems.

  • CuriousButterfly

    That is one serious messed up woman. Who in the WORLD would be able to cut off a family member like that over nothing?! I have had family members d'fd and my whole family still talked to them etc. My Dad and husband are both elders, we just laid low since some think you are Satan if you talk to a d'fd family member. I am completely amazed how people allow others to dictate what they should/should not do. This woman needs to be slapped into reality.

  • chickpea

    the word mother and all its inferrences
    no longer applies to that woman... she
    was a fertile female able to produce an
    offspring... like insects and sharks, birthed
    and abandoned her progeny

    best to your nephew....
    no one deserves a toxic person
    like that in their life.... bluddy cult!!!!!

  • FlyingHighNow

    Chickpea, that's a good comparison of mother sharks and insects. Certainly gives me a concept to ponder. And toxic? I told my sister that I will always welcome her with open arms, as long as she is not toxic. She is the oldest sibling, so she is by nature one who wants to watch over and keep order of people and things, lead. This JW religion has taken her natural qualities and distorted them into the bizarre need to sickly control every aspect and person in her life. Her fears were played upon to the point that there is only a faint shadow of the former person she used to be. She's turned into a stiff and twisted, ugly person. When she cannot control you, it makes her bitterly angry.

    Thanks a lot, WTB&TS, for stealing the soul of my sister.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    This JW religion has taken her natural qualities and distorted them into the bizarre need to sickly control every aspect and person in her life. Her fears were played upon to the point that there is only a faint shadow of the former person she used to be. She's turned into a stiff and twisted, ugly person. When she cannot control you, it makes her bitterly angry.

    Dang, that sounds like my mother in law.

    How old is your nephew? We're talking about an adult, I hope, because if he's still a child that makes her all the more cruel.

  • snowbird
  • FlyingHighNow

    Mad, he turned 41 last June. He's very damaged and still traumatized from being raised in the org. He called me recently sounding off to me about her wanting him to watch that movie. I took the chance to boost him and tell him not to let her play on his fears. I am very happy that he has finally stood up to her, but sad that he will lose the only father he has ever known. He misses his stepfather more than he does his mother. I guess we miss Neal more than we do my sis.

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