My lovely JW sister just said this to her oldest son.

by FlyingHighNow 199 Replies latest members private

  • FlyingHighNow

    Thank you, Grandma. His younger brother Chris told me that he is very angry with their parents because, "David went to his grave thinking they hated him."

    I asked Chris what he thinks of coming up here with David's ashes when the funeral home releases them. He said, "That sounds like a good idea. Mom and Dad haven't mentioned doing anything to remember David. They have left it all in my hands."

    We are still waiting for autopsy results. We are slightly concerned about the circumstances with his fiance. We hope there was not any gross neglect or foul play. We are hoping she is just very quiet and a woman of few words. The coroner's office told Chris that this is still under investigation and they will not be able to draw conclusions until the toxicology reports are in. So, it's a wait and see. The funeral home is holding David's ashes until the county comes through for funds for the cremation. It's red tape. At least Sierra Co will pay for it. David deserves dignity. And we hope we can give him a fitting fairwell once the ashes are in our hands and we can all get together, Chris, my daughter and me at least.

    Chris told me tonight that he was speaking with their youngest brother Jason on the phone. We only hear from Jason every few years. Jason has nothing to do with the JW's. I am waiting to hear all about the conversation. Maybe Jason will come up, too.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Oh wow, just as I was typing the last comment, I got this message from Chris:

    October 1, 2010 at 2:03am
    Subject: sorry
    Dear Heather,
    I didn't mean to ignore you when you were sending me those messages. It's just that I had been contacted by Jason via a message on facebook. I guess he decided to try and find me. I was on the phone with him for several hours, and wasn't able to type very well while on the phone........I talked to the medical examiner and they said it would probably be 5 or 6 weeks before they have findings available to share...So it will be a while before i find anything out about his cause of death. I talked to the people at the funeral home, and they have already received his body back from the medical examiner's office, and they cremated him today. They will be sending me his ashes sometime next week they said. I love you. Hope to talk to you again sometime soon...Chris-
  • FlyingHighNow

    I thought they cremated David last week. I had no idea it didn't happen until today. This is so sad.

  • FlyingHighNow

    As I said, David died from a broken heart. It has really opened his brother Chris' eyes though. He is questioning very deeply.

    If you are new to the thread, read the first posts. David went on to die September 16 th. I was going through old voice mails and found one from him. It was upsetting.

    Here is what Chris wrote me last night:

    I called the M.E's office today. They didn't find anything unusual in his toxicology. they found that he had tracheitis, an infection of his upper respiratory system. that's because of his pneumonia. From what I was able to find out, that can cause obstruction to his airway. that, combined with his diminished ability to breathe because of his sleep apnea probably led to his death. They also said he had an enlarged heart. On the death certificate, it lists his time of death at 5:30 am. If that's true, he died early in the morning. They said they would send me a copy of the toxicology and autopsy report. She warned me that the report is very explicit and graphic...
  • FlyingHighNow

    back to the top

  • FlyingHighNow

    back to the top. David's autopsy results. Scroll back a couple of comments.

  • TimeBandit

    Hello Aunt Heather. I Love you lots and lots! Everybody, I am Heather's other nephew, Chris. David was My brother. Thank you all so much for your overwhelming support for mt aunt! I have decided that Shunning is wrong, and have repaired my relationship with my aunt. I wish my folks would do the same...anyhow, here is a memorial video I made for Davey

  • flipper

    TIME BANDIT- It's so nice to have you on the board my friend. I'm so glad you have repaired your relationship with your aunt - she's a good woman. We are friends with her as well and have spoken on the phone. I'm so sorry about the loss of your brother . My wife & I send our condolnces to you. Please be assured of our unconditional love here on the board. I have a nephew I have re-connected with after 14 years as well who was a witness . I wish you the best in your relationship with Heather and hope to hear more from you my friend. Please take care of yourself and each other

  • FlyingHighNow

    Chris, you are such a warm hearted, big hearted guy. And people should know that you have a cat named Steve. That is the cutest cat name I have ever heard. Welcome to you. This is wonderful. Having you here.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Nice tribute video Chris.

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