I Don't Always Drink Beer - But When I do , I Prefer....................

by flipper 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • zoiks

    BTS - excellent! Yeah, I subscribe to the "brew your own damn beer" philosophy. But finding new and interesting brews, and then drinking them, is also a great hobby.

  • BurnTheShips

    Where do you get your supplies? I use these guys:


    Gosh darnit, I think I want to try to make a lager. I've only done ales. Haven't done a brew for six months.


  • zoiks

    I haven't shopped there before. I'll definitely check out their site. There is a small local shop that supplies me with most of my stuff. Online, I have used www.austinhomebrew.com.

    I haven't lagered before, either. Maybe soon. If you do try it, let me know how it goes!

  • BurnTheShips

    You betcha!

    I've got an old homebrewing thread on here somewhere. I'll update it when I do.


  • flipper

    CRAZYBLONDEB- How are you ? Long time no ear from. Thanks for the new number. Wifey and I will call soon.

    BEKS- I enjoy Heineken , Becks, & Corona as well . Good tasting beers.

    SOONER & ZOIKS- My son likes Fat Tire and I like the heavy taste as well at times. More of a smooth tasting Moosehead / Red Stripe guy though.

    TO all our ENGLISH BRETHREN - I.E. WOBBLE, FOUR CANDLES, etc. You guys drink some stout stuff ! Would love to try some of the beers you mentioned. They probably stock them here at Liquor outlets and some at grocery stores I'm sure.

    CO CO - Nice to hear from you ! I'm glad you have a concotion that works for you as well ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper ( Stay thirsty my friends )

  • Quentin

    Lone Star....Pabst....Hamms...Old Milwalkie...Shiner(a Texas beer).....

  • coffee_black

    Blue moon with a slice of orange...


  • flipper

    QUENTIN- It's been YEARS since I drank an Old Milwaukee. I used to like those. I think they still sell them out here in California. Will check the market next time.

    COFFEE BLACK- THe poster TASTING FREEDOM gave me a Blue Moon beer at our Tahoe Apostafest- and I really liked the smooth taste- however - it tasted somewhat like cleaning chemical to me. Perhaps due to my being in that business you think ? LOL ! It was still good, but I kept having the aftertaste of " Mr. Clean " in my mouth ! LOL ! Did you notice that at all when drinking it ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • mrsjones5

    Can anyone recommend a nice wheat beer or ale? My honey likes wheat beer/ale.

  • zoiks

    MrsJones - In the midwest, Boulevard Unfiltered Wheat beer is reputed to be very good. I can't vouch for it personally, but its popularity seems to speak for itself.

    Personally, a nice UFO White is a top choice. It's brewed in Vermont, so I'm not sure it it is available there.

    Coffee - the slice of orange idea was totally new to me when I tried it a few weeks ago. With a good wheat beer, it is indeed a treat!

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