Dinner at the Proper Time

by beksbks 140 Replies latest members private

  • BizzyBee

    For St Ann -

    Mushroom Barley Pilaf:

    Saute 1/2 chopped onion, clove of chopped garlic in butter and oil

    Saute cup of sliced brown mushrooms

    Add 2 1/2 C chicken broth

    Add 1 cup barley and steam for 45 minutes

    Add chopped fresh parsley and fresh basil - let rest a few minutes

    Fluff and serve

  • BizzyBee

    After golf tonight we grilled and split a large Spencer steak (a New York type cut), mashed reds with skins and garlic clove, mushrooms sauteed in butter, steamed white corn on cob, nice green salad with feta. And an excellent red.

    No complaints.

  • StAnn

    Bizzybee, re: the Mushroom Barley Pilaf, ever tried it with Quinoa instead of Barley? Sounds really good. I'm going to try it both ways.

    Thanks for the recipe!


  • beksbks

    Mmmmm tonight, massive salad. Simple, just red leaf, avocado, green onion, tomato, and balsamic. Garlic bread, and stuffed baby bellas. Stuffed with spicy Italian sausage and bell peppers. Oh and finally had that Pinot Noir. Yum!

    Neighbor brought over some shortbread, I'm outta control.

  • beksbks
  • chickpea

    thanks for directing me here beks....
    note: i did NOT make the ribs mentioned
    in the "summer fare" thread.... just ate 'em!

    so here is one that we have been depending on
    since early june for at least 2-3 quick, delish meals/week...
    it is fast, even if you have to grill the chicken (make
    enough to have some all ready for the next time)

    cæsar salad supreme!

    chopped romaine lettuce
    grilled chicken breast, cubed
    almond slices
    shredded parmesan cheese
    cæsar dressing (get the refrigerated kind)
    croutons (add to the servings, not the main bowl)

    we make a HUGE bowl, and since the croutons
    are served individually, it keeps brilliantly for
    lunch the next day!! served with cold green tea....

    my tip: because i hate right-out-of-the-fridge
    cold salad, i take the romaine out about 15 min
    before we are going to eat it... makes it so much
    more flavorful, imo

  • StAnn

    Been sicky wicky. DH and I have been taking turns watching the kids while the other one lies in bed. No 4th of July picnic, no hot dogs, no burgers, no fireworks, no nothin'.

    I'm feeling a wee bit better and DH went back to work tonight after two nights off due to illness. So I'm hoping to be feeling lots better tomorrow and do some cooking. Still looking forward to cherry blueberry pie.

    'Cept when I'm sick, I can't seem to control my blood sugar. Saturday, when I ate almost nothing, it went from 130 to almost 500. And I wear an insulin pump. Hopefully things will be back to normal tomorrow so I can tolerate a sliver of pie.

    I hope the rest of you had a great 4th of July cookout/picnic!!!

    I love pie.


  • tec

    StAnn - sorry you've been sick. I hope you get your slice of pie, too. Pecan is one of my favorites but I don't have a recipe and have never made it.

    Chickpea - In your salad, do you add the dressing to the huge bowl? I find that adding dressing prevents me from keeping salad overnight, or for more than even a couple hours. Do you have a trick to keep the greens crisp?


  • StAnn

    You will never believe what happened tonight. DH decided to make dinner since I'm still somewhat under the weather. He asked me to open some cans of green beans for him as a side dish. I did open them, strained them, and then dumped them into a bowl to be microwaved. There was a great big half of a cockroach in my green beans! Big, fat, juicy, plump thing. Lots of protein.

    If I was sick before, I'm much worse now!

    I called the company that made the canned green beans (allen) but their customer service was closed so I sent them an email. We kept the critter and the can. Don't know what to expect but I assume they will call me tomorrow. If not, I will call them!

    My husband made a wonderful chicken tonight, where he has his own spice mix and browns the pieces in olive oil and then finishes cooking the pieces in the oven. But I'm just too disgusted to enjoy his juicy chicken.

    Geez, it goes from bad to worse around here, and I still haven't gotten my pie!


  • sooner7nc

    We had baked chicken and wild rice tonight. Very good I might add.

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