Dinner at the Proper Time

by beksbks 140 Replies latest members private

  • tec

    Are we supposed to be on a wagon?

    I'm eating gobstoppers for breakfast. How's that for shame?


  • snowbird

    I'm not supposed to have fried or pork anything.


  • beksbks

    What wagon is that Syl? The Pork wagon? The fried foods wagon? The GRAVY wagon????

  • beksbks


    Hey gobstoppers have carbs needed for running, right Tammy?

  • tec

    Well... they certainly have the sugar :)

  • snowbird

    The wagon called Self-Control for Your Own Benefit.

    I've been bad!


  • Jadeen

    It's been hot and sticky where I'm at, so I'm posting an easy lemonade/limeade recipe

    1 1/2 C sugar

    1/2 C boiling water

    2 tsp lemon/lime zest

    5 C cold water

    1 1/2 C fresh squeezed lemon/lime juice or 1 C concentrate

    Stir together sugar and boiling water until sugar dissolves. Stir in zest, juice, and cold water. Garnish with lemon/lime slices.

  • Leolaia

    I made another Thai dinner tonight. Ground turkey, basil/ginger/chili pepper sauce with coconut milk, mushrooms, whole green beans, sliced green bell pepper, broccoli and brocollini chopped, sliced tomatoes, mixed with Chinese noodles, and with some fresh basil and lemon thyme picked from my garden and chopped and added into the sauce.

  • beksbks

    LEO!!! That sounds fantastic, and right up my alley! I will be trying this.

    However, I came here to tell everyone here who cooks, that if they do not own one of these gadgets they must get one immediately. Ask for as Bday or Xmas gift. I use mine every day. A Mandolin slicer. This is my model, I had never had one before. It was 40 bucks. It's been about 5 years now, and I am ready to move up.

    I was whining about slicing up veggies for Taco Salad tonight. But it took moments to do tomatoes, onions, and jalapenos. I could have done avocado, but it's just the two of us and so I did it on each plate. A couple of days ago, it was tomatoes, onions, pickles, for burgers.

    No I do not own stock in the company!

    Swissmar Borner V-Slicer Plus Mandoline V-1001, 6 Piece Set

  • beksbks

    Dinner tonight, big mixed greens salad, grilled shrimp and fresh dungeness crab with herbed butter, and french bread.

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