Reports of Jesus' (death or resurrection) may have been later?

by Terry 52 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • myelaine

    dear hamsterbait...

    for someone who has been studying for so many years you seem pretty clueless about christianity but maybe you just need an axe to grind cuz you're angry about something.

    genocide is premeditated on the belief that one side is inferior to the other and must be eradicated. This type of fighting has been going on without any motivation from God for years and years. Jesus said "Come to Me ALL who are weary..."

    those who practice genocide won't protect "the other" ...Jews in the OT did offer protection and still do to this day...Jesus came to save any who would come to Him for salvation...

    God doesn't have to kill anyone...there are plenty of people around the globe who are bent on that end as we speak. Maybe God is calling us away from "them" to His Son in these last for thought HB.

    love michelle

  • hamsterbait

    Hi Michelle -

    I think we just have to agree to disagree on this one.

    I am not "clueless" on Christianity, having studied the Catechism of the Roman Church, as well as reading the teachings of other christian faiths, and the Aid to Bible Understanding of the Witchower Babble and Trash Society, and others.

    It is a fact that the OT contains references to YHWH commanding the Jews to exterminate everybody in the promised land. The massacre at Jericho is just one example. The mother would have to be killed first, as she would defend her babies to the death, and then of course the children would be cornered and killed.

    Do you remember the Psalm :"Oh Daughter of Babylon who is to be despoiled, blessed is he who takes your babies and dashes their head upon the rocks."

    The prophets Ezekiel Isaiah and others foretell the mass slaying of people who will be left as "manure" on the ground.

    Revelation also talks of huge slaughter and peoples bodies being eaten by the birds.

    Since the Bible says that God himself told us "I change not is the utterance of the Lord" I see no reason to think that the modern Christian God has undergone any kind of "sea change"

    Most churches still teach he is a mass - murderor, and torturer of people who refuse to tell him how wonderful and almighty and kind he is.


  • myelaine

    dear hamsterbait...

    you said: "Why should we give greater credibility to one repository of ignorant superstition over another?"

    do you believe what it says in the bible or not?

    if you say that God did "X" because it says so in the OT aren't you using the bible to prove your point about a genocidal God, but not using the bible to "see" where God is also calling us out of a genocidal "world"...

    can you have it both ways without giving the bible credibility?

    I didn't mean clueless as in having no idea, but as in not getting the purpose of the religion known as christianity. even the RCC "protected" those that "converted" during the inquisition.

    love michelle

  • hamsterbait

    Michelle -

    I am one of those people who looks at a sunset, or beautiful animal, and think "there MUST be a God"

    Then I come back to the reality of our world.

    Sometimes, I believe the Bible (when it says nice stuff) Then I read the horror stories and think this is evil.

    I cannot pigeonhole myself.

    As I said: I ENVY people with unshakable faith. This is a gift that has not been granted to me by your God, or any other.



  • myelaine

    dear hamsterbait...

    let's compare...

    the biggest threat to the kingdom of God on earth, as stated in the beatitudes, is the religion of islam and not the pseudo islam that we are lulled into believing exists but the radical islam that is in fact fundimentalist islam...

    the fundimentalist islamics want to remove from the face of the earth anyone that doesn't submit to "allah"...and if we "convert" we are spared...spared to live under oppressive conditions...

    the fundimentalist christians want everyone to turn to Jesus for salvation and submit to His authority...and if we "convert" we are spared...spared to live in freedom...idealy as in the beatitudes

    we're taking all "superstition" as you call it out of the picture and focusing on the realities of even without the heavenly kingdom as a prospect...whos ideology would you rather "serve"? it's an important question because the fundimentalist islamics don't intend to stop until they've finished destroying everyone who doesn't submit to the "will" of "allah"

    love michelle

  • hamsterbait

    Michelle -

    You have said EVERYTHING.



  • bluesapphire

    Michelle, I am "christian" although I hate to admit it sometimes. Especially now, my dear.

    There are NOT only two choices: Islam or Christianity and I honestly prefer when it comes to world rulership: NONE OF THE ABOVE

    I would detest being ruled by any fundamentalist "christian" ruler such as our last president George W. Bush!!! if he had unbridled power given to him by the far right to do anything he so wished almost as much as by a Fundamentalist Islamic Regime.

    Thanks but NO THANKS sista!

  • myelaine

    dear bluesapphire...

    I don't recall george bush preaching faith in Jesus Christ...

    the difference between those that preach faith in Jesus Christ and those that preach faith in religion/ the true "heart" of the gospel.

    the anglican church tries to be so inclusive that they have taken their eyes off of Jesus and His teaching of salvation and have become for all purposes a social justice committee...the bahai have taken their eyes off Jesus and teach the kingdom of God on earth bypassing salvation through Jesus Christ.

    if everyone could have their own idea about God and His kingdom and just play nice, nice then everything should have been settled by now...but, it hasn't been, has it?...that is because everyone has not come under the authority of Jesus Christ, the King of God's kingdom.

    if you hesitate to call yourself a christian is it because you would perfer not to ask others to submit to His authority? surely it isn't because you don't want to live in His kingdom. You see it won't be His kingdom until you and I proclaim that it is His...and not ours...because just playing nice, nice doesn't cut it in the enemies eyes any more than in the Kings.

    love michelle

  • myelaine

    when nehemiah was rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem his countenance before God and man looked like this:

    he prayed and worked.

    he prayed and watched.

    he prayed and worked and watched and confounded the enemies...brought their council to nothing...

    he even had to get rid of the rubbish inside the walls in order to rebuild the city.

    love michelle

  • Quentin

    Oh boy...submit to Jesus, or Allah...not much of a choice really, since both are done by acts of faith to an entity you can not prove even exist. Why not be kind and helpfull to others as best you can. Giving assistance and encouragement. Building up those you see that are hurting. That to me is Godly as opposed to what ideaology one should attach themselves to.

    Do the best you can with what you have, everything falls into place as it should be, that is, to me, what being a God person means. Help others when and where you can, expect nothing in return....makes me feel good.

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