A better way of doing it, with regards to the 'God' question. If you're a theist or deist, please answer this question.

by Psychotic Parrot 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • littlebird

    I will save this page in my favorites, or I'll lose the thing, lol.

    I will just add that his helping me, confirms my belief, I believed first, based on my belief in the accounts of Jesus and what I see in nature ( which I guess is a God gap thing) I didn't express myself correctly, sorry.

    Have a good evening, parrot, I'll catch up with you tomorrow.

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot


    Very well, but i should point out one thing, i used to believe in Him, & He never helped me out then. Also, my family all still believe in Him, but He has never done anything for them. He still plays favourites as far as i can see.

    Catch you later!

  • Mad Dawg
    Mad Dawg

    What is your problem? I am giving you honor by telling it as I see it. What could be more honorable than that?

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    Mad Dawg,


  • VoidEater

    If I might ask, PP, what activities have you engaged in to move your inquiry forward?

    Most of us exdubs didn't find a connection to a God in the preaching work, or whatever else the WTS had on offer. But there's a world of paths that people seem to have benefited from: fasting, ecstatic dancing, meditation, wandering nature, sweat lodge, ganja...just curious what mechanism you think a God might use to reach out to you, or if its more supposed to just happen...

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot


    My feeling on the matter is that were God to genuinely exist, in any form, then none of those activities, or any other, transcendent though some of them may be, would be a way of reaching God. Those activities are ultimately, & at their core, very natural & down to earth human processes & i don't think a being such as God would be reachable through such means, not really. Those who claim to find God through such activities are in my opinion more likely finding their inner selves than God. But i suppose one could argue that God is our inner self, but i would call that yet another misuse of the word God.

    If God really exists, then i doubt we could ever do more than infer it's existence through some highly detailed mathematical process, but even that would probably not satisfy everyone, & it would be particularly disappointing for those who feel that God is someone with whom one can have a relationship. As for me, i'm undecided on whether or not it would satisfy my curiousity, but i suppose i'll cross that bridge if i ever come to it.

    As for the activities you've mentioned, i've tried some of them, but never for the purpose of finding God.

  • journey-on

    I have a metal detector I like to play with sometimes. When I hear a soft ping, I know there is an object hidden in the ground. I begin to dig. If I find nothing, I fine tune the detector and make adjustments and scan the area again honing in on the signal. I continue to dig and voila! Treasure. I have to want to make the effort to find it. The coin is not going to jump out at me because I'm demanding that it do so. It's there for anyone to find who has the right tool to "hear" the ping.

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot


    Nice one, i prefer to work for my money, but we're all different i guess.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I'm a pagan (Wiccan) because it suits me. Nature explains God much better to me than the Bible ever did.

    I suppose that, without reading all the comments, that is precisely why people do believe in the God of the Bible.

    The Bible suits them and explains God better than anything else ever did.

    It resonates with them.

    Nature as God resonates with me.

    I guess it's the same difference.

  • VoidEater

    PP, I would offer that you are intently looking for something that does not exist (or at least has no acceptable evidence), but that other models of Divinity are around (and are older than the Judeo-Christian metaphor).

    Be happy -VE

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