Is the Gospel of Matthew a clever fake ?

by wobble 99 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jaguarbass

    psycho parrot No, thats not what I said. I said what I said which are observations I believe to be true.

    If you want to know what I said you have to read it.

    Thats maybe how you became a JW you didnt read and comprehend what they were telling you.

    We were all that way once.

    I was born in and escapped with no internet nothing but a date 1976.

    I doubt that the bible can be proven to be accurate and divenly inspired beyond a resonable doubt.

    But I did say what I did say, its all there.

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    Sorry Jaguarbass, but your posts are just very long & i already know what your agenda is. And no, i always read the information if i'm trying to make up my mind about something, but this was nothing major, just a small curiosity.

    And like you, i was born in (3rd generation). I grew up with the internet but didn't begin reading apostate literature until after i left the troof, which was when i was 18.

  • jaguarbass

    Not very likely you seem pretty immature and ignorant I'm not going to waste my time or energy explaining

    very obvious business principals and practices to you.

    Dont you have a meeting to go to?

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    Okay you've lost me now. I have no interest in obvious business principals or practices, my area of interest is ancient history. Call it immaturity, but i'd rather remain ignorant of capitalism since i benefit too much from it to want to know how evil it is, would ruin my conscience heh

    But if i suddenly decide i care about it, you'll be on the list of people to go to for information, & i'll be all ears

    And err, what meeting? I told you, i left the troof when i was 18.

  • jaguarbass

    Psycho parrot, Please tell me my agenda so I know what my agenda is

    I see myself as an observer and commenter on life.

    In fact thats what I do for a livng observe and report.

    If you read what I wrote you would have seen I wrote god bless the critics and naysayers,

    if they werent doing what they do, I'd have to be doing it.

    I see both sides and comment on them.

    I have no agenda, I'm not trying to convert anyone to anything.

    I'm not good enough or decent enough to worry about your soul if I believed you soul was in danger.

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    Your agenda appears to be pro-theist. And in this thread anti-scholarship (unless it's pro-biblical authorship divinity).

  • jaguarbass

    Psycho parrot are you confusing my posting to "not very Likely' to my posting to you?

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    Oh right, sorry about that, you should have put Not Very Likely in bold. I didn't realise it was a username.

  • jaguarbass

    I would prefer to call it my observations are pro theist as opposed to an agenda.

    I dont see myself as having an agenda.

    I'm not on a mission.

    I am entertaining myself.

    And by pro theist I prefer pro designer

    and the desinger could be me

    and I could be you.

    Still I'm not selling just observing.

  • notverylikely

    Not very likely you seem pretty immature and ignorant I'm not going to waste my time or energy explaining

    very obvious business principals and practices to you.

    I know. It's so immature and ignorant to point out that you are comparing two completely different business models and fields of interest. It's probably exactly like the music business 30 years ago and hawking $10 CD's off your MySpace page today.

    Or you have exactly zero idea what you are talking about.

    Dont you have a meeting to go to?

    Nope, all wrapped up for the day. Don't you have a retirement home to play at?

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