Is the Gospel of Matthew a clever fake ?

by wobble 99 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jaguarbass

    A "successful" religious book sells under 40,000 copies. An actual scholarly book only sells to libraries and a few academics. There is hardly

    "big money" to be made. Bart Ehrman's books come closest because people were ready for a no-nonsense insider look at the condition of bible

    authenticity by a top scholar.

    That's number one.

    If they net 5$ for each of those 40,000 copies thats 200,000 for sitting on their hiny.

    Thats 40,ooo a year for 5 years.

    During those 5 years they could right 5 more books about things they dont know much about.

    Its called making a living without busting a sweat.

    God bless the critics and nay sayers, if they werent toiling away I would have to do it.

    Maybe we are god and we are playing games with ourself trying to develop and mature our souls over various

    lifetimes of trials and tribulations.

    We cant really prove much of anything except most people pay taxes and everyone you know of dies.

    A lot of people that spend their younger years as atheist recant and become believers at the end

    and a lot that dont become believers committ suicide because of the darkness.

    I learned a long time ago in the trenches, that belief and faith is a suicide prevention program.

    And suicide is a waste of a brain.

    I have the capacity, propensity to be a full fledged atheist inside me.

    In my 30's and 40's before there was an internet I argued with Christians about many of the things on this page.

    The Christians didnt change me. My eyes and experiences changed me.

    I know where it leads,

    I know where it leads in this life.

    I dont know where it leads after this life.

    To clarify, I know where it leads for people like me.

    I'm in the business of cutting atheist off of walls who hang themselves because the world is dark

    and meaningless.

    God lives where I work and I see him change peoples lives.

  • notverylikely

    If they net 5$ for each of those 40,000 copies thats 200,000 for sitting on their hiny.

    Thats 40,ooo a year for 5 years.

    During those 5 years they could right 5 more books about things they dont know much about.

    Its called making a living without busting a sweat.

    You really don't know much about books, research, writing or sales, do you?

    A lot of people that spend their younger years as atheist recant and become believers at the end

    and a lot that dont become believers committ suicide because of the darkness.

    I learned a long time ago in the trenches, that belief and faith is a suicide prevention program.

    And suicide is a waste of a brain.

    Oh, THAT old myth. Well, I'm convinced now.

  • PSacramento

    I think writers get payment for the book, but the publishing company gets the royalites, typically.

  • jaguarbass

    Not verylikely you can read my bio then go to my myspace page and buy my cd and tell me how much I know about publishing.

    I can sell cd's for 10$ with an investment of less than 1 $ in material.

    I know a lot about books research and sales.

    I know how the scientologist make dianetics one of the biggest selling books of all time.

    My wifes family worked for capital records back in the 70's and I know how they make hit albums.

    I know about marketing and promotion in fact this Friday I will be out playing at Lake Tarpon resort

    promoting my music that you can buy on my space or CD baby.

  • jaguarbass

    A very famous atheist god hating bass player singer, Peter Steele died in the past few months

    shortly before he died he became a believer, I didnt say Christian I said a believer in God.

    Peter Steele Check him out on wickpedia I cant post the link with my browser firefox.

    He said he was a foxhole atheist until he went through a midlife crisis

    Peter Steele and Type O negative gave Dawkins a run for his money taking people down the dark road

    of despair but in the end he came to believe.

  • jaguarbass

    Nowadays as opposed to before the internet writters should self publish and market themselves.

    Or at least they can.

    Record companies and book publishing companies have been ripping off the artist for ever.

  • PSacramento
  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    I can't be bothered to read everything that JB is writing, life is too short, but am i right in thinking that he is honestly making the argument that the possible capitalist motivations of biblical scholars (& only the ones who don't agree with the bible at that) proves that the bible is accurate & divinely inspired?

  • notverylikely

    Not verylikely you can read my bio then go to my myspace page and buy my cd and tell me how much I know about publishing.

    Not very much.

    I know a lot about books research and sales.

    Right. That's why you have no idea how things work.

    My wifes family worked for capital records back in the 70's and I know how they make hit albums.

    Which aren't books....

    I can sell cd's for 10$ with an investment of less than 1 $ in material.

    Which has nothing to do with books...

    I know about marketing and promotion in fact this Friday I will be out playing at Lake Tarpon resort

    promoting my music that you can buy on my space or CD baby.

    Which has nothing to do with books...

  • streets76

    It makes me wonder why somebody would go into the business of disproving a book?

    Maybe because the world is full of people who would like nothing better than to oppress others with authority from said book.

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