Is the Gospel of Matthew a clever fake ?

by wobble 99 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PSacramento

    The criteria is explained in the bible itself. Was God speaking through these men or were they just postulating?

    So the criteria for whether the GOM is fake is whether it was written before or after the fall of Jerusalem because of the possible interpretation in it to the fall of Jerusalem?

  • Terry

    1.Which, as you know, is the case with the vast majority of any and all historical writings we have today.

    2.What criteria would we use to decide that Matthew, or any Gospel, was Fake?

    1."Any" historical writings you know of that purport to give us inerrant and inspired directions from God? Irrelevent and immaterial point, then.

    2.Occam's Razor gives us a way of ruling out that a man raised people from the dead, walked on water and survived crucifixion to become the chief editor of the Watchtower Society.

  • PSacramento
    1."Any" historical writings you know of that purport to give us inerrant and inspired directions from God? Irrelevent and immaterial point, then.

    I don't recall the sciptures SAYING this, though I do recall people saying it.

    Paul mentiones that scriptures are inspired, yes, insipred does not equal innerrant and since the historical validity of them is brought up then historical validity IS the point and they are as historically valid as any other historical document and perhaps more so in some cases.

    You can't bring up the same tired point about "no originals, only copies of copies, oldest examples are 100 years after the event" and NOT have that point question in light of what that means Terry and what that means is historical validity.

    2.Occam's Razor gives us a way of ruling out that a man raised people from the dead, walked on water and survived crucifixion to become the chief editor of the Watchtower Society.

    Ok, that was funny !!

    Now I see Jesus as Perry White !

  • BurnTheShips

    Ockham's razor is a good guide. But it is not an unbreakable law.


    So the criteria for whether the GOM is fake is whether it was written before or after the fall of Jerusalem
    because of the possible interpretation in it to the fall of Jerusalem?

    'Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive.'

  • PSacramento

    'Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive.'

    Is that like "Close lid before striking match" ?

  • Terry

    You can't bring up the same tired point about "no originals, only copies of copies, oldest examples are 100 years after the event" and NOT have that point question in light of what that means Terry and what that means is historical validity.

    Somehow I never tire of bringing up that point. At least now you can quote it verbatim! That's progress, surely!!

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    I only ever read the intellectual posts in these threads, like the ones by leo. I always ignore the aplogoists now lol, i've come to realise that they have nothing interesting or coherent to say

  • moshe

    Matthew 26:26, where Jesus broke a "loaf", struck me as either a bad translation or it was written by someone who had no idea what the Jewish Passover was about. There is no bread to be found during passover in Jerusalem even today. For the Sanhedrin and Chief Priest to meet in secret on the night of Passover would be like asking the Pope to have a business meeting with his Cardinals on Christmas eve. In my opinion, it just wouldn't happen the way the Gospels said it did. The writers of the Gospels seemed to not be aware of Jewish customs, which wouldn't be unusual, if they were written many decades after the fall of Jerusalem

  • PSacramento
    Somehow I never tire of bringing up that point. At least now you can quote it verbatim! That's progress, surely!!

    LMAO !

    Indeed, well done Sir !


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