All I can say about thr finale of "Lost" is...

by changeling 101 Replies latest jw friends

  • yknot

    OH SCREW THAT......

    It also can be that Jack did in fact changed things....

    They lived out their lives as if the Oceanic never crashed.....

    Now that they are all dead in this alternate universe.....they have sought each other out as it was such a unifying experience.

    ARRRGGGG Why the Hell are they delaying Kimmel for the stupid local news!

    I need Jimmy NOW

  • yknot

    Kimmel's on now....

    Check back in a bit

    Kimmel said it best so far...


  • Gregor

    I never found Lost. I ignored it for years, but apparently it grabbed a lot of viewers. The best ending of a long running series, imo, was the Sopranos.

    The current show that has us enthralled is Breaking Bad. Have no idea where it will end up but it is addictive.

  • BurnTheShips

    People still watch TV?

  • changeling

    You would have liked this ending, Burns... :)

  • mrsjones5

    So I guess I really didn't miss anything by not watching it?

  • changeling

    No, I wouldn't say that, Mrs. Jones... it was quite an experience!

  • mrsjones5

    Hm, it never did appeal to me. I can't say that I regret not jumping on the bandwagon.

  • changeling

    Here's the explanation someone on another forum gave, I think she was right:

    "When they were all in the church at the end, and the sideways world from this season, that was their afterlife so that they could all join up again. Some died on the island, some went on, those who were on the plane at the end lived their lives (Kate, Claire, Sawyer etc) but upon their deaths, whenever that is/was they meet together because their experiences on the island were the most important of their lives."

  • yknot

    ...... On Kimmel.....

    Fox was saying it was the journey of Jack's accepting his death........all along.

    Oh well...... I appreciate the goofy alternate endings, they made me laugh.

    (Damn when does True Blood start back?)

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