How did you find the strength to leave?

by SAHARA 49 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • daringhart13

    After years of loyal service as an elder....after being raised in "the truth".... after knowing about the lying and corruption among elders.... after watching my son made fun of by field service groups while at lunch/them at a 'break'...... after watching an adulterous woman get away without so much as ONE meeting to deal with her......... it finally came down to this:

    I was away on a business trip in the exact opposite corner of the country. I got a call letting me know I was being slandered. I returned home and never went back. Enough was enough. a landslide.....the worst collection of people I've ever been around.

  • AudeSapere

    I didn't have the energy to stay.

    I was a walk-away believer who stumbled upon the fade-method. I thought the WT was the true religion but just on a very wrong path. To stay in my seat at the KH was to be complicit with people and teachings that in my heart I knew to be wrong and very unchristian.

    Got up from my chair during one meeting, said a little prayer to myself as I walked out the door.

    13 years later I learned it was never the 'truth'.

    Welcome, Sahara. You've been pretty quiet all these years. Nice that you spoke up today.


  • jwfacts

    I didn't have the energy to stay.

    Damn AudeSapere, that was going to be my line.

    Regarding staying sane, I think I was a bit on the edge of sanity for a while. At the time Gnarls Barkely's song Crazy was released and it seemed to fit perfectly. Who were the crazy ones, us or them?

  • millions now living are dead
    millions now living are dead

    I feel like Odysseus. Like my soul got off course somewhere in the grand scheme of things, I suppose. I got plopped in the wrong family and the wrong religion and I'm just trying to get home.


  • AudeSapere
    Damn AudeSapere, that was going to be my line.

    Neener, neener, neener~!!!

  • noni1974

    I had no choice but to DA myself. Growing up in a JW family 4 generations strong meant that if I left I would never be left alone. I would always have to watch my back. I would not let a religion I didn't believe in have that kind of power over my life. I told my mom my feelings and she told the elders. So the next day I wrote and sent my DA letter. I have been free for 12 years now. It was one of the best things I ever did for myself. I took control of my life and stopped living it to please others. Instead I only worry about my own happiness.

    It was hard, it still can be at times, but so worth it.

  • cyberjesus

    love for knowledge

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I dont know if was strength in me. I think i just found that i had to get away or kill myself. The battle between the spiritual man and the fleshly man was more than i could bear. I took the pressure off by not 'having' to be bound by bible rules.

    They told me i took the easy way out, but i can tell you, there is nothing easy about losing ones wife, children, family and friends, house, car, clothes and money and having to start again as a person.


  • designs

    Its different for everyone but sometimes you just walk out the KH door walk acroos the parking lot, get in your car and it becomes the last time.

  • wobble

    Dear Designs,

    that is what happened to me ! and it wasn't until a good few Meetings had been missed that my wife said "Are we never going back then?" that I paused for a moment and then said "No, we are never going back".

    The reasons were Doctrinal, I had never been badly treated in a noteworthy way, I had never fallen out with anybody.

    I knew all my family would reject me,they now have minimal contact, but so far I have avoided being DA'd or DF'd because it suits me, as to my family. if their love is conditional, that is up to them, my love is not, I love them whether they are dubs or not.

    It is not an easy road, I was born in and in for 58 years. It is a road I had to follow to be true to myself.

    It is not as frightening as you think it will be when you are in, you just adjust as time goes on to the new circumstances.

    My wife and I now say we are the happiest we have ever been !


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