Making the leap - lurker to member - Hello!

by Hadit 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Welcome and biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig hugs!! It takes a long time for all the animosity to surface and diffuse and settle in. You can see how the LOVE of these people is peeled back like a cheap veneer who they really are. FRIENDS?? Oh hell no they arent your friends OR your brothers and sisters! They are captives like we all were. Robots. !!


  • mentallyfree31

    Welcome to the forum. Sounds like you have decontructed quite a bit already. Lots of emotions come out as a person is exiting, but the freedom is wonderful. Good luck to you!


  • jamiebowers

    Welcome! Hopefully you can get your son out.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Welcome to the forum Hadit.


  • GLTirebiter

    Welcome, Hadit! Learning the truth about "The Truth" is a big step, you're well on your way to recovering and taking back the rest of your life. Glad to have you here!

  • not a captive
    not a captive

    Hello Hadit,

    It's great to have the freedom to TALK.

    To say what you think whether it is "right" or "wrong".

    I hope your family notices how happy true freedom of religion makes you.


  • 2pink


    I don't post much (simply don't have the time) but i read here as often as i can.

    my husband and i left the org last sept. both of our entire extended families are active JWs and shun us now (though we aren't even DFed!). i can tell you that the most painful moments in my life have been in the last 8 months............but i would not change a thing. extracting ourselves and our family (we have 2 little girls) has been extremely difficult because of the family ties. but i LOVE my life a way i never knew was possible when i was a JW. i am finally experiencing real "happiness"...not just the watered down, designer imposter JW experience of "happiness". what i never realized when i was "in" was that that religion never fit me. i was never one of them, and that is why i was so miserable as a witness. and even more important to me, my kids have the chance at a normal childhood, free of conditional relationships. what a gift they have.

    anyway, post and read away. it helps. it helped me considerably and still does when i'm having "moments". ;) also feel free to pm me if you want to chat...i know it's so hard to find ppl who know what you are really going through. hang in there, it gets better, i promise.

  • Hadit

    I’m so glad I joined! Thank you for all your kind words and for sharing your pains and successes. I have gained some insights already.

    When I first realized what was going on I completely panicked and felt like I had to wake everyone up and get them out right now. I thought they would see what I saw. Smack! Shock! Fear! More panic! I have since realized that I have to sit back (VERY hard to do) and reflect and actually THINK and be smart (well, try at least!) I don’t want my family to be some pawns in a sick and sinister organization.

    The question was asked (sacolton) if there would have been anything someone outside the organization could have done to speed my doubts about the Watchtower? That is a question I have been mulling over in my mind for a couple of months. Since mind control is involved the issue becomes complex. I have been making some notes and formulating some ideas. I have also been trying to remember what actually went on in my mind when people tried to show me things that were truth and I wouldn’t listen. I will type up my notes and perhaps everyone can chip in with their thoughts, ideas and experiences. I’m sure we can come up with something that can be useful. Trying to wake family up and get them out is a great motivating factor.

    Hope this post made sense – it’s late and I’m tired.


  • four candles
    four candles

    Good to see you around,Hadit. Hope you can keep strong in your will. Keep going kid,it's a rocky road sometimes but one we all need to take at times.

    Rock on!!!!

  • Nellie

    Welcome Hadit to your new life! I'm surprised that no one has mentioned a very valuable tool most of us used when we first got on this road, the book Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz. I had never heard the other side of the Malawi story until I read it in there! So you're already ahead of the game. The title alone is inspiring!

    It's not going to be easy walking down this road without your husband. I would expect him to exert more "headship" leadership in an effort to control your actions. He'll probably want to make sure to do family study each week with your son in an effort to protect him. Knowing this ahead of time will help you to be prepared and ready.

    As you know, there are many here who have been where you are and are more than open to share. The best is yet to come!

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