Sexual Repression 101. Pure WT Gold: Wednesday's Daily Text.

by Open mind 88 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mindmelda

    The numbers alone say that masturbation does not "make you gay".

    98% of males masturbate. Only 7 to 10% of males indentify as gay. That means most of the masturbators out there are practicing heterosexuality.

    Apparently with either their right or left hand.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    If a menage a deux is not possible, then a

    menage a uno is better than

    no menage at all.


  • cult classic
    cult classic

    There is so much humor in these posts I'd be copying and pasting all day........ROFL

    You guys are funny!

    Cult Classic

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Full disclosure:

    I stole the phrase "menage a uno" from dear Mr. Farkel.


  • ana_dote

    this is such a great thread...i don't even know what all to say!!!

    I do find it kind of...odd, perhaps...that they would qualify sex between two people only okay if there is a man-made marriage license involved. As far as I recall, the only kind of "evidence" in bible days that two people were "married" is if the guy brought the chick home....or something lol

    So why cannot sex between two people who are COMMITTED to one another emotionally, but simply not legally married, be ok? Obviosuly, from a biblically moral standpoint, one should not go out and have a bunch of one night stands, but who is to say that they cannot be in a certain level of a committed relationship and not have sex? I agreed with whoever said that it would certainly weed out bad marriage potential.

    I've heard so many times over the years the phrase "why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free"...thus discouraging the concept of sex before marriage (aka without a marriage license). HOWEVER.....what if the cow doesn't produce milk at all!? What if the milk is gross? (for lack of other descriptive ideas lol) Who would want to buy the cow AT ALL, if they weren't happy with the milk?? It would be WAY WORSE to buy the cow, find out the milk is not acceptable and then be stuck with a useless cow!! whole analogy there is cracking me up HAHAHAHAHAHA

    I know I don't want a useless cow for a mate!!!! LOLOLOL

  • mindmelda

    Most people won't buy a pair of shoes without trying them on, either, if you need another analogy besides the cow one.

  • SixofNine
    Most people won't buy a pair of shoes without trying them on, either, if you need another analogy besides the cow one.

    Another might be: You wouldn't want to commit to only having sex with this one person, if you hadn't had sex with them more than a few times so that you know you are sexually compatible, would you?

    Admittedly that might not go over so well with JW's.

  • OnTheWayOut

    As a young JW, you just cannot win.
    They pressure you to be baptized before puberty, before you realize what's ahead of you. They say you are mature enough to know what you are doing. They say that the normal things that teens get into are horrible violations of God's laws. I know that Christianity in general disapproves of premarital sex and drunkenness and some of these things, but Christianity in general doesn't insist on treating a teen like an adult, doesn't insist on prying into their lives, doesn't tell the teens they will lose everlasting life for their 'indiscretions." Plus, parents that are aware that normal teens have these 'indiscretions' are able to minimize the damages in many cases, but JW parents and others may find themselves shunning the teens when they need attention the most.

    WTS does so much damage already. Well, along comes a teen that has managed to suffer through all that and comes up with the typical JW solution- young marriage. I know it's not great, but to stay a JW, it's a whole lot better than thinking Jah will smite you for self-abuse or anything else.

    I doubt a whole army of young ones will listen to such advice, but their parents might. What a shame.

  • ana_dote

    I shudder to think about the (possibly rare, but maybe not SO rare) couples who marry only to find out the husband might be "too big" for his wife....or perhaps the wife has had some kind of psychological trauma that prevents her from being able to go through with sex, but because she'd never tried before, she didn't know she couldn't. I actually knew one sister who didn't get married until her 30s and apparently she was sealed up so tight she had to go through actual therapies to open herself up AT ALL. Could you imagine THAT wedding night?? "um...where?...i can't....wait...what the hell!?!" *shudders*

    such scary thoughts!

  • JeffT

    Reminds me of a cartoon in Playboy years ago. Man and woman sitting up in bed. She's saying "Look, just because I said I don't believe in sex before marriage, doesn't mean I believe in sex AFTER marriage."

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