Sexual Repression 101. Pure WT Gold: Wednesday's Daily Text.

by Open mind 88 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    I think the quote.. Every day, waves of sensual images are directed at us. Sensual, they used the word sensual? That's more disturbing that anything the text was saying. "Did you see that really sensual commerical yesterday?"

  • transhuman68

    This is the kind of advice that fries your brain. You can't jack off, you can't commit 'fornication' and you can't get married. WTF?

  • awildflower

    How should young Christians react to this unwholesome influence, which can arouse sexual desire even against their will?

    This cracks me up, who says "it's against their will".

    Still, no matter how challenging the situation is, true Christians know that an scriptural divorce is not an acceptable solution to problems associated with an unhappy union.

    That right there jacks a lot of people up. Your taught to believe you have no options.

  • flipper

    OPEN MIND- Good thread. Wow- This one touched a nerve with me ! I agree with the poster CONFUZZLED- Hypocrisy at the tenth degree ! On the one hand the WT society admits young people having sexual urges- yet out of the same corner of their mouths they criticize any who marry to satisfy those urges ! What's a young person to do who is 19 or 21 years old ? Go jack off in a corner and secretly masturbate ? Oh, wait- forgot- that's not allowed either. Witness youths aren't allowed to cohabit or live together without marriage - so the WT society in my opinion is GUILTY of FORCING these young people to marry at 20 or so- or they'll be kicked out of the congregation for sexual immorality ! So young people are damned if they do, damned if they don't.

    The WT society would rather young people in their early 20's spend about 10 years pioneering, or going to Bethel, or being missionaries so they can steal away their lives ( including their sexual lives. ) By the time some JW's figure it out ( if they're lucky ) they are so repressed sexually by the time they are 30 - they have no social skills or knowledge of how to HAVE sex - or how to properly appeal to someone sexually without feeling awkward about it.

    The WT society sets it's young people UP for early marriages and sets them up for failure by their " no unscriptural divorce " policy. So a JW is stuck in a loveless marriage for life- unless they break the JW cults rules to get peace of mind away from a possibly abusive marriage. WT society has a lot to answer for. They set young people up- then knock them down. AARGH ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • man in black
    man in black

    Mr. Flipper voiced my opinion exactly

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Most of their rhetoric these days is not God-focused but about behavior modification or CONTROL of the flock, i.e. how JWs should think and behave, and almost never discuss God, his nature, the question of God's permission of evil, etc., etc. Almost nothing about church history: How many JWs know anything about the Bible canon and how it was established? Or how to defend their beliefs effective against critics who argue that Isaiah for example, was written by two different authors (deutero-Isaiah), or that the book of Daniel is a post-exilic work (written much later than claimed)? What happens when they're confronted (or blind-sided is a better word) when a household knows more than he/she should about the Society's history?

  • WTWizard

    To start, I agree that marriage will provide a measure of "tribulation in the flesh". Part of this is because they might not be compatible. However, allowing fornication would weed out a lot of these bad matches before they are finalized! As is, they cannot possibly know whether or not they are compatible until after they are married, no matter how long they wait. Enforcing chaperones on people that are 18 and older only prevents them from fully knowing if they are compatible.

    Another source of "tribulation in the flesh" is that both sides have to compromise. You have two people, and no matter what, they are going to have differences. One might like Christmas decorations up all summer, while the other might only like a few simple ones up in season. One might like country music while the other is into heavy metal or rap. You have to share things now, where you were used to having them to yourself. A partner coming and going is bound to disrupt things from time to time, and you have to get used to it. One partner might also be a lousy money manager, or have annoying habits (like leaving the cap off the toothpaste) that you have to put up with. And some people are slobs--others are clean freaks. While these traits might make for friction, they are not usually the marriage breakers.

    The real trouble comes when one of the partners becomes a tyrant. Usually it's the husband that orders the wife around--especially among the witlesses. The husband knocks down the Christmas tree that the wife spent so much time on putting up (in season, at that). The husband insists that there is going to be no cable TV or Internet access. He insists that the wife is going to pio-sneer no matter what. He puts down all her favorite brands of things, forcing his preference on her consistently. The wife needs his permission before doing anything. Now, that is when the marriage is likely to go down the toilet--and notably, most husbands that are like that are likely to be the very ones that the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger wants the "sisters" to go after!

    As I see it, there is nothing wrong with fornication. Although I don't necessarily recommend casual sex (you can get AIDS or an unwanted pregnancy that way), I am not going to say anything against that, aside the possible consequences (the AIDS or the baby). I am also not going to say anything against homosexuality between consenting adults, or people that do not know that their partner is in fact their fleshly brother/sister or was not "properly divorced". However, not giving them a chance to try things out, and encouraging husbands to be tyrants and "sisters" to seek out tyrants, is simply going to maximize the tribulation that marriage will bring on.

    As for marrying at an early age, I would rather see plain old fashioned fornication. That way, when it ends, it is not the end of the world. It still hurts, but it is easier when it does end if you don't also have a lot of legal and formal issues to complicate things.

  • Quillsky
    Most of their rhetoric these days is not God-focused but about behavior modification or CONTROL .........

    Some very good points, Room 215. A bit off-topic, but I have always felt the same way. Why were we studying the same simple little books over and over again when the bible and its anthropology, its history, its sociology, can all be so much more interesting?

    Oh yes, I remember now. Control.

  • Quillsky
    Usually it's the husband that orders the wife around--especially among the witlesses. The husband knocks down the Christmas tree

    I had to laugh at this........ unlikely amongst the witlesses!

    WTW, you sound like a sweet guy who's given this a lot of thought. I hope you're out there meeting lots of women now, and find your life partner soon.

  • booby

    Young people (JW's) don't get married so that they can have sex. They get married so that they can escape domineering parental control. Everything in their lives is controlled and forced upon them and they crave for some sanity in their lives. Those that survive the "young" married years often do okay and if they get out of the cult together flourish.

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