I read CofC this week on holiday...life changing stuff!

by Lozhasleft 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Lozhasleft

    Hi everyone...thank you for all your well wishes for my Scottish hols...it was nice..warm dry weather...lovely scenery...a good rest..

    What I will remember the most about the holiday is that I read Ray Franz's book there...in fact I struggled to put it down. It was so revealing and informative but was also written without bitterness or malice. It stirred many emotions within me ...too many probably...anger, remorse, indignation, sorrow, heartbreak, frustration, sympathy....you name it...

    A big emotional journey for me....thanks to all for the recommend I would hate to have missed it....

    Loz x

  • Elsewhere

    Yes... it's an awesome book.

  • Heaven

    in fact I struggled to put it down.

    Hi Loz... glad your vacation was good! This is goes for me too. I read it quite quickly and had similar reactions. I felt quite drained afterwards. So much the average Joe/Jane JW doesn't know.

    The part about the GB not having time to read the Bible was quite an eye-opener. Really, everything about the GB was an eye-opener. So much I never knew and now that I do, I am saddened and angered by the results that have occurred in my family all for this false group.

  • cantleave

    Loz, it really is a book that anyone who is or has been associated with JW's should read.

  • sd-7

    Yup. That book is the point of no return for you. Sure was for me. Hard to face, but worth reading. Wish you the best.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I was past the point of no return when I read it, but it's hard to imagine that some JW's could read it and remain JW's. No way.

  • leavingwt

    I read it in less than 72 hours. It changed my life -- for the better. Before I finished it, I knew that I was no longer a JW.

  • Lozhasleft

    Its true...and how diabolical that the GB are too busy being important to read their Bibles ? I always had this image of them diligently studying it to discern truths etc..and until reading I hoped that it was just elders who'd gone power crazy who treated ones so shabbily so to hear about their 'witch hunt' was such a disappointment. I cant believe they can sleep at night while they dishonor God by their Pharisaical attitudes...so much for their Bible trained consciences!!

    I wish I could get so many loved ones to read it

    Loz x

  • leavingwt

    Loz -- Have you read 'Captives of a Concept'? It's much shorter, but connects some of the dots that Ray highlights, regarding WT's claim of authority.

  • Vinny

    As much as I liked and benefitted from Crisis of Conscience; for me personally, his second book, In Search of Christian Freedom, was even better. He simply exposes error after error, an entire history full of contradictions and false predictions, continuous hypocrisy and embarrassments along with other gargantuan problems which outright expose the Watch Tower's claim to being chosen and directed by God as irrefutably False. I have underlined and highlighted probably half the book now ... it was that good. I particularly (and recently) appreciated his points on page 647 under the subheading, "Resisting the crippling power of Bitterness". A great source of help for any EX Jehovah's Witness.

    Ray Franz, IMO, is a very special man!


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