I read CofC this week on holiday...life changing stuff!

by Lozhasleft 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life
    For me, the book caused an almost incendiary fury - I clearly remember the panic [while I was still "in"...] that had spread thru the rank&file JWs during the Malawi persecution - their very real sufferings were held up to us as righteous "examples" of what OUR behavior should be under 'persecution', as well as being used to "prepare" us for the "Great Tribulation"... I also remember thinking at the time that the WTBTS was being uncomfortably salacious in the way they lingered over the stories of the sisters being gang-raped...
    So when [decades later...] I read the "Crisis" book, I had an "AHA" moment - something about the WTBTS' breathless accounts of the violence in Malawi had sounded contrived or too convenient to me...

    I had very similar feelings to you. All that Malawi stuff was happening right about the time that I refused to go to anymore meetings. Yes, there was a feeling of panic and I wasn't sharing that feeling. I couldn't take it anymore. My friends at school didn't live this way with all this fear and turmoil in their lives. I totally agree with you about them being "uncomfortably salacious" about the gang-rapes.

    The Malawi chapter in Ray's book was the most enlightening to me because I remember it and I knew something was not right. It was like JWs were living on some other planet from the rest of the world. I had a big "AHA" moment, too when I read that chapter.

    Great post. You expressed everything very well. Thank God for this board. I have no one else to talk to about this stuff that happened in my life. No one else would understand.

  • WTWizard

    I got the book in late 2006, when I first turned apostate. This validates the fact that the witlesses are indeed built on flimsy premises, they mistreat those working for them, and they are hypocrites. Definitely, I wish I would have had that book around 1984 or 1985--I would have never joined the cancer in the first place, realizing this came from the inside, and exposed the "truth" to be anything but.

  • Lozhasleft

    So much of it was shocking and when I read that in Mexico the brothers couldnt pray openly or sing or carry Bibles and not because of a ban but to enable the org to dodge taxes as a religion, that really shook me up, this went on for some 50 years, they had to pretend they didnt have a faith, talk about double standards!! When so many others were being persecuted and killed for those same things.....how appalling....unforgiveable...

    Loz x


    after you finish C o C then read the C C C


  • jookbeard

    I believe I would have left anyway had I not read both of Rays books, the timing was just right though for me to read them, I'd sneak out in the car and park up and read a couple of hours a time, at that time I just read anything I could get my hands on about the WTS it became an addiction in a way, also Carl Olaf Jonson's 2 works are hugely recommended.

  • A.Fenderson

    after you finish C o C then read the C C C

    What book are you referring to here?


    after you finish C o C then read the C C C

    What book are you referring to here?

    Why, the cathicism of th Catholic church...of course.


  • Hiding Questioner
    Hiding Questioner

    "To me, it is absolutely the #1 book that should be read by anyone that has left or is thinking of leaving the JW cult. There are other books that are important to read also but this one is about Jehovah's Witnesses and it comes from someone who was at the top level."

    Agree 100%. What upset me the most is when I saw the date it was first published..the early 80s and suddenly realized what pain, hurt and wasted time and emotions (nevermind money) I could have saved myself from if I had only learned about and read this book around that time. Only read it for the first time in 2006 and it was the last straw for me.


  • A.Fenderson

    Why, the cathicism of th Catholic church...of course.

    Why is it interesting/helpful/good?

  • crapola

    I read Cof C and found it very enlightening. I would also like to read In Search Of Christian Freedom. Need to get that ordered.

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