Come On And PLAY!!!

by snowbird 359 Replies latest social entertainment

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    Who will play a game today

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Hi everyone! I will, Nancy!!

    Every Friday evening, after our last shift at The Fallout Cafeteria, CoCo, Wibby, Frenchy and I head over to Cherno-Bill's Bar to drink 1/2 price White Russians. Bill's only criteria is to have CoCo perform "OnThe Hills of Manchuria" while we all wear Cossack hats and take turns dancing the waltz with Bill.

    ( Just a piano performance of "On The Hills of Manchuria"-- not our CoCo)


    pinafore, pinochle, Pinocchio

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    Penny Potter's profile includes a pretty picture of Penny posing in a polyester pinafore with pouchy pockets. Her prized possession is a pinocchio puppet and she participates regularly with persons who love to play pinochle on a porch.

    chip dip slip

  • nancy drew
  • nancy drew
  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I did a double dip with my potato chip and Marjorie noticed my slip and went ballistic.

    Hi Nancy and rip!

    sway, play, neigh

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Good morning players, CoCo, Nancy and all the rest !!

    You're the best!


    Horses neigh

    Children play

    Palmtrees sway

    Sun shines during the day.

    Gee, where the hel(p) are my keys?!?


    Bunch, lunch, punch.

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    Stanley had a crazy hunch

    that if he brought a lovely bunch

    of roses to his sweethearts lunch

    He might avoid a nasty punch

    but even as he tried to scrunch

    she swung her purse he heard the crunch

    groovy movie ratatouille

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I'm certain I heard the word "groovy" in an old movie -- much older than it seemed that word was. Well, anywho, I always enjoy a heaping, huge helping of ratatouille while watching any swell old time flick!

    went, gone, go

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    I went to the park to take a spin on the merry-go-round only to find it was long gone.


    Stipple, topple, staple

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