Was You a Bethelite, Elder,CO, DO, GB, Publisher, Missionary,Ministerial Servant or Pioneer class?????

by Scott77 80 Replies latest social relationships

  • Quirky1

    Blondie?? I had no idea..

  • blondie

    Of course, Quirky, no one knew except God..............and my family.

  • 70-Years-Of-Servatude

    I was baptized at 15. Was an MS at 18-21. Was removed after I decided the bar was more interesting than the KH.

  • wasastar

    Elder 17 years, RBC 15 years, stepped down 5 years ago after thinking about it for years. DC and CA parts every year. I am doing the slow fade. No reporting FS for 2 years. No actual FS for 9 mos. My wife is an enthusiastic JW and a sincerely genuine christian. I attend about 60% of the meetings. Enjoy the company of some of the Bros. Gave a talk on the school last night. I have three children, one in and two out. I no longer believe in the company. wasastar

  • SnakesInTheTower

    aux pio...regular pio (incl when it was 1,000 hrs a year).... temp at bethel twice (86 brooklyn 3 weeks; 96 walkill 4 weeks),..... MS.... twice....appt 1986...del 1991... reappointed 1996...elder 2001... graduated Ministerial Training School 2002.... declined 1st assignment...went to 2nd assignment for 4 months..realized it was all BS... waited 10 monhts to be reappointed elder...reappointed.... deleted xmas 2006...changed congos/circuits..... slow fade jan 2007...last meeting Sept 2007.... never look back

    I have commented on what all I was involved in on similar threads..the above is a quick and dirty recap....

    what a waste of life...glad I woke up while I still have some youth (43) and energy....

    now have a great nonJW fiancee and soon to be stepson...

    Snakes (Rich )

  • jambon1

    I was a pioneer & m/s.

    I took my responsibilities seriously & felt like I could eventually make a differance.

    How many people have said this & how wrong they we

  • Scott77


  • AllTimeJeff

    I "made it" to Elder, Gilead, Missionary.

    .... and then apostate.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    was a ministerial servant, regular pioneer serving where the need was greater, regularly gave public talks in local and city congregations, once even interstate, had sister in law in bethel, was excepted to bethel construction and was considered elder material.

    then i started sinning and life has never been better...


  • Scott77

    AllTime Jeff,

    You never said how long for each service.


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