Why would a woman want to look like that?

by TD 35 Replies latest social physical

  • jaguarbass

    This was a Martha Stewart publication with a female editor and writing staff, which only makes the question more perplexing -- Why is this impossible, unattractive standard held up as ideal for women? Do some women actually think this look is desirable?

    Two things pop into my head to your question.

    1 this is a consumeristic socitey. We have to be chasing carrots that we cant catch.

    Not being able to be thin as a model but trying to be thin as a model is good for all kinds of businesses.

    Food, clothing, exercise, gyms, the magazine industry. People by pictures of the magazines so

    they can look at the models and fantasize being that thin, while they drink their diet cokes

    with their big macs.

    The second thought is that we are all in a computerized matrix run by machines and fat people

    looking at thin models creates energy, stress, tension, for the batteries.

  • ziddina

    "I would be willing to bet that not one of these models could even run a 10K...."

    Like TD said...

    Personally, I don't like the appearance of runners, either - or bicyclists who don't include upper-body exercises in their regimen... Too much muscle in the leg; next to nothing on top. Triathelon atheletes are more balanced; upper-body strength as well as lower...

    On the other hand, people who focus exclusively on weight-lifting don't seem to have the stamina needed for long-distance hiking or bicycling...

    I walk/hike/snowshoe/bicycle with weight-lifting/belly-dancing for upper-body strength.. That is, that's my program NOW, since I've stopped eating candy/pastries/junk food, like I [UNFORTUNATELY] have done for the last 8 years... Lost my nice figure....

    But I'm gonna get it back!! Zid

    Now, if you look at pictures of various tribal groups around the world, like the Aborigines of Australia, Amazonian jungle dwellers, or the Bushmen of Africa, you're probably looking at what WE should look like, if we were eating the "Caveman" diet and doing similar exercises - walking, running, tool-making, swimming - but not in croc-infested waters, climbing - rocks and hills as well as trees, and building smaller shelters...

  • Mary

    I did a survey 5 years ago on here as to whether women would want to look like Kate Moss or Kate Winslet and whether men would want to sleep with Kate Moss or Kate Winslet. Guess what? The majority preferred Kate Winslet. Kate Moss looks like a walking advertisement for Ethiopia.


  • JeffT

    I remember that poll. I still prefer looking at Kate Winslet. I don't like women who make me think about concentration camp survivors.

  • UnConfused

    AND Kate Moss is a smoker...yuck.

    Remember that gal, Marilyn Monroe? Super sexy bombshell, not skinny.

    Scarlett Johansson.............mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I would imagine that men might get bruised by a skinny, bony skeleton.

  • mkr32208

    Because all the fashion designers are gay and not to be offensive but they don't like women. They like men so they want women who look like men and or boys.

    Had a patient the other day who was a cover girl for glamour and 17 she was telling me how she developed an eating disorder. Stated she was 5'8" and weighted 107lbs went to a photo shoot and the photographer (very gay and flamboyant) stated 'honey I don't shoot fat girls...'

    This isn't a jab at gay men it's a simple fact if they liked women then well... They wouldn't be gay would they!?

  • palmtree67

    The fashion and entertainment industries ping pong back and forth between the thin vs. the non-anorexic look.

    Thin is "in" right now, unfortunately for we "voluptuous" ladies.

  • PSacramento

    Women coem in all shapes and size and unless they in the extreme ( too thin or too fat) they shouldbe too hung up on how their bodies look, not unless there are healt issues of course ( back to the extreme part).

    Women of almost all sizes can be sexy

  • Magwitch

    My youngest daughter (17) is 90 pounds at 5 foot 3. She runs 6 miles every morning - works her upper body - is a strict Vegan. I would love to see her weigh more, however she is full of energy and endophins. Feels and looks great. Sure some men will find her a bit boney, but as long as she is healthy - that is all I care about.

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