Why would a woman want to look like that?

by TD 35 Replies latest social physical

  • TD
    ....but as long as she is healthy - that is all I care about.

    Yes. I'm a runner myself and there are lots of amatuer level events here where I live. They're always good for people watching.

    There's a big difference between skinny from youth and exercise vs. emaciated from starvation and drugs when you're older. It's easy to tell the difference even before the event starts. The latter involves loss of muscle mass, skin tone and all sorts of nasty things going on inside that you can't see.

    It's not healthy for a man or a woman, but women seem to be subjected to an enormous amount of pressure to conform.

  • AllTimeJeff

    The genius of the marketing is that these skinny models aren't designed for men, but for women.

    I think most men know and want women with curves. The problem is, many women get these images from advertisers and think that this is what men want.

    To any women who cares about my opinion, curves are cool and rule. Don't be fooled by this bullsh*t advertising.

    Kate Moss is gross, btw.... Kate Winslet? *sigh* :)

  • 144001

    If that's you in your profile pic, magwitch, you look like you have a nice thorax!

  • dgp


  • glenster
  • sammielee24

    They like men so they want women who look like men and or boys.


    And the majority of known designers are men who often state that the reason they use 14 year olds in clothing promoted for 24 year olds, is because youth sells and the clothes should own the person and not the person owning them. A woman with a figure focuses on the woman - the stick used as a clothes hanger is just a stick. Androgynous.

    You see Kirstie Alley or Pam Anderson and you are more apt to see shape...and comment on the shape. You see Kate Moss and you see pieces of a person....a facial expression, shoes, a cigarette, a purse - you don't see a shape and so your comments most generally won't be on the shape.

    Young girls see the pictures and read the comments....Kirsty Alley - fat, who'd want to look like that? They see acceptance in skinny and that becomes important to them...some forever. I can only imagine that as childhood obesity continues to rise, that magazines will either have to change their images or else we are going to have 1/3rd of our population in lifetime counseling for self esteem issues. sammieswife

  • Robdar

    Not all women are thin because they starve themselves and it isn't only overweight women that are made to feel bad because they do not measure up to society's standards.

    I was thin and had delicate features growing up. And even though middle age is causing changes, I am still not fat.

    I have never had a problem with attracting men and have had fat voluptuous women tell me straight out they do not understand why men are attracted to me. I've had women tell me that I needed to eat because I was too thin--never realizing that I ate like a horse because I had a high metabolism. And yes, thin people can be healthy.

    Forget the gays in the fashion industry. Women need to learn to stop comparing themselves to each other and putting each other down, especially over something so silly as breeding rights. Believe me, there are enough men to go around.

    I resent this thread completely and wholeheartedly. It seems silly to me that a man would start something like this. Dammit, thin women have feelings too.

    ~end rant~

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    Frank Zappa said it best

    Who wants to ride on an iron board that at no fun I rode me one

    wrap that meat all over the bones

    the bigger the cushion the better the pushing

  • Robdar

    Hmm, a good male friend of mine says the tender meat is closer to the bone.

  • yknot

    .... I thought I might add....

    Many magazines also regularly photoshop images.......

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