Can You Get DFd for Working for the Department of Defense?

by daniel-p 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • daniel-p

    Blondie... I honestly never even thought about it!

  • leavingwt
    The only thing that concerns me is how this will affect my wife and her family who we are very close to. So far I have been able to stay inactive and on friendly terms with my wife's JW friends... things have been rosy up until now....

    It will very seriously adversely affect those relationships. "Very close" will go to non-existent if your 'status' changes. Bank on it.

  • minimus

    NEVER EVER tell a JW about ANYTHING to do with your life. Got that?? (if u wanna remain under the radar).

  • RubaDub

    I guess my question would be, why would you tell anyone exactly who you work for ???

    If you are an electrician, engineer, accoutant, etc., can't you just say the "US Government?"

    I wouldn't think anyone would need to know more. If they did, I would be evasive.

    I don't know, maybe it's just me but as a JW or not, some things are better left unspoken.

    Rub a Dub

  • dinah

    I know an elder's son, still in good standing as far as I know. He works for the FBI.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Aw crap Daniel.

    Ditto what Blondie said.

    Oh well, do what you've gotta do.


  • minimus

    JWs are the only people, the only "family" that flip out over anything that anyone else would congratulate you about. They suck.

  • daniel-p

    NEVER EVER tell a JW about ANYTHING to do with your life. Got that?? (if u wanna remain under the radar).

    ! My brother asked me who the company was. I told him. It would not have sufficed to just say "US Government"

  • minimus

    Daniel, you simply CAN'T tell them because they're programmed to flip out. Government= The Wild beast.

  • minimus

    Government is only OK for library services.

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