I had a marvelous vision from the FSM!

by AK - Jeff 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    As I walked along the road last night something seemed unusual. I can not put my finger on it, but I felt the spirit in my heart. I was overjoyed. A few steps later I felt it! A noodly appendage touched me. It was not my imagination. It was the Spirit of Spaghetti itself. I was given a vision in which I was 'caught away' to a large bowl filled with red-sauce and bits of the finest beef! The Flying Spaghetti Monster began to slurp softly into my ear. I did not dream this! He told me of a fine future in which all my problems will be resolved when I land in the great Pastafarian Sauce-land!

    Then he began to reveal to me the Great Pasta Scroll! I am so blessed! My Monster loves me enough to use me to write the first portions of His Great Pasta Roll! I cannot reveal it here - but trust me it is ABSOLUTE PROOF to scoffers of His Greatness! I am saved!

    I am too excited to reveal all at this moment. But Pastafarians worldwide know from where I speak! 'O Joy In Pasta Heaven!

    More later.


  • cantleave

    Worship him - all hail the great and wondrous Flying Spaghetti Monster.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I had a vision I posted on AGuest's thread about his vision. Mine was about the Invisible Pink Unicorn. So far everyone ignored it. I think they all know (including AGuest) that all these visions (brace yourself, Jeff) are bullcrap.

  • Elsewhere

    This thread makes me feel very noodly.

  • cantleave
  • cantleave

    OTWO - you blaspheme as you can see above the Unicorn became visible during 1914.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Jeff, I sent you a vision via PM.

  • peaches

    Fat Woman 4 bring on the spaghetti,,,, Spaghetti

  • AwSnap
  • Dagney


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