My Wife Got Baptized into the Organization Yesterday

by garyneal 67 Replies latest members private

  • jookbeard

    brilliant NN

  • yknot


    Keep insisting on your religious rights and equality in parenting.

    Make a point to do a husband-wife study on WT pubs (point out fallacies, verify scriptural context, etc) night and Bible only another (get her to explain her understanding of a set of scripture and share yours.... if the WTS differs lay groundwork for her to reject the WTS POV.

    Make the argument for child-appropriate study activities and information sequencing......try to keep them non-denominational.

    You're a great dad!

  • Mary

    You have my deepest sympathy garyneal.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    You have my sympathy also.

    Remember though, time is on your side.

  • cantleave

    Gary, continue to counterbalance the JW influence on your daughter.It sounds that she has her own mind but the indoctrination process is powerful on the young mind, as if the love bombing and feeling of belonging.

    I hope Nathan Natas is right .

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    However, how come Jehovah's Witnesses get so flippant and respond so unfavorably when you're trying to present facts about their religion to them?
    Don't 'present facts to them' for this very reason. Instead, ask questions in a sheeplike manner.

    ..... and make sure your daughter hears those questions too.




    This is the saddest thread..

    Your Mrs was initiated into Hell..

    You get to watch..

    .................... ...OUTLAW

  • willyloman

    Tell her you want to enroll your daughter in a private Catholic school, on the grounds that the public schools don't do a good enough job of educating kids these days.

    You don't have to actually do it, but get the brochure and leave it on the kitchen table and tell your wife you want to make time to discuss. It could be a good bargaining chip - When she reacts the way you know she will, you can fall back to "I won't force the issue if you agree to limit her association with JWs" or whatever compromise you wish to reach.

    It will let her know up front that her decision to get baptized was hers alone but you intend to let your daughter make up her mind about religion when she's an adult.

  • dgp

    Marked for later.

  • moshe

    What a rotten curve ball- I hope that somehow it works out for you and your daughter.

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