Are Any Of You Afraid of Dying At Armageddon?

by minimus 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    I know that, if I live through Armageddon and it's anything like the witlesses describe, I am going to wish I was dead.

  • donuthole

    I think it is a dirty little secret that Jehovah's Witnesses themselves fear of dying at Armageddon. I know that even when I was theocratically on top pioneer/MS I still feared the Big-A. But now there is no fear in love and I worship a loving Father who doesn't want to kill me.

  • Leolaia

    I have generally left my fears of childhood behind me.

    Yeah, I still have a few phobias, but Armageddon ain't one of them.

  • shamus100

    Let's talk about something real.

    I'm afraid of spiders. The big ones - yuck.

  • flipper

    Armageddon is a fantasy used by a mind control cult to control it's members by fear. So no- I'm not afraid of it. It doesn't exist. It's an unreality

  • slipnslidemaster

    I`m more afraid of running out of Beer..

    Beer shortages..

    When the next Beer Delivery is to,the General Store..

    There are Far more Scary things,than Armageddon!!..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • palmtree67

    I quote someone, I can't remember who:

    "Religion is for those who are afraid of Hell.

    Sprituality is for those of us who have been there."

  • chigaimasmaro

    I agree with Dandingus' view, ... well with counseling I'm NOW able to agree with that view, when my doubts started to arise, i was sincerely afriad of dying at Armageddon. I would take walks thinking about that. But it didnt logically make sense, why would ONLY those would were JWs survive, when supposedly Christ died for EVERYONE?

    So now, its just a view to doing my best as a person, if god doesnt deem me worthly of saving, at least "I" know i did my best and thats all that matters.

  • Quentin

    No...I don't want to go to hell, but then maybe I'm already there...Hmmmm, have to think, something I don't like to do....

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